
Spirit of the present

Bright Moon


6 Years
03-21-2016, 12:33 AM
A thin veil of morning mist drifted through the sacred woods. Silver eyes danced between each blanched tree trunk, taking note of the ivory vines weaving around the beautiful, fascinating trees. Bright Moon had never seen anything like this place before. The trees looked like giant bones of an ancient creature, half-buried into the ground. She wasn't sure how she had ended up here, but what an interesting place indeed. Dainty, ebony paws carried the slender female carefully through the woods, padding along slowly so as to not miss any of the scenery, nor run into anything unexpected. The further she made her way into the woods, the more at peace she felt; the strange forest was quiet, with only the soft sound of birdsong from high above in the treetops.

The woman's black-tipped tail flitted with curiosity as she came to a large ring of marked stones. They looked unnatural, like some other-worldly force had placed the stones purposely. Even more intriguing was the lightly glowing spring in the middle of it all. Her pace slowed even more, and she tried not to make a sound, as though she might awaken sleeping spirits. She approached the edge of the pool, placing her paws carefully so that she could lean down and look into the clear, glowing water. Below, she could see fish gliding through the water, the glow of the water lighting up around their tail fins. The she-wolf couldn't help but to smile just slightly, sitting back as she took in her surroundings - what a gorgeous place she was glad to have stumbled upon today.



9 Years
04-20-2016, 11:06 PM

He'd slowly been traveling outward lately as he moved farther and farther away from Celestial. It wouldn't be a long trip as he was reluctant to leave Surreal alone for long. Of course she had her family and whatnot but she was sick and pregnant and she wasn't the only one who was sick. He didn't want to think about it though. Despite the fact there were still things he needed to do back at home he still needed to go out and about and get the scoop about some of their "neighbors." They didn't really have any packs close to them, not even in the same area, but he still felt the need to get some intel regardless.

As Surreal had pointed out they were getting on up there in age and eventually they would both retire. Surreal would retire before he did but he'd still become too old to carry on his duties before he knew it. He was seven... seven! He still wanted to believe that he was still that young kid that he'd been when when he'd first met Surreal. He realized that he wasn't as young as he used to be and that he was slowing down but he was more than determined to try and pretend for as long as he could. He was going to at least make the most of his life while he could.

The main thing he was interested in were the other packs and their relations to them. Yfir's relationship with Celestial had seemed strained with their Alpha came to the borders. The scent marker left by the female was enough to leave him on edge and have him be wary of the entire pack. Nothing had been seen of the northern pack since then though which left him less worried than he'd been at the start. Since Hellstrom had been taken out though none of the other packs had been a priority so there was no need for immediate reconnaissance.

With nothing pressing to do at the moment he found himself wandering to a place he'd never been before. Eyes easily drifted to the pristine white trees and the interesting vines that covered them. A fog covered the area adding to the mysteriousness of the place and Creed couldn't help but be impressed. He'd never been anywhere quite like this and he almost felt like he shouldn't be disturbing anything.

So the brute padded along quietly until he was surprised to find a figure in front of a shimmery looking pool surrounded by rocks with strange markings on them. He sniffed her as he paused some distance behind her trying to figure out what pack she was from. While he'd never personally met any wolves from Fiori he recognized the scent at least. They were a friendly pack from what he'd gleaned, Surreal's family if he remembered correctly, so he felt safe in being around this woman.

"Ah hope Ah'm not intrudin'." He said softly, almost apologetically, as he slowly approached the pool. He stared into it for a moment as he enjoyed watched the fish with a smile, before he turned his eyes to the woman again. He was completely prepared to leave if she wished him to.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: I realized that when I wrote the majority of the post that you posted this on the 21 of march so I'm sorry if some of the ic information is wonky.
[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]

Bright Moon


6 Years
04-30-2016, 10:20 PM
She turned at the sound of a masculine tone with a rough accent, although the voice was soft, sounding apologetic. Normally she would startle at such an approach, and be filled with anxiety in the presence of a man. Yet for some reason in this place, she felt like nothing evil could exist. Perhaps it was a foolish belief, but she clung to it anyways. "Not at all," she replied in an equally soft tone, "It's very entrancing, this place."

Her silver eyes drifted again to the marked stones, and the ivory tree trunks. Then she would look at the wolf again, who had approached the pool to gaze at the water. As she breathed in his scent, she realized that he belonged to a pack as well, although she was not familiar with it. Actually, there was quite a lot that she was unfamiliar with, as she often kept to herself. Now though, she was glad for some company at this strangely spiritual place - it didn't feel right to view it alone.

"My name is Bright Moon," she mentioned, her tail swishing along the ground, "I'm from Fiori, in the east. I noticed you hold a pack scent, as well - where do you live? A-and, what should I call you, sir?" Now that she had started talking, she had found it difficult to stop, her nervousness catching up to her in a different way. Perhaps she should have simply asked his name first, instead of rambling so much. Abashed, she held her head low, ears flicking back shyly.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



9 Years
05-12-2016, 08:32 PM

It was strange how no one seemed eager to disrupt the peace here. Even any animals that might have been in the vicinity remain quiet and Creed found a slight amount of amusement in it. He was pleased that he hadn't bothered her as he wished to stay longer. Had he been intruding he surely would have left, but the company seemed nice and resting his paws wasn't a bad idea either.

"My name is Bright Moon," His teal eyes shifted back to the female and he mused silently over her name. Such a strange title but he supposed everyone's customs for naming their children were different. Her name wasn't displeasing to him though and he smiled softly.
"I'm from Fiori, in the east. I noticed you hold a pack scent, as well - where do you live? A-and, what should I call you, sir?"

"Ye can call me Creed. Ah'm from Celestial in the west. Dun suppose ye've heard of it?"

He questioned her curiously. Celestial happened to be a little bit out of the way from other packs. They were the only pack that actually resided in the west, but Donostrea hadn't been too terribly far to get to and from there some of the other packs were relatively close by. It seemed the more eastern parts of the region were nice places to settle down, hence the amount of packs that seemed to reside in the general vicinity. All except Yfir of course, but he himself was partial to the north so he could understand the desire to live there. It was harsh and challenging, but he loved it all the same.

"Wha' brings ye here?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]

Bright Moon


6 Years
05-29-2016, 07:43 PM
The quiet was serene, and indeed every creature seemed intent on keeping it that way. She was glad for the company of someone who was also just here to enjoy the peaceful calm of this place. Bright Moon glanced to his teal eyes, her silver eyes meeting his just for a moment, before looking back to gently glowing pool. Her ears perked to his somewhat gruff voice and accent, catching his name and pack. Creed from Celestial. She liked it, his name had a nice ring to it, and the name of his pack sounded like it was of the heavens.

"I can't say I've heard of it before, Creed," she would admit softly, turning to face him again, "But now I know. It must be a very nice pack, if your pack mates are as friendly as you." She smiled softly at him, her tail waving to and fro. Perhaps one day she would have the opportunity to get to know Celestial better. She hadn't really visited any other packs, not that she'd ever had a reason to. She had no family in these lands, and was nervous of approaching strangers.

When he asked what brought her here, a thoughtful look crossed her face. She supposed nothing in particular had really drawn her here, she had merely been exploring before she came across this place. "I was only travelling when I came upon this place by chance, and I'm glad I did," she answered, "Although I love my home in Fiori, I often find myself wandering... Do you travel often? Have you been here before?" She had many reasons she could offer as to why she was traveling so far, but she wasn't going to bore a stranger with her woes and life stories.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



9 Years
06-13-2016, 02:18 PM

He wasn't overly surprised when she'd mentioned that she hadn't heard of it before. Celestial was the only pack to the far west and they kept mostly to themselves. Unlike packs like Imperium, they hadn't done anything extraordinary to place them on the on the map of Boreas. He felt heat flush to his cheeks as she spoke, a cheesy grin slowly tugging at his lips. He'd always been pretty friendly, ever since he was a kid, so it was only natural that he still be this way with as old as he was. Some things never did change.

Head cocked with slight interest, ears flicked in her direction, he listened to her reasons for being here. In all reality he was here for the same reason. He hadn't sought out this place on purpose and had merely come across it by chance. He enjoyed traveling and the more places he could see before he got too old to travel the better. She asked him if he traveled often and he nodded.

"Aye, Ah do bu' Ah haven' been here before. Ah've always had an itch ta travel since Ah was a kid. Whenever Ah get some free time from mah pack Ah tend to wander. Wha' 'bout ye?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]

Bright Moon


6 Years
07-18-2016, 01:28 AM
Bright smiled just a little more when the older male offered a cheesy grin at her compliment. He was a charming man, and she was enjoying his company. She was glad she wasn't experiencing this place alone, it was certainly best enjoyed with someone else. And so she would listen with great interest as he described his ventures, that he liked to travel but had never been here before. When he finished speaking, Bright smiled and nodded in agreement as she looked at him. "I ache to travel as well," she admitted, shuffling her dark paws, "Although, I don't think I was always that way. I... there are certain loved ones whose faces I long to see. But I don't suppose I will see them again; there's simply too much time and space between us now, and the world is so very vast..."

Silver eyes strayed from the man and settled back on the water. She had said more than she'd intended, but she found herself neither ashamed nor afraid. She had merely said what was on her mind at that moment. For her, it was a sad reality; she would never see the faces of her children, and her mate had been killed. But it was something she'd come to accept as something she could not change, or perhaps she'd simply lost hope long ago. Whatever the case, it was why she felt inclined to wander at times - that small glimmer of hope that her heart still clung to, even if she knew in her mind that it was futile.

Looking at the man again, she released her sorrowful thoughts, and focused on Creed. He was here in the present, and she had to remind herself that she was also here now. The past was the past. He may have been only a recent acquaintance, but it was a meeting that felt worthwhile. She just hoped she hadn't made him feel out of place. She didn't want that, and she certainly didn't want him to pity her, or feel obligated to sympathize. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking out loud," she said, shaking her head, "This place feels very spiritual. Do you suppose if you stayed by this glowing pool long enough, you might see things beyond this world?" She wasn't sure what she thought of such things, but she figured it might be interesting to hear Creed's perspective, if he had any ideas of the subject.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]