
Take my loaded gun away

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

03-17-2016, 12:31 AM

He'd never been to such a large island before, sure the Inu cluster was large but never to this extent. Some strange structures were also dotting the land - it was a curious way to kill the time and distract his mind for a moment. It was only because he briefly had some free time. Between looking for both his aunt in law and his sibling, along with going along the borders. His plate was indeed full, this didn't count the small fluttering moments that he spent with Zephyra. His gray tail flicked as Rivaxorus stuck his head into one of the cabins. The door was broken at the hinges, wood rotting away along with only a few scattered pieces of cloth.

His two different colored eyes looked on curiously, as he circled a small piece of glass. He could see himself in it sort of like the reflections in the rivers. However, it was so crisp and clear it almost startled him. Actually seeing in detail in this.... whatever it was. Of course the mirror image caught him off. It saddened him slightly, pinning his ears to his head before perking them. Returning his attention to the two large structures on one end of the room. They were covered in the same tattered things on the floor. It was almost like - animal hide. His head turned to one side, he wondered what creatures made this.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-17-2016, 10:47 PM

Her silver gaze traced over the strange structures around her curiously as she moved around them, her paws moving lightly over the ground as her hips swayed with each movement. Her expression was thoughtful was she examined them even though her thoughts were about anything and everything other than these wooden structures. She wondered where her family members were, what they might be doing right now, if they were even still alive. She sighed softly and shook her head as she pushed the thoughts aside. She had to move on. If they ever reappeared she would be ecstatic. But she had spent too long now looking for them.

As she passed an opening of another one of these buildings she caught a vaguely familiar scent and she slowed to a halt in front of the doorway. She glanced into it curiously, carefully peeking around the wall to spot the man in question studying something on the wall. She chuckled softly, a slight smirk touching her lips. "Well, isn't this a surprise," she commented as she stepped closer. "I wasn't expecting to run into you again, Rivaxorus."

"Talk" "You" Think

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

03-21-2016, 03:04 AM

When he would be approached by a familiar voice, his attention would turn towards her. Who could forget those orange accent's across her fur. It brought a wide smile to the large male's maw, turning on his paws with a small steady wag of his tail. The fact that he saw a familiar face outside of the pack brought him extra relief. He wasn't sure why, but maybe it was a lot different from those within the pack. Like a quick breath of air, he was broken apart from the drama and given a chance to relax and forget about some of it. After all, it was starting to die down anyway.... hopefully. Rivaxorus' joy was clearly shown though, of course it was only because he trusted her.

"Seems the gods graced me with your presence once more Hera." he chuckled as he comfortably took a seat in front of her. Hopefully that she could get comfortable as well. "How have you been, I hope the wilds are treating you well enough." it would sadden him if he knew she was having a hard time. Not that it was in his control at all. It clicked in him for a moment, maybe he should ask if Hera had a home at all.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-23-2016, 11:31 PM

It was clear by Rivaxorus' reaction when he turned around to face her that he recognized her as well and seemed to be happy to see her. She smiled then and would follow his lead to settle on her haunches across from him, her brown and orange tipped tail curling around her. Her silver gaze glanced over his form. He was looking very well. She wondered if that had anything to do with the pack scent that lingered on his fur. She could be wrong, but it seemed like a different scent than from what she had smelled on him the last time they spoke. Her eyes came back to his dual toned gaze at his question and she chuckled softly. "About as well as the wilds ever treat anyone I suppose," she commented with a small shrug. "I haven't struggled by any means, but I can't say I've been living comfortably either. How about you?" She didn't mind the idol small talk. She didn't have company too often these days. She really thought that might be the worst part of living as a loner. She could fend for herself in fighting and hunting and she even knew a few basic healing methods that she had gathered from watching her mother, but there was nothing she could do about the loneliness.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

03-24-2016, 12:52 AM

He wanted to laugh, he had no experience being a loner so he could only imagine. Born and raised in a pack, always having a wolf by his side - he was rarely alone unless he sought out being alone. Yes, comfortable was a hard goal to get to that was for sure. If Hera was alone, a sudden thing popped up in his head. His ears flicked, he might as well ask her. There was no harm in doing so after all was there? "I've had my fair share of problems, but such goes with life. Nothing too harsh." he smiled shutting his eyes for a moment then opening them again.

"Say Hera, this might be a funny thing to spring on you now, but would you be interested in being in a pack run by me?" Rivaxorus tilted his head to one side. "I need a few more wolves before I think about leaving home, but it's getting close to when I'll be forming my pack." he grinned. He wouldn't ask her if he didn't trust her. Which was a funny thing considering they had only met each other once. Though they had exchanged some words and he at least knew her mildly.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-24-2016, 03:11 AM

It was good to hear that he was getting along okay even with some of life's problems. She could understand how tricky life could get at times. That was basically what had landed her in her current situation. But she supposed as long as you were willing to push past it everything would be fine. That was the thing she had struggled with for so long now. Moving on. She had been searching for any sign of her family since she returned to Alacritis. She had seen her cousin, but she had even lost track of him. It seemed that she was the only trace left of the Olympus bloodline... That she could find anyway.

His question took her by surprise. Her brows raised and her ears perked as she listened to his offer. "You're forming a pack?" she asked, making sure she had heard him correctly. She hadn't seriously considered joining another pack. She pondered it for a moment, chuckling softly. "I haven't been in a pack since my family's pack dissolved..." She sighed, glancing away from him while she thought. "I've been telling myself that I need to move on, but if I just keep looking for them and thinking about the past how am I going to do that?" She spoke softly, her words mostly for herself. After another moment of consideration, she pulled her eyes back to Rivaxorus' with a small smile and a nod. "Okay. I'd be happy to join your pack when you form it."

"Talk" "You" Think