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04-16-2016, 03:54 PM
#1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Nothing could define the amount of pain inside her heart. Absolutely nothing. Vali could have slowly torn her leg off and that still wouldn't equate to her pain. During the meeting she had cried and sobbed, but after leaving the meeting and running to the edges of the border she cried so hard a migraine formed. It wasn't because she felt bad about everyone yelling at her. It wasn't that she hadn't been welcomed back with open arms. No, not a single selfish thought ran through her head. Her mind was so crammed with thoughts about her family that she couldn't think of anything else. About Bass, about Sparrow...about Sandpiper and Lark and all her other beautiful children. Finch. She had gotten poisoned and she hadn't been there to hold her and help her recover. To comfort her through the pain that she went through... it was when she realized how awful that must have been for her daughter that she really started to sob.

It was Bass too. She couldn't imagine what it must have been like to lose someone he loved so dearly again. She had certainly missed him... but she knew where he was. If she hadn't know his whereabouts she wouldn't gone on a nonstop journey to find him. She also would have been mad upon his return. But mostly relieved to see him again... to see his bright smile and to hear his voice again. Except Bass had a pack to run, children to raise, etc. Not to mention he seemed quite upset with her. He hadn't even looked at her... Wren swallowed another sob that threatened to come up. She was at the edge of the Monument Rapids, sitting and hunched over to stare at the water. She was debating on staying here or running away. Would Bass even speak with her? Would it be better to just leave? She wanted the best for her husband.. she really did. And if it was best to leave him, she would. She'd do anything to lift the weight that she had burdened her family with upon coming home.

Wren curled her tail into her side and felt her knees shake a bit. Bass may arrive and start screaming at her. As much as she hated to admit it... there was one selfish thought that had squeezed it's way into her jam-packed mind. And that was the fear of Bass' reaction to her return. She had seen it at the meeting, but that was.. at a meeting. Alone? He could yell and scream and curse at her all he wanted. She had hurt his children.. she had hurt him. She knew she deserved it but being screamed at by the man she still loved and adored was going to be awful. It was already awful that he hadn't even looked at her during the meeting. Wren's head throbbed and screamed with pain and she whined helplessly, lowering down to her belly and shutting her eyes. She silently wondered what she would do if she was chased off. Go back so her parents? Travel to another region in Alacritia? She didn't know. And frankly, she didn't care. She just wanted her family to live in peace again.. to live without the burden of feeling rejected and betrayed.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

04-24-2016, 10:21 AM

His face was a stone mask as he walked away from the meeting, and his talk with Harmony. Anything that he was feeling before, he shoved it down into a little box and hid the key. He wouldn't allow himself to be shaken at a moment like this, not when his head needed to be clear so he could make a choice. He didn't know what was going to happen when he talked to Wren, but he needed to be in the right mindset to make up his mind. He couldn't let his heart sway him on this one. Bass needed to think about the pack, and the pack alone. He hadn't allowed Quelt to rejoin because he had left too many times, and he had no intention of letting Allen return, if he ever made his way back that was. So why should Wren be any different? She had left just as often as they had. Hell, she didn't even howl at the borders like they had. Taking a deep breath, he was going to patrol the border before he went on to find Wren. But on his way to the edge of the rapids, he saw the small wolf laying there on the ground. His yellow gaze shifted over her, his heart pounding faster in his chest. He tried not to allow his feelings to take over as he started slowly making his way over to her. Each step felt like ten, until he was finally lingering a few feet away from her.

Bass cleared his throat to get the woman's attention, trying to hide the flash of pain that crossed his features. No, no no. They were all locked down, he would not give her the satisfaction of seeing his feelings. Bass had a very business like look on his face, and he tried to keep his lips from twitching. For the longest time he just stood there and gazed at her, not sure where to start. He opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to find the right words to say. When he couldn't say anything at all, he just sighed and folded to his rump, looking at the water instead. His ears laid flat against his head as he shuffled on his paws, an awkward silence spreading between the two of them. It had been quite awhile since the aging man had felt like this, but it was something that happened often in their shared past. Suppressing yet another sigh, he left it up to Wren to start the conversation.


Art by Evelyn