
Just wanna have fun, to walk in the sun



6 Years

03-22-2016, 12:38 AM

Esarosa breathed in the scent of the heady grass as she stood at the edge of the drop, looking over the interesting sea of strange grass. This great expanse of grassland seemed just like home, except here there were even fewer trees, if any - or were those cactuses? From here she couldn't tell, but she would soon find out as she intended to explore. There seemed to be very little water at all, but a tiny trickle of water through the middle of the plains. The ebony woman would follow the water down into the depressed area, enjoying the scenery. The sun beat down harshly, even though it was beginning to drop into late evening, but at least the grass was cooling to her paws. She stayed close to the water, every now and then splashing her paws through it or licking at the water's surface thirstily.

Suddenly her nose was drawn to the scent of a pungent, strong-smelling plant. It stood out amongst the grasses, and although it did not grow very high in this dry place, its appearance was obvious. The color matched her eyes, a rich emerald color, and it seemed almost shaped like a star, with thin, tendril-like leaves. She'd never come across a plant with such an obvious, unique smell before. Esa would approach it, curious and instinctively drawn to it. Her nose brushed over the slightly ridged edges of each leaf, unable to draw herself away from the plant. She began to brush her way through a small patch of the strongly aromatic plants, her tail tickling the leaves behind her as she felt a slight but refreshing light-headedness overtake her. Did that have something to do with these plants?

She made her way again to the edge of the small patch of cannabis growth, seating herself in the grass with her back to the smelly plants. How interesting. As she sat there, she breathed in slowly, blinking her eyes and smiling to herself. Her tail curled around her paws, while her claws began to pick at the grass in a slow, comforting rhythm. So intrigued by her find and mulling it over in her mind, she had forgotten to pay attention to her surroundings, staring at the endless sea of grass in front of her without a care in the world.

"Speak" "Listen" Think