
Cyrian Kid up for adoption

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

03-21-2016, 04:39 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 04:40 AM by Rivaxorus II.)
So I've been meaning to put this up for a while but I had the lack of designs for people to choose! However finally I'm getting around to it, and while I didn't design anything I have a few things for people to choose from to either make their own or the design provided.

This pup was close to Razor - meaning he/she was sick in the den for quiet some time with him. That's the only requirement other than the white eye patch on either the left or right eye. I was meaning for this pup to be Riv's last follower for his pack but that is completely up to you.

Design wise, I have this unused design made for ala a while back that I never got around to using. I DID NOT MAKE THE DESIGN

Of course you can change the eye color and the eye patch is needed, also feel free to make them more brownish or gray according to the walker and Cypress' family line. He was mostly gray so keep that in mind as well - one of his eyes was yellow the other purple. All kinds of eyes run in the line of Arian's family but her eyes were blue.

Both the parents of this pup is gone, their mother fell victim in a death match, and their father after avenging their mothers death vanished out of nowhere. But they were with razor and riv at the time so I'd like them to remain in fiori. At the moment the pup is considered MIA how that happened is up to you.

If this helps any, here's a family tree thing I made a long time ago. Niana x david are Arian's grandparents, so if you want to design your own look at some of these designs ^^

Arian's family line is prone to mental illness in males - this includes multiple personality disorder and psychopathic disorder even if they don't have it they can carry it on to their own offspring.

This pup is currently 1 year old. Any questions go ahead and drop them by me.

Name: Japanese names, odd names, tree/herb names are all a go ^^ if unsure just give it a shot
Gender: Male or female:
Appearance: 150 words
Personality: 150 words at least
Reason for MIA:
Plans: Are they still going to be in myriad with Riv? They'd be the last part of the puzzle, or do you have some sort of other plan for them.



2 Years
04-03-2016, 10:54 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2016, 03:49 PM by Arivae.)
[Image: mXI9U4N.png]
NAME sorrel adravendi
GENDER female

APPEARANCE sorrel takes after her mother. she is beautiful. she possesses a long, slim body with tiny legs and small paws. but she definitely isn't as tall as her lovely mother. full grown, she will stand at a total of 25 inches. no doubt smaller than both her mother, father, and her siblings. one could say she was the "runt" of the litter. but sorrel, nor anyone else should mind. this young girl is swift and quick with her small and slim body. speedy and tiny, this girl would make the ideal messenger. a lover, not a fighter, as the girl lacks the muscle and bulk in which her father possessed. the base of sorrel's fur is a mouse-grey color, with a darker marking that drapes over her from the tip of her skull to the tip of her tail. the girl also has many lighter spots that cover her long body. mostly around her face and neck. but they are only small, barely noticeable areas. it is the mouse grey that is most obvious. sorrel also possesses gentle sky blue eyes.

PERSONALITY this little woman might seem really shy and innocent. with her lack of muscle, tiny legs, tiny figure in general, she can be easily mistaken as a pushover. timid, anxious, whatever you'd like to call it. but this little girl has got spice. in general she is pretty friendly. she doesn't have a grudge on the world, despite how much it has spat on her. she doesn't mind sitting down and having a friendly conversation with a stranger as long as they don't have anything against her and they don't have any interest in tearing her throat out. in fact she quite loves just relaxing and making good. plus she isn't too bad of a conversationalist! just sit down and show her you aren't a douche and you'll be a-okay. the woman isn't much of a fighter, anyways. odds are you'll get a good stink eye and then be left alone in the dark. of course, unless you instigate a fight.

with this being said sorrel is also a very calm and almost blunt figure to those in which she doesn't much care for. those being loners, strangers, etc. it's her family and friends who she really opens up to. she's willing to goof around, play, and laugh with them if they so please. to strangers? absolutely not. she tends to act more mature and quiet around them, giving them a challenge to see if they can break through her shell or not. but when it comes to being stubborn, well. sorrel applies. sorrel always likes things going her way. she doesn't like being wrong and will do almost anything to prove herself right. she's loyal and she'll obey those who stand higher than her, like an alpha or idol. but it doesn't mean she likes it. she's a leader, not a follower. and although her puphood dreams were to someday become an pack leader, she knows now that she is far too scrawny and selfish to every fully cooperate with other packs.

REASON FOR MIA with her mother and father dead, and life kinda crapping on her biscuits, sorrel would have gone off to be alone for a while. she may have also felt overwhelmed with everything going on. dead family, all the packs, having no guidance. so she decided to leave for a bit to breathe some fresh air and start new. coming back for her sibs!
PLANS I really hope riv and her can be close siblings. she'll need a friend when she returns, considering everything that happened when she left. riv may be able to catch her up on things and just be there for her in general. so yes, she will probably join riv in myriad.


04-13-2016, 09:41 AM
[Image: 5e4974c0-6d10-4d96-be91-9b99724ad6da_zpstmy2x7bm.jpg]
Name: Magnolia (Nickname: Mags)
Gender: Female
Alliance: Lawful Good

She takes more after her father then any in her family. With her father's coloration and her mothers build the female can be easy on the eyes and seen as rather elegant. She is around 32" tall and weighs around 105 lbs. Her main coat color is a vary light mouse grey while her markings include, white, silver, and rabbit grey-brown. She has several markings that match her father. We start at the legs, the grey-brown marks up to her hocks on both hind legs and her front paws both are colored in silver. She has a patch of silver on her chest, on the end of her muzzle and also her right eyebrow. The top of her nose, top half of her head, and all the way down to the tip of her tail are colored the grey-brown color. Her eyes are bi-colored the left being a bright yellow from her father and her right being a bright blur from her mother. She also has a white patch over her left eye colored in white just like her mother and siblings.

Her fur will grow to be smooth and silky and her overall appearance she will hold is wise and welcoming. Unlike her father she is a slender wolf, built for speed and quick movements. Her fluffy fur makes up most of her bulky look, especially in the winter time.

Loyalty has to be one of the stronger characteristics that make up Mags' personality. A devote believer in being loyal to her family and to her pack she regards them more then any other. Even with coming from a broken and confusing time in her life the young female will still remain loyal to the members in her family. She holds the most respect towards them. Her pack, Fiori, is second on her list. She would do anything that is asked of her for the sake of her family or her pack. She also takes great pride in joy in sharing accomplishments with others in her life. She strives to prove she is loyal, respectful, and reliable to her family and her pack. She tries to arrive on time for meetings, show up to every meeting that is called, and heavily participate in the packs events. She will also strive to do more then what her ranks calls her to do. She will help out in other areas of the pack and be quick to assist others when needed.

Mags is mostly laid back and fairly easy to get along with. She will be there if you need her and if you don't she will still be around to be sure your okay. She puts others needs before her own and will give the fur off her back if you needed it. She is somewhat social, but at the same time can be somewhat shy and doesn't like to disclose vary personal information. She does like to keep her vary personal thoughts and feelings hidden, but the girl also wears her heart on her sleeve. She will be a bit weary of strange faces, but will be sweet and kind towards them. She also strives not to judge others and keep an open mind about most things. She doesn't care for war or fighting, but if it's in defense of her family then she will.

Reason for MIA: Everything had been rather difficult to handle. Once settled into Fiori with her brothers she felt the need to return to see her father. When she had found he had left she tried to find him, but eventually had given up and returned home.
Plans: I plan that she remains vary close with Razor. Why wouldn't she? They had spent so much time together when they were sick that he is the closest family member. She will remain in Fiori with Razor, but will frequently visit Myriad to see the rest of her family. She also hopes that Holly will come around.



7 Years
Extra large
04-18-2016, 05:14 PM
Hey guys, I heard from Keno they she will be coming back. So Epinone will be returning! Sorry about that but this adoption is now closed.



5 Years
04-18-2016, 06:13 PM
That's okay! Glad she's coming back!
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]