
Born of Fear



5 Years
03-15-2016, 05:19 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto had the den to herself, much to her relief. The quiet space had been willingly, even happily, shared with Jakart at first, but after her recent nightmare the walls felt like they were closing in around her and the once comforting form of her lover began to feel oppressive. She began to look forward to the morning when Jak would leave her to do whatever he spent his days doing, whether it be hunting, training or patrolling with his brothers, or stopping Narcissus from becoming too much of a burden on Belladonna. Only when she was alone could the healer begin to relax, but it was also during those times when her thoughts were the loudest. These are my pups, she told herself, mine, not anyone else's. But Jakart so frequently now paid more attention to the growing swell of her belly, to the puppies within. What if he wants to take them once they're here?

She breathed out sharply through her nose, pale eyes severe within her darkened frown, and possessively curled her body just a little tighter, sheltering the life within from everyone but her. The discomfort of the pressure, which had been growing stronger throughout the day, protested against her movement, but she ignored it. Not once before had she given thought to having children of her own. One litter had been forced on her, and even then she had done everything in her power to distance herself from the pups and what potential she could have had in their lives. It had been easier that way. But bringing them to term and birthing them, being there those first few weeks until she could leave her captivity, and them, behind had left a strong sense of guilt fueled by the knowledge that she could have done better, should have done better, by those lives that she had never wanted but still somehow felt responsible for.

The current litter she carried could in no way replace the litter that had been lost to Lel - their unknown fates and her abandonment of them would always weigh on her conscience - but at least in this way Calli had a means of starting over. I'm not giving you up, she thought to the pups inside of her, wincing as the discomfort became more distinct. I'm not letting anyone take you away. Not even Jakart. Even thinking it, that he might somehow do what Lel had done and lay claim to the children, complete and total ownership with her parental rights denied, left a sour taste in her mouth. She had been so sure that he was of a timid brand, capable of being manipulated to her wishes. He had shown he had a mind of his own, however, and in his recent excitement for the birth of their litter she had read a sneaking bit of possessiveness too, a desire to be a prominent figure in their children's lives. She feared, more than she let on, that his excitement was only a mask for more selfish desires that would exclude her.

Her middle cramped, the muscles contracting, and Callisto tensed under the pain. She groaned softly, realizing then what she had failed to realize until this point. The pain and discomfort she had felt throughout the day were a warning, telling her that her birthing would begin soon. She had gotten too preoccupied with her fears to notice until there was no more denying the fact her children would soon be on their way. Nervousness afflicted her but not to the point it detracted from her ability to reason. She breathed, deep and measured, as she maneuvered herself inside of her den toward the carefully stocked pile of herbs she had saved just for this. Motherwort. Trillium. Taking measured doses of both, she hoped it was not too late, and grabbed a sprig of lavender just for the soothing scent of it. With it held tightly between her teeth, Callisto situated herself with her back to the den's entrance and focused on her breathing as the contractions came stronger, more quickly, and the birthing process began.



1 Year
03-16-2016, 07:25 PM
The umber child shifted where he remained surrounded by warmth. It wasn't by choice, a fact that he weakly protested within the membrane he was encased in as he moved along before the other one that he found himself next to in his mother. The other like him moved around just as he did, quarreling and shoving against one another as the space they were trapped in grew smaller and smaller for the growing twins. But now that changing and he didn't like it, even as he was squeezed periodically it only brought discomfort and fright to the tiny life. What was happening? The pup could only be forced along, until suddenly he was brought to life by the lack of surrounding pressure, tiny limbs weakly moving against the casing. There was a moment when he felt like he was choking and he didn't like it.

The babes tiny maw worked for air but only filled with fluid until at last his deaf ears were grazed by something. There was a sensation of tearing dangerously close and the fluid all went away as the tiny pup took in a gurgled breath of air. More and more he was caressed by his mothers tongue, whimpers leaving his scrunched muzzle as he dealt with the overwhelming sensations. Whatever was cleaning him was so warm but it was to rough! A single cry left him, bubbles forming on the side of his lips as he breathed more and filled his lungs for the first few times in his life. When the cleaning was over and there was some resemblance of a dried off pup he was placed next to something that reeked of sustenance. Instinctively the babe latched on and worked his forepaws against the teat of his mother. It just only now became apparent to him how hungry he was, nursing his fill before the competition would arrive and then curling up against the warm belly of Callisto to dutifully fall sleep.


03-22-2016, 02:02 PM
The tiny being that would eventually come to be known as Oleander squirmed, straining against the tight space that he was confined in. For the longest time, he had been comfortable and cozy, snugly sharing the space allotted to him with his brother, but for days now that space had become constraining and stifling. There was little enough room to move, and even less for comfort. It made the unborn babe more restless and undoubtedly caused his mother more discomfort as well. He was entirely unaware of what his movements did to her, or to his brother who had nowhere to get away from him, but selfishly he squirmed, fighting for some amount of space inside the womb.

It was finally making a difference. He hated that it did - the whole birthing process itself was strange and uncomfortable - but by the time he was released and freed from his confinement his ability to move was almost completely unlimited. As he was cleaned, Oleander flailed his tiny limbs, worked his little jaws, and eventually found his voice with a pleading cry. It was frightening, going from the womb to the openness of the den, but he was far from alone. His mother's tongue caressed him, cleaned him, soothed his fear, and as he began to wriggle about, nudged to her side, he felt another soft, damp presence beside him. And smelled something that he wanted.

Determinedly, the dark child cried as he crawled and pushed against his sibling to nose against his mother, searching for a means to nurse as well.



5 Years
03-22-2016, 10:43 PM

Every day since he had arrived back at the Gulley Jakart would always find a moment to visit the burial grounds of his parents at the base of the mimosa tree. He hadn't told them yet despite getting Callisto settled in a week or so prior to today. There wasn't an opportunity to return to the dream world where his mother Tahlia had been visited. She needed to know he made it, the old she wolf still probably fretting and worried sick about him. The grey wolf stood with rapt attention as he eyed the scattered flowers and feathers over the flat ground before taking a reverent step forward to place the water iris's he held between his jaws down between the graves. "So I'm," Jakart stopped suddenly and looked anxiously between his forepaws, trying to show some restraint at the news he was going to share. "going to be a father." He mumbled reverently. The grey wolf was happy at the news, at knowing that his lover carried their children without complication so far and that it would be any day before little wobbly babies entered his life. Their life. No matter how many pups there were Jakart would love all of them equally as best he could.

"Dad I hope I can do right by you, make you proud." It was all he could ever want with the family he was being bestowed with, muzzle leaning down to spread the flowers more evenly across where his parents bones rested. "Show the love you showed us mom." Jakart finished unevenly. He didn't expect that being here would be hard or sharing the news any more difficult than taking a sip of water. It had been almost three years since his parents passing. Perhaps it had been the type of news that he was sharing. With a dip of his head Jakart suddenly stepped off the side to turn away and called off to the side. "I'll come back when they have names." And with that he bounded off towards the den Callisto has taken over. She would need to be asked if she needed anything, meat, a basic herb he could find of she wasn't in the mood to stretch her paws. As Jakart approached the den he had to remember about the rock shelf one had to hop down, the protrusion about leg height and excellent against prevent pups from wandering off. Jakart knew that was the reason she picked it, in a territory like this he knew safety was a key factor. One that... Jakart stopped in front of the entrance.

There were sounds of shuffling, tiny cries coming from the inside. The grey wolf's heart leapt in his chest at the scent of birth. Had they arrived. Ears stood forward and head ducking into the den to peer inside. He had only been gone for a few hours! How many where there? Was she done? Jak could only see two wriggling forms nestled in the curve of her stomach, both black and nursing greedily, one glistening more than the fluffy other. "Callisto... they're beautiful." The stunned male whispered taking an uneasy step inside so he could curl around his lover and get a closer peek at the lives they both brought into this world. His brothers! He would need to tell them, another set of steps given as Jakart found himself inside the den and at the edge of the rock shelf, head ducking low and eyes shifting along her stomach to make sure he hadnt missed any.

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"



5 Years
03-24-2016, 02:22 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

No matter her prior birthing experience, Callisto still found difficulty with the task. She had never been someone prone to strenuous acts of exertion, even on her good days, and pushing out a live creature not once but twice was by far the most strenuous and tiring event of her life. She had managed to do so once already, and was well on her way to doing so again. Only this time she was doing it on her terms: in her own chosen location, with the necessary plants on hand, and without any unwanted observers. I can do this, Calli told herself as the contractions claimed the whole of her attention and she did her best to remember her breathing through the pain, I can. She was strong in her own right, and if she could do this twice before then she could certainly do so again.

Halfway through birthing the first pup, she began to have her doubts. Maybe she had forgotten how painful the process was, or how tiring, but she felt as if nothing could compare to what she was going through. Were the plants having any effect? Had she not taken enough of them? She groaned, struggled, and eventually had her hard work pay off. The first pup was born, and relieved for the first leg of this journey to be complete, Callisto slumped for a second against the ground. How many more? She worried to herself, feeling worn out already, but mindful of the pup in need of her attention she righted herself and began to clean it, exposing it to the air and trying to rid its slick, pitch coat of the evidence left from its birth as she curled possessively and comfortingly closer to it.

There was a lull in the process as the first pup began to nurse. Calli took that time to close her eyes and catch her breath, relaxing while she had a moment to. She expected at any moment to feel further contractions, as that was how the first litter had come about: suddenly and without much pause. Are there more? Is this it? She could hardly believe it; it had never felt as if only one pup move around within her, but more than that. Two or three in total? She had no experience with exceedingly large litters, but her expectation was answered when the painful contractions began again. Callisto spat out the sprig of lavender - it was practically falling apart now between her teeth anyway - and clenched her jaw as she worked to give birth to another pup. For whatever reason, the birth was mercifully short, and for a second time a tiny, wriggling pup was brought into the world. The exhausted mother nearly slumped over again in relief, but she could only settle herself with a quiet whine. The child needed her, and again she cleaned and consoled the crying babe that looked strangely identical to the first.

With another groan, the new mother allowed herself a second moment to catch her breath and recoup from the exertion she had put forth in delivering her first two pups. Two healthy pups, she thought as she felt them both squirm against her stomach, fighting, she presumed, for their first meal. One cried incessantly, obviously struggling, and compelled to act by the tiny, helpless voice, Callisto opened her tired eyes and reached for the little being that she had created, nudging it gently to an open spot where it could nurse without disturbing the other. Is this all? she wondered, trying to focus what little energy she had remaining on her body and how she was feeling. Everything felt...calm now, and hoping it was not simply wishful thinking she allowed herself to relax completely upon the ground while the pups nursed.

Her quiet, restful moment was short-lived. The second she heard a voice speak softly from the den's entrance in a whispered, dreamy quality, the calm about her completely disappeared. In a panic, her silver-blue eyes shot open, her body went rigid, and the hairs along her back and neck rose in warning. With her back already turned to the entryway, Callisto turned her head slightly and bared her fangs as she growled low and threatening at the figure in her doorway, ears pinning and her forelegs lifting her chest just slightly off the ground, poised to get to her feet and send her unwanted visitor away. It's Jak, her thoughts told her, recognizing the voice in an instant, but fear and paranoia worked against her. Could Jakart still be trusted? Would his true colors come out now that the pups were here? What if he tried to take them away? How could she let that happen for a second time? Mine, she growled possessively, protectively, desperately guarding the crying pups from Jak's view with her body. These pups were hers, and she was not going to let them be taken away from her like the first.



5 Years
03-24-2016, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2016, 07:03 PM by Jakart.)

Callisto looked absolutely worn out from the birth, her limbs laying extended and loose from where she lay. That all changed when he spoke his complement, voice shaking nervously at the sight of the two wriggling pups visible just over the side of her stomach. Jakart hardly wanted to move from his perch. His limbs were locked at the sight of the tiny masses of fur as they both fed upon the sustenance provided by their mother. The new mother had been well feed by the efforts of her lover, no doubt she was producing enough milk for the hungry babes. He would need to keep at it, make sure the pups grew strong and were constantly warm as their eyes opened and questions came forth from their tiny muzzles.

Instantly as the hushed remark was spoken Callisto appeared visibly startled by his sudden appearance. The healer's reaction was completely unexpected, even in the darkness of the den he could see the fur of her shoulders bristle outwards, head turning to look over her shoulder. What caught him most off guard and made him stop from hopping down was how she growled at him, primal in its warning. Callisto's ears were pinned and her front was raised off the churned dirt of the den, eyes set upon the wolf before her. Jakart's eyes went wide. Hurt gaze searching the babes at her stomach. As far as he knew his mother had always been accepting of his father when birthing his siblings. Was something wrong? Was... was there another pup off somewhere that he couldn't see? He didn't know, couldn't see the babies as his once mate curled on herself in the den that reeked of birth and blood. The new mother was tired, coiled and ready to pounce upon anyone that would come close to the new lives she had birthed. The father included, a reason he knew was from an assumed past event he tried not to think about. Courtesy of Belladonna.

Desperate to know that everything was alright with the ordeal a cautious and heavy step brought the male down into the den. The grey pelt of the wolf mingled and scraped along the rocky walls, limbs starting a slow and nonthreatening attempt to trail around the den in a full circle and inspect as much as he could. To think that he was now a father wasn't important right now while trying to see the tiny lives nestled against Callisto's stomach. Further and further he crept, the quiet whimpers of nursing pups eagerly feeding sent butterflies through his stomach. All, or at least some lived, Jakart's brow creasing as he ducked and tried to peer between Callisto's limbs. Movement of one... two... no third. Everyone was ok. Healthy, and in the pups case weakly squirming for sustenance. Jakart completed his lap of the den, now mindful of Callisto's space. Although he was itching to inspect his sons or daughters closer he would wait until the new mother got more settled in, grey colored limbs bringing him up and out of the den. Dutifully he would curl up at the entrance and protect the newborns and their already wonderful mother. A hunt would be needed to provide Callisto with meat and in turn provide milk for the pups. For now he would wait uneasily, and in time hopefully see the product of their strange relationship.

-Exit Jakart-

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"



5 Years
03-24-2016, 07:49 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Go away. She wanted to yell the words, to be loud and threatening enough that even Jakart, a trained warrior, would think twice about coming closer and instead turn tail to flee. It was asking for a lot; she hardly made the most imposing figure, even all puffed up and doing her best to appear big and bad, but she could not risk it. She had to try, to make herself look as fearsome as possible so that he stayed away. He could not come into the den. He could not come near the pups. This time around, the litter would remain hers, and that meant keeping the father at a distance, not allowing him close enough to steal them away from her. She hoped, desperately, that the timid nature she had first noticed about Jak would make him hesitate now.

Only it did not. Even watching him sidelong, her fierce blue eyes saw him move not back but forward, toward her further into the den. Her growl became louder, trying to sound more threatening, but if he moved in this way, closer toward the danger, then what danger really did he perceive? The babies cried, forced to end their meal early and guarded now by their mother's body instead of offered her side to snuggle next to. But Callisto could barely hear them over her own voice, echoing within the confined space of the den. Leave, now! Her angry expression demanded it as she bared her fangs and stood, crouched, over the pups, her tail lashing as her gaze followed Jakart as he circled into the den. How dare he! Did he not see that he was not welcome? Was he determined not to abide by her wishes anymore? It frightened her, made her more anxious, more desperate, but with him so close, cornered with her inside the den, there was nothing for her to do than what she was already doing.

He did not get closer - in fact, she thought he might have left some tufts of fur behind along the den's earthen walls - but stayed as far from her and the children as he could get, and as he reached the den's entrance again, Calli turning to follow him with each step he made, Jakart turned to retreat. With his back turned, the defensive mother felt emboldened, and on a surge of anger she tried to lash out. Her bared fangs opened and closed as she lunged, but even in this her anxiety won out. Rather than grasp his grey tail, she only managed to pull out a small tuft of fur, and awkwardly she spat it out through her growl. She continued to stand, tensed and guarded, as he took up a post outside of the den, within sight but at a distance. Not far enough. She wanted him gone, out of sight so that he could be out of mind, but of course her horrible luck and cursed life prevented it. Why did I think this was a good idea?

As one of the pups cried louder, even louder than her growl as it had begun to quiet down, she knew she could not keep standing like that forever. To appease the pups, because they were her responsibility and she was determined to take care of them, she gave them room and lay down upon her side again, but she did not relax. She could feel the pups moving against her stomach, and those movements told her what they were doing while her gaze remained fixed on the den's entrance, watching Jakart outside of it. Occasionally she growled, just to keep up her pitiful threat, but she did not move to go after him nor did she get comfortable with her children. Instead she fought her exhaustion, fought to stay awake and defend the little lives she had brought into the world from the threat she perceived in their father until she could stay awake no longer and reluctantly succumbed to her body's frailty.

-End thread-