
Gambling Man


03-13-2016, 02:17 PM


His pace was brisk as he moved, ears forward and tail held even with his spine. He had lost his brother, once again lagging behind and now he had lost site of the grey male. He was doing his best to keep on his brothers trail to try and catch up to him. Moving forward his eyes caught the site of the stones in the distance, making his pace slow a bit. Bright blue eyes took in what he could currently see and it drew his curiosity in. Changing his course and slowing his pace more he headed towards the territory of stones. The tall male lowered his head to the ground, his keen nose searching the ground for any recent scents. The male liked to familiarize himself with new areas, different pray, and landmarks. He wanted to make sure he if came back to this place that he could recognize where in the world he was. The tall male approached the rock garden and began to weave around the large boulders, his nose still taking in the scents he came across. He was looking for something interesting or even someone if he happen to come across them.

Finding nothing interesting to smell he jumped up onto a rock and looked around. Then the long legged male began jumping from rock to rock trying to find the biggest one that he could get the best view. When he found one the male climbed on top and settled down. Laying sternal on the rock the male looked as far as he could see hoping there would be a herd of deer to watch or something.


Art by Fox

Mercy I


5 Years

03-20-2016, 07:48 PM

Mercy Guerrero

She had been watching him from her perch on top of a rock, a small smile on her lips as her purple gaze moved with him. He was a strange looking beast, tall with intricate markings on his bodice. A black marked brow rose as he started to leap from rock to rock, coming closer to where she was. He hadn't seen her yet, laying on a flat stone, mostly hidden by a larger one before her. He came to a stop on one of the tallest rocks, only about two away from hers. She was downwind of him, so he couldn't have picked up her scent. Plus, she hadn't really moved much. Tired of hiding, she stood up and shook out her fur, giving her pale coat a few quick licks. Mercy wanted to play a little game, to see just how long it would take before he realized that she was here. So she sat down, head tilting to the side as her purple eyes locked on his form. Mmm, just how long now? She smirked, but didn't dare laugh. That would ruin her game!

occ;// Ugh terrible, sorry!


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.