
All I Want



6 Years
04-03-2016, 10:37 PM

Ever since coming to the East, Armai couldn't quite bring herself to leave it. The temperatures were nice for the girl and although she couldn't see she could still enjoy her surroundings. She was more than thankful that she'd came this way for the sole purpose that she'd found a traveling companion. It was here in the mountains that she'd found Nox. She was a snow leopard that had found herself just a bit too far south and had gotten stuck in a bramble patch. After much struggle the girl had managed to help free Nox from her thorny confinement and then gone as far as to treat the large cat's wounds. It was a rather interesting friendship from there as it hadn't taken Nox long to figure out she was blind. After that the cat insisted on sticking with her as payment for the help.

Not that Armai was complaining. She'd grown rather lonely without the companionship of her brother, Calder. Without him she'd been growing rather thin, another reason why she was reluctant to move from the east, as hunting wasn't an easy task for her. She was lucky to catch mice and rabbits. At least with Nox's help she was getting a more steady diet. The fluffy creature was quite the superb hunter. Of course there were downsides to her new friend. The cat had a foul mouth that took a good minute to get used to. Regardless she appreciated her new friend. With Nox around she felt better about herself. She could treat the wounds the cat brought home and Nox helped make sure she didn't run into trees. It was a beneficial relationship.

They were nearing the delta, a place Nox insisted they go, and she could hear the water bubbling as it made its way down the river. She couldn't understand the importance of the place until they'd arrived. It was then Nox revealed that the place was perfect for fishing. With nothing more than the words "I'll be back soon." the leopard rushed off to the water's edge to go have fun fishing. This left Armai at a loss of what to do to busy herself so she padded over to a batch of trees, which she'd manage to smell before they'd gotten there, and then sat down in the shade waiting for her friend to come back.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-03-2016, 11:01 PM

Autumn had rolled in quicker than the large male had thought. His body was already fully grown out, muscles surrounding his body as he held himself with confidence. Rivaxorus' own size made himself confident enough, but he at least worked hard to keep himself safe as well as gaining the ability to keep the others safe as well. His large paws carried him across the terrain, leaving pawprints in the mud that were finely detailed. The Kamui Delta was an area he visited often he supposed. It was a nice place to relax, hunt, and all sorts of those things. Which made it easier to also clear his mind.

It was then the young male spotted the lady, making him stop on the other side of the small stream that she seemed to be placed at. Underneath a grove of bushes for her own comfort. Though they were more like tree's he saw how the leaves bent and started to rot at the edges. Making for a more sad look, because this was the season of renewal. Being born in spring, he had now witnessed every season in almost every single area of Alacrita. Rivaxorus almost thought it amazing with how much he had actually explored.

Raising his head, he let out a loud enough gruff as a warning to the female that she was here. It was a non threatening wolf noise as he let his tail relax, showing that he meant no harm through his body language of all things. "Good afternoon Ma'm." he greeted politely with a smile. Though he previous term to the smaller woman could have been taken as offensive, he was always sure to be respectful. She seemed rather thin for a wolf her age, if he had to guess she was a loner. He knew some loners were well off, but her scent also was her own. It lingered with the fresh scent of a cat however, making him assume he should be on his guard for a possible companion. He had nothing against feline's, he simply did not want to get his eyes scratched out.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-03-2016, 11:16 PM

Well she'd thought these were trees. Had she been able to see she would have realized they didn't amount to anything as grand as she originally imagined them to be. The wind shifted and she felt leaves brush against her pelt causing her to sniff the shrubbery she sat under. No these definitely were not trees. They didn't smell like anything familiar to what she knew them to smell like. Oh well. They provided ample enough shade and it was a comfortable spot to relax while Nox enjoyed herself.

The gruff warning caught her by surprise. She hadn't been expecting any company other than Nox. Out of reflex she jumped to her paws and swiveled her ears around nervously. A part of her wanted to call out for Nox, but she knew it was a weak move. She already relied on the cat so much. A part of her hated it. She couldn't see the other wolf's body language so she couldn't tell if he was threatening or not. She took in his scent, it was a pack scent of one nearby, and she turned her head to sniff the area more. She was certain she hadn't crossed any pack boundaries.

"Good afternoon Ma'm."

Well that certainly wasn't threatening. In fact it was... well it was polite. That was new. Her brows knit together in confusion. Did he mean her harm or was he really going to be nice. It was hard to tell. "Good afternoon." She said cautiously before settling back down on her haunches. "I'm not intruding on your living space, am I?" She just had to double check.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-03-2016, 11:28 PM

Rivaxorus didn't mean to startle the woman, he took a step back and watched her closely. Now that he could actually get a good look at her, it seemed like there was something wrong with her eyes. He was not healer, but the cloudiness was not normal from any eyes he had seen. He wanted to assume her vision was blurry, blind at best. This meant he would have to communicate far more by noise than he did body language. Making his shoulders relax a bit as he listened to her speak after she had finally settled on his position. "I'm not intruding on your living space am I." Rivaxorus smiled for a moment, trying to hide a muffled laugh.

"Not at all, I simply come here often to cool off my paws. It's a nice area, the streams make it easier to get water and food at the same time.... if you like fish that is." He knew Razor didn't enjoy fish, his brother liked land meat. Even if the weaker wolf couldn't entirely hunt well for himself. Rivaxorus actually understood now why she was thin, that scent of her companion probably helped her hunt. He could only imagine though how it would be, being unable to see and hunt. While they could easily hone their other senses, sight could play a vital role on positioning.

"I... don't wish to be rude, but are you blind?" he asked with a tilt of his head. "My name's Rivaxorus II, you can call me Riv." Rivaxorus would stay where he was. Sitting down he let his tail enter the water without much of a care. He didn't want to approach her and give her a scare, if he did that he'd be sure to make her aware that he was here. A nice friendly talk with a stranger would always do him some good after all.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-04-2016, 12:08 AM

"Not at all, I simply come here often to cool off my paws. It's a nice area, the streams make it easier to get water and food at the same time.... if you like fish that is."

Armai let out a relieved sigh at this. She didn't want to have to deal with the drama that came with trespassing. Some packs didn't take too kindly to it and even loners could be territorial about their dens. She could understand his need to want to get out and about though. The streams had seemed like a good idea and as far as food was concerned she wasn't a picky eater. Considering hunting was hard enough she would take what she could get. As it was though she did enjoy fish.

Ears remained trained on him keeping note of his positioning. He seemed to be remaining near the water giving her some space. It seemed like a respectful distance at least which she could admire. Some wolves had to regards towards personal bubbles whatsoever. It was a comfortable change. Of course like all wolves though they were quick to notice her eyes so she was expecting the blunt words that followed.

"I... don't wish to be rude, but are you blind?" He seemed to pause for a moment before adding. "My name's Rivaxorus II, you can call me Riv."

"My name is Armai and yes I'm blind. I've been so since birth."

"Well you're rude." Nox spoke to Armai in a teasing tone. "You're supposed to introduce me too." The cat had just come back from her fishing trip after hearing her companion talking to someone. She'd been more than curious but wasn't overly worried. She didn't happen to worry about much at all in fact. She slipped past Riv and came over to sit by Armai pressing her soaking wet pelt against the silver furred wolf grinning when the girl flinched. "And the annoying furball here is Nox."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-04-2016, 12:24 AM

Blind since birth, he could only imagine. Actually he couldn't even think of it at all. It just made him more thankful he had his own sight. He was able to see his mate, his family, the colors of the world. Though he did suppose Armai probably had her own way of seeing and maneuvering about. It was a pretty name that she had, that's when his ears swiveled to the cat. He was aware that she was here considering the scent earlier. So this was the wolf's travelling companion. It put his heart a little at ease to know she had someone with her - she was a stranger but he had too kind of a heart when it came to wolves he believed deserved it.

Looking at Nox he dipped his head in a greeting towards the leopard. "It's a pleasure Nox, I'm happy to see Armai has a companion out here." he commented as he smiled and watched them. Beautiful. Other creatures just had a certain air about them that he could hardly ignore. "Do you have a home Nox, Armai?" he asked for a moment. Just curious as to if they were wandering about or had settled somewhere. Of course my his own scent they could probably assume he belonged to a pack, but that wouldn't be for long. As his scent would change to his own pack instead of Fiori.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-05-2016, 02:01 AM

"It's a pleasure Nox, I'm happy to see Armai has a companion out here."

Armai's ear flicked towards her companion as she heard a soft purr erupt from Nox's jowls. Like most cats, Nox was a prideful creature and the cat certainly didn't mind compliments, praises, and having her ego stroked. She could already tell Nox approved of Riv and that was good enough for her to be at ease. Riv seemed nice enough as it was, very polite for a wolf his age, and hadn't seemed to have moved any father towards her meaning he respected her space.

"Do you have a home Nox, Armai?"

Well she hadn't been expecting that. Riv reeked of pack but she bore no scent of alliance with anyone. The only scent Riv would find on her was the smell of herbs, the wild, and Nox. In fact she hadn't ever been a part of a pack her entire life. There'd been the brief period of time she'd lived with her father and sibling but they hadn't been a part of a pack from what she could remember. She'd never really thought about joining one until now.

"We don't. I was with my brother for a while but I haven't been able to locate him lately. In the mean time it's just me and Nox." She wanted to know his underlying motives. Was he just curious or was he going to offer to bring her back to his pack? Instead of questioning him about it she waited to hear his answer. She supposed if there was more to say he would definitely say it.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-05-2016, 03:20 AM

He guessed as much, he wasn't very familiar with the loner life style. He knew his aunty and her family stuck to one place but perhaps most loners moved forever long. Rivaxorus couldn't imagine himself doing that. He'd feel it hard to build connections with others. Well, he had met Hera. He looked at the ground for a moment, hopefully he wouldn't have to know how it was to be a loner. He had been born and raised in a pack, as broken as they were. It was still a system his brain recognized thoroughly.

"I see." he responded. "I think you could tell from my scent I was part of a pack." he laughed a little bit nervously. "Though I'll be switching homes quiet soon with my family." He was certain Armai and Nox probably couldn't give two shits about what he was doing. Yet, he shared anyway - that was just how Rivaxorus interacted with others. He stretched his limbs pressing his paw pads into the water.

"I turn two this spring, but I'll be making my own pack." he grinned, though she couldn't see it. "By the way Nox, I love the color of your coat. I've only seen a lion before so cats like yourself always surprise me." Laying out on his stomach it was also a sign that he was comfortable. Rivaxorus by now wasn't worried that either of them would swipe at him. At least he hoped not.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-05-2016, 12:49 PM

The girl felt comfortable enough in her own surroundings to finally relax to the fullest. Slowly she lowered herself onto her stomach. Nox seemed content to sit, not that she wanted to cat's soaking wet fur pressing into her side anyways, but Riv certainly wouldn't have to worry about being attacked from either of them. She'd never had any experience with fighting and Nox... well Nox would have to be provoked first and she seemed to like Riv so far.

She nodded as Riv spoke of the pack scent on his fur. It had been one of the first things she'd noticed. As a blind wolf she was left relying on her other senses to get information from others. Scent was the easiest way to learn a lot about another wolf for her. Age, where they'd been, what they'd last eaten, even strong emotions like fear or anger. He seemed a bit nervous though, judging from his laugh, as he told her he'd be switching packs soon. This caught her attention. Did he not like his current pack?

"I turn two this spring, but I'll be making my own pack."

Well that explained it. She hadn't been expecting him to be younger than her though. "Well that's very ambitious. Most wolves don't take such steps until they're older. I hope it works out well for you though. You seem very mature for a wolf who isn't even two. I'm sure you'll make a good Alpha." She hadn't known of very many packs but it seemed like most of their leaders were older than two.

"By the way Nox, I love the color of your coat. I've only seen a lion before so cats like yourself always surprise me."

She couldn't help but chuckle softly. Nox was going to be so full of herself by the time they had to part ways. Nox's purr grew louder and Armai had to keep from rolling her eyes. "Why thank you. For a wolf you're not so bad looking." It was probably the closest thing he'd get as far as a compliment. "So when do you plan on making this pack of yours?" She asked curiously, wanting to know more about his plans. She couldn't deny that she was a bit nosy.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-07-2016, 07:08 PM

The word mature sort of felt like a bad tradegy to him. At such a young age he was looking after his sickly mother. Trying his best to keep his family and his siblings together. He had lost some, gained some others. Either way he would take the compliment in stride, rejecting it could only cause problems if he was careful. To him there was no such thing as a good alpha either - he simply did what he could for when the moment was right. He smiled a little bit nervously as the cat complimented him. Riv had a feeling that would be the only one he got. He had known for cats to be very..... well different from how any wolf might have acted. They had a lot more pride than the canine's at times. Armai finally asked, when he would be making his pack, making his ears perk a bit.

"Really soon I'd think. I just have to talk to my uncle about releasing me from my current pack. See after my mother passed away and my father sort of left us behind me and three of my siblings were living with my uncle. He's the alpha of fiori. He helped me train for a bit to be an alpha so I feel the time is right. That and my mate needs a change." He laughed for a moment. He couldn't express the joy of calling her that though. Zephyra would probably call him a nut, or something stupid. After all, she was a stubborn girl but that's what he liked about her. Zephyra wasn't afraid to show her true feelings, and the thought just made his heart warm.

"Talk" "You" Think