
Wisdom from Your Tyrant Mouth



7 Years

04-17-2016, 11:58 PM
Had she really dragged him all the way to this awful place when the cold season was on its way? Even now, the rain was falling steadily, and the further north they went, the colder it became. The small drops of rain grew heavier, and sharper as they fell. The precipitation changed from rain, to battering hail, to snow. Ehrgeiz wasn't sure what he hated more, but he was certain of one thing - he absolutely hated the cold. Why did they have to come here? Yet his master had insisted on traveling. She must have somehow known that he hated this sort of climate, and brought him here on purpose just to torment him.

His right eye, a brilliant sky blue, shifted to look upon Sabine's form as she led the way. A familiar, sharp pain made him grit his teeth as the muscles in the left side of his face attempted to follow the lead of the right - there was no eye in the left socket, leaving his muscles confused. And the puncture his master had left in his empty eye socket still caused him pain, even though the flesh was healing normally. He knew that one day it wouldn't be so bad, but for now, it kept him subdued, if her commands did not.

"Where are we going?" he demanded in a grumbling tone, his head carried low in defeat, his black-tipped tail swishing at the back of his hocks, "Can't we stay where it's warmer? I hate snow, and mountains, and... ugh, it's just so cold..." He knew he ought to keep his mouth shut, but his toes were beginning to ache from the cold, and he was growing bored again. It was difficult to follow the whims of another without piping up now and again. Sure, he didn't really feel like getting beat up, but it was much too quiet just plodding along behind Sabine. He had to say something, right?