
a fish and a lizard


08-16-2014, 12:36 PM

About a week or two ago, she had fallen under the spell of that orange boy, and she had her innocence taken away from her almost immediately. It was shocking to her now, that she hadn't attempted to scramble beneath him and run for her dear life. But she stood there backed up against the wall. Part of her wanted him...the smarter part didn't. Why? She didn't know. It was just the thrill...the excitement. No- she'd never do it again. Not unless she wanted a family with someone who really cared for her and that she loved.
But it was over. It was done. No, she wasn't very innocent anymore. But she was still a sweetheart. And she'd stay that way. The memory of it had fizzled...and she would act like it had never happened. And that she had never said she would meet him AGAIN. The woman never wanted to see him again. -- The woman growled softly to herself and shook her head, flinching as her necklace flew up and brushed against her face. She readjusted it back into it's normal position and continued through the trees, throat dry and legs ready to send her forward at a quick speed if anyone were to jump out of the trees and...scare her.
One of the thin little streams suddenly opened up in front of her like a mouth looking to consume her. She jumped back and released a soft 'yap', sides heaving quickly and tail tucked in between her legs. But once she released it was just a shallow stream, she swallowed in humiliation and leaned downward to get a little sip. Then continued on, tail bobbling softly behind her.



08-24-2014, 04:53 PM

He had been exploring, looking for something interesting during these warming summer days. And sadly, everything he had come across was boring. It was frustrating. Some days he would get so bored that he would go to his secret stock of paint, and completely cover himself in the stuff. But even that grew boring pretty fast, and off he went once again to check out a new area of land he had not explored before.

And so he would find himself in the eastern lands, a mangrove of trees with many streams that opened into rivers. He made his way along a faint game trail, head held high and humming very softly to himself while tail swung smoothly behind him. Purple gaze scanned the trees around him, his mind already beginning to wander to the topic of food. Was prey different here or similar to the other places he had been before?

A sudden and strange sound quickly broke the boy's train of thought, paws quickly carrying him in the direction it had come from. Carefully he crouched low to the ground, hiding behind some bushes, watching a wolf walk along one of the many streams. A new person! His tail began to wag harder, maybe a friend he could color!

Without a second though the boy would jump out of his hiding spot and land just feet before the stranger with a bark, "Hey you!" He grinned almost stupidly, practically bouncing where he stood.



08-24-2014, 09:35 PM

It only took a few moments for the woman to suddenly be approached by a male. A rather...playful one? Strange? She didn't know how to describe his first impression. But either way- the sudden jump before her caused her to scramble backward with a distressed yelp. Her paws threw up dirt into her face, her necklace also flying up over her head before she instantly fell back on her torso. Moments passed while Fish silently stared up at the obsidian-tinted male. The boy seemed about a year or two older. But he was surprisingly playful. And by the way his tail waved in the air...Fish huffed casually and stood up, shaking her mocha-hued pelt and stretching out her short legs. Then, she looked back up at this new man with a weak smile.
After the incident she had with Charaz, she was uneasy around males. But this one didn't seem to be of any harm or threat to her. So she took his appearance into consideration. And, continuing to smile, she would return the greeting. "Aaah...hello there." Her tail waggled softly behind her, ears pinning back against her skull. She knew she wouldn't make the same mistake she made last time she was with that orange brute...because again, whoever this person was acted very childish. Not even close to as creepy and perverse as Charaz was. But the woman kept her smile, and quickly added before he could reply. "Uhh...who're you?"




08-28-2014, 12:39 PM

Watching the stranger with a large grin, the male came off as sort of creepy. At least, he usually did to those he met suddenly. The woman scrambled back at his appearance, even yelped. For a moment Sal would feel bad for scaring her, taking a step forward, the goofy grin turning to a worried and almost sorry expression. ?Oh! I sorry lady, Sal is very sorry!? He spoke quickly, wanting to jump to her side and help the lady up.

Before he would, something caught his attention that made the male freeze, worry quickly morphing into interested, excitement. Well, more like two things. One, she had the same colored eyes like he did! Second, the thing on her neck with a feather on it! It was pretty, and it was cool. Sal wanted to touch and play with it!

And just like that the woman picked herself up, gave a shake and even flashed a smile, was being friendly with the boy. She greeted him and asked who the male was, only making his grin return, head tilting to the side. "Hi! I'm Salamander, sometimes Sal!" He chimed with a proud smile, eyes closing momentarily as his head rocked from side to side.

Openeing his eyes and refocusing on the lady he would move forward two small steps, purple gaze staring deeply into her own. "Lady has eyes like Sal, are we related?" He inched closer and closer to the woman, but holding no ill intentions of it. The boy was just curious, wanted to know why she had eyes like him and if it meant they were related.
