
Lonely in a crowded room



9 Years
Athena I
03-21-2016, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 03:46 PM by Leo.)

In some ways he felt like he was handling the whole situation swimmingly. Fiori was thriving, they had more members than he knew what to do with, Bright Moon was training the pups in hunting just like he had hoped she would. He still hadn't seen a training from Amalia or Athena in healing or hunting, but considering he had basically been using them as baby sitters the past few weeks he honestly couldn't complain. His borders were always patroled by either himself of Rivaxorus. He was glad he had decided to promote Rivaxorus now. He had become invaluable in keeping Fiori running smoothly lately.

In other ways he was fraying at the seams. He hadn't slept properly in days and when he did sleep it was only from the exhaustion catching up with him. It was getting harder and harder to keep up a cheerful front for his pups and keep them happy through all of this. There was still no sign of Svetlana anywhere. He grit his teeth to fight off another heavy yawn as he trotted through the Mangroves toward Amalia's herb den. He hoped maybe he could catch her there and see if she had anything he could take to help him sleep better... But it seemed luck wouldn't be on his side today. He poked his head into the den and saw that she wasn't there after all. He sighed and after a moment of hesitation he stepped into the shadowed, earthen den. He glanced at the outside world behind him breifly before coming over to collapse onto his stomach off to one side of the den.

He hadn't had a moment alone since this all began besides on his journeys around Alacritis to look for Svet or during his patrols. Even then he never really felt alone because either his pack members were always nearby or there would be loners around on occasion. This was the first time he had really been alone and all at once it came crashing in on him. His teeth mashed together and he closed his eyes tight against the sudden wave of emotion. With his head rested on the ground he covered his face with his paws, fighting and failing to keep back the sob that shook him. He was just so tired. And alone. So alone.

"Talk" "You" Think