
The Kill



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-20-2016, 05:22 PM

She'd step upon the battlefield today in the hopes of finding an opponent. The woman hadn't been practicing lately, and she didn't want her skills getting rusty now that she'd been getting better at it. Her large form trekked through the lands, paw steps leaving imprints in the mud. She was determined, and no matter who she fought today she would give it her all. It was the only way to get stronger, the only way she knew how to learn what her weaknesses were and what she needed to improve on. After finding a decent clearing free of debris and obstacles, she let loose a howl to call for someone nearby to fight her.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-21-2016, 01:00 AM

Boy did his muscles ache. The young boy hadn't set foot in the battlefield for some time, concentrating his time all in his work of becoming an alpha. Now that it was here, he needed to refine his skills more. Most of it he had been forced to learn by experience and observing, however a still chuckle left his lips knowing his opponent this time would be a part of his family. Did this affect how he felt about sparring? He didn't think so, after all one of his last opponent he had tried to break their bones despite them being a relative of his. Of course he'd never dream of injuring Avalon to where she couldn't function in her day to day life - but he retaliated with the same violence if not a little more than his opponent.

Large paws made the young boy stop ahead of her. About ten feet he stood directly in a line at her face. Only slightly taller, but taller still he felt his tail level out with his spine. Relaxing himself as he gave his aunt a clean smile. "I'll be your opponent today." he chipped in. As then, he would give her the first move, promptly setting his defenses. Automatically his knees bent slightly - making sure that his balance would be much harder to throw of. Toes spreading against the dirt for more traction. His abdomen muscles tightened, making his body more rigid more difficult to move. As his eyes narrowed to slits to protect his sight, and ears pinned to his skull to make sure they couldn't be snagged away. Tail still level with his spine, his scruff pulled forward adding more skin to the back of his skull and his neck. That would make it harder to bite there as well as get control of his head. His shoulders rolled inward, ready to pounce and react at any moment. Allowing him to be in control of his body despite it's rigidness. Also to protect his tender neck, he tucked his chin closer to his chest. Not wanting to be choke. His lips pulled back, scrunching up the muscles near his face making it so the hardened flesh and muscle around his nose would make it more difficult to put a hold. Also putting his teeth into a flash ready attack mode.

Avalon v Riv the second for spar

"Talk" "You" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-04-2016, 01:49 AM

Her nephew would be the one to arrive, a brow raising as he offered to be her opponent today. She was always conflicted about fighting someone she knew, not wanting to really hurt them. But that was life, she supposed. If they didn't ready each other for the challenges ahead, then nobody would. She was prepared to take some hits, he was too it seemed. That was what fighting entailed. As he set his defenses, she would follow suit.

Her head lowered to align with her spine, tail flagging out for balance as it fell in line with her body. Her chin tucked over her throat, legs widening to hip and shoulder width apart as her toes spread, claws digging into the dirt. Hackles rose along her spine, ears pinning to her head as she narrowed her eyes on her nephew. Shoulders rolled forward, pulling with them her scruff as it bunched up to offer more protection. She slightly lowered herself, joints bending to allow her fluid movement. Lastly, she bared her teeth as she scrunched her muzzle, face wrinkling as the skin on her face potentially added further protection.

With a faint playful smile (a childish attempt to put him at least slightly off guard), she coiled her hind limbs and kicked off from her stand still position. Powerful legs sought to bring her closer to her target, and when there was the last foot between them, she feinted to her left. Her right shoulder jutted forward like a sharp javelin, the woman seeking to drive it into the base of Rivaxorous' throat to try and drive the wind from him, hoping to that it would knock him back. Should she succeed in her strike, there was no doubt a bruise would blossom on both of them.

No matter how much she disliked hurting those she loved, she had to practice her skills somehow. She only hoped he wouldn't take this the wrong way. Still, she would strive to do her best and try to succeed in her endeavor. Her right forepaw would snake forward, seeking to hook it around his right forepaw and attempt to pull it towards her. As she made this move, her weight shifted to her three grounded paws, weight centered in the event he tried to knock her over. Lastly, jaws parted as her head tilted towards the younger male's throat, seeking to land a bite on the right side of his neck. Her goal was to try and force him back, make him falter and lose his balance. Secretly, she hoped her bite would not only hurt, but help to achieve her goal as well.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Rivaxorous II for Spar

Round/Move: 1/2


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-04-2016, 04:32 AM

A smile was the least that would throw the male off. His teeth still pulled back, maybe they turned into a smirk. Clearly he was aware he could severely hurt her, but that might have been the whole point of a spar. He could understand how much pain he could handle, and how he reacted to it fully. Knees bent slightly for more fluid movements, his head still tucked into his chest. Lips pulled back to scrunch the skin around his face, making it easier for fangs to lose their grip should she try to grab for his nose. Rivaxorus’ eyes narrowed to slits and made to avoid losing them, as well as his ears pinned to the back of his head so they would be hard to grab hold of.

As she came closer, his body moved quickly. Back left leg aiming to shift his body weight to his own left by a small side step. Turning him in the dirt with a sliding motion in an attempt to place both him and Avalon at a right angle with him facing her left side. Her previous right shoulder missing its mark with his tail keeping level with his spine to help balance him as he shifted. Pushing off with his right side to make sure the position was final. Her left shoulder made contact with his lower chest however, sporting a mild bruise with the contact.

Avalon’s right paw snaked towards his own, as he distributed his weight on his three extra limbs the male lifted his right leg having the awkward position make her hook miss. His toes spread into the terrain for more traction so he wouldn’t slip off balance. The large woman’s head finally aiming towards the right side of his neck - something he couldn’t avoid. Since his chin still tucked towards his neck her teeth made contact with the right side of his cheek. A half inch wound sinking into his fur, ripping away flesh enough for it to bleed in a moderate wound. His right eye shut for a moment as a reflex as the male began his counter attack.

Rivaxorus used his previously lifted right leg and attempted to slam it into Avalon’s left paw. Lifting his head slightly he pushed on his back paws aiming to push his weight into her in the hopes of throwing off her balance. Opening his jaws he aimed his upper jaw for the right side of her body, attempting to push further on his back legs he lifted his left paw hoping to end up slightly on top of the female by trying to slightly rear up with his back legs. His lower jaw aiming closer towards the middle of her shoulder blade.

The male’s shoulders rolled inward to compact his body more. That way if she tried to throw him off Rivaxorus would have more control. His abdomen muscles tightened, making balance easier with his back toes spreading into the terrain. Scruff rolled forward to protect his neck, making it so she possibly wouldn’t be able to get a hold of his head. His weight still distributed forward he was taking a big risk with the movement.

ooc: If you have any questions please skype me ^^
Avalon V Rivaxorus for spar.

"Talk" "You" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-09-2016, 03:37 PM

His body would shift towards her left it seemed, her right shoulder missing but her left shoulder would appear to hit a mark on the lower part of his chest. A mild bruise would spread later, but the pain made upon connecting with his body would be ignored as adrenaline coursed through her. And while it appeared that her attempt to hook his leg failed, her teeth would connect where she hadn't expected. She tasted blood on her tongue as jaws made contact with his right cheek. Immediately after, she would ground the paw that had tried to hook his own, weight returning to all four limbs as she made sure her defenses were still intact.

Hackles were raised, ears pinned to her head, her eyes narrowed on him, watching his movements. Her teeth bared, skin around her muzzle and face wrinkling to help protect her eyes. Her shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of her neck, chin tucked over her throat, weight became evenly distributed across all her legs, head pulling back slightly as her scruff rolled forward to give her more protection. Claws bit the dirt for traction, toes spread and tail flagged for balance as her head and spine aligned.

She hissed as Riv's paw slam connected, moderate bruising surely would make the toes on her left paw sore. His attempt at trying to unbalance her would fail as his paw on top of hers kept her grounded, but the moment he sought to gain leverage over her, she took the opportunity. As riv rose on his hind legs, she would immediately lift herself as well. Hind limbs coiled to spring her forward, forelegs reaching out in an attempt to hook around each of his elbows; her left forepaw attempted to grasp behind his right elbow and right forepaw attempted to grasp behind his left elbow.

Weight distributing on her hind legs now as she reared, she would strive to shove her right shoulder into the right side of Riv's rib cage. His bite would land just above her right shoulder, pain ignored as the pair battled it out. Moderate puncture wounds would be the result, with bleeding to accompany it. With his mouth full and in the awkward position they were in, her head angled slightly towards her left as jaws sought the young males throat. Lower jaw would seek to clamp down on over his windpipe, and upper jaw sought the tender part just an inch or two to the right of it. She wanted him to back down off of her, to release the close proximity they had. But she wouldn't be the one to back down first, not yet anyway.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Rivaxorous II for spar

Round: 2/2


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-16-2016, 07:07 AM

It would seem that his aunt had other plans as well. As her body sprung forward to hook underneath his elbows. The male lifted his remaining right limbs to come in terms with her. Back leg muscles tightening so he would not fall in the odd bridge they seemed to have made. Unable to prevent her shoulder shoving into his rib cage. He tried to force the proximity making it so only a slight discomfort was created by the movement considering how close she was. Only a stabbing sensation beginning, and it may leave a moderate bruise afterwards. His ears still pinned to the back of his head, eyes narrowed as well the male’s back toes would splay to keep more balance. His tail quickly tucking underneath him to protect his soft underbelly. Abdomen muscles tightening should she want to try and get to his stomach muscles. This also helped to structure his balance with her.

As her jaws aimed to snap at his windpipe, the male suddenly jerked his maw back. Scruff pulled forward over his shoulders in case she aimed to gain control of his head. However her jaws would sink just below his neck because of his previous jerk backwards, abling him to breath but pain flared from the slightly severe wound tearing up the flesh below his windpipe. The male refused to back down. With his teeth pulled back the skin protecting his face from the tightness they had, the male sought to hook his upper jaw to the middle of the left side of her neck. The lower just below her jawline where the muscle attached. Perhaps if he was able he would be able to gain control of her head.

At the same moment, Rivaxorus attempted to raise his right forelimb to press into her left shoulder. Tilting his body to his left to see if he could yet again disbalance her due to the awkward position they were in. his back toes splayed into the dirt for traction. Shoulders rolled inwards to protect the muscles. Hackles raised in defense from the exhilaration. His ears pinned to the back of his skull so she couldn’t grab them. Weight distributed back towards his back legs and left side to help with the movements of his attacks. His back knees bent slightly to make sure he wouldn’t fall should his balance try to be compromised. Making his body more tensed and compacted, trying to make himself rigid.

Avalon V Rivaxorus for spar.

"Talk" "You" Think

The Judge


09-07-2016, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2016, 04:56 PM by The Judge.)

Avalon vs Rivaxorous II for SPAR



- “Her right shoulder jutted forward like a sharp javelin, the woman seeking to drive it into the base of Rivaxorous' throat…” The base of the throat is still a pretty wide area. Was it in the center, towards the left, the right? -2
- “Her right forepaw would snake forward, seeking to hook it around his right forepaw…” Around his paw? Or did you mean his leg, like around the ankle? -2
- “Lastly, jaws parted as her head tilted towards the younger male's throat, seeking to land a bite on the right side of his neck.” Where along his neck? Where is her top jaw aimed, and her bottom jaw? -2
Total: 4

- “Powerful legs sought to bring her closer to her target, and when there was the last foot between them, she feinted to her left.” This (the last foot part) has to be attempted because your opponent's positioning can change. -2
- “Lastly, jaws parted as her head tilted towards the younger male's throat, seeking to land a bite on the right side of his neck.” Because you mentioned a specific part of your opponent, this has to be attempted, as his positioning can change or he could completely move out of the way. -2
Total: 6

Head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, chin tucked, legs spread, toes spread, claws in ground, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, legs bent, ears pinned.
Total: 10

+ 1 shoulder slam
+ 2 bite to throat (-1 for clarity/pp issue)
Total: 3

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 33/50

Rivaxorous II

- “Back left leg aiming to shift his body weight to his own left by a small side step. Turning him in the dirt with a sliding motion in an attempt to place both him and Avalon at a right angle with him facing her left side.” I am a little lost at this movement, the way you worded it kind of throws me off a bit. I’m assuming that he pivoted? -2
- “...made contact with the right side of his cheek.” Where on his cheek? Below his eye? Towards his jaw? This is important because half an inch right under the eye would be pretty severe over the more furry area around it.-2
- “Lifting his head slightly he pushed on his back paws aiming to push his weight into her…” What is he pushing into her? What part of her is he trying to push against? -2
- “Lifting his head slightly he pushed on his back paws aiming to push his weight into her in the hopes of throwing off her balance. Opening his jaws he aimed his upper jaw for the right side of her body, attempting to push further on his back legs he lifted his left paw hoping to end up slightly on top of the female by trying to slightly rear up with his back legs. His lower jaw aiming closer towards the middle of her shoulder blade.” You kind of jumbled up this attack here, you should have finished the bite before you attempted the lift. -1
- “Opening his jaws he aimed his upper jaw for the right side of her body…” Where on her body? -2
Total: 1

- None seen
Total: 10

Legs bent, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, toes spread, shoulders rolled, taunt belly muscles.
Total: 8

+ 1 paw slam
+ 2 bite to left side (minus for clarity issue)
Total: 3

- First round!
- (Mild bruise to chest)
- (Moderate wound to left cheek)
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 32/50



- “Hind limbs coiled to spring her forward, forelegs reaching out in an attempt to hook around each of his elbows; her left forepaw attempted to grasp behind his right elbow and right forepaw attempted to grasp behind his left elbow.” They were at a right angle before, did she pivot to face him? -2
- “...she would strive to shove her right shoulder into the right side of Riv's rib cage.” I think you mean left, because that is quite the reach. Unless they aren’t facing each other? I’m a little lost regardless. -2
- “His bite would land just above her right shoulder, pain ignored as the pair battled it out. Moderate puncture wounds would be the result, with bleeding to accompany it.” Where along her shoulder? Right above, towards the left, the right? -2
Total: 4

- “As riv rose on his hind legs, she would immediately lift herself as well.” Must be attempted since Riv was trying to wrap around her. -2
Total: 8

Weight balanced, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, lips snarling, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, claws in ground, toes spread, tail aligned with spine.
Total: 10

+ 2 leg wrap (+1 for each leg)
+ 0 shoulder slam (minus point for clarity issue/unrealistic attack)
+ 3 bite to throat
Total: 5

- 1 mild bruise to left shoulder
- 2 moderate bruise on left paw
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 34/50

Rivaxorous II

- “...the slightly severe wound tearing up the flesh below his windpipe.” The windpipe is pretty long, where along his throat did the bite land? -2
- “Rivaxorus attempted to raise his right forelimb to press into her left shoulder.” You didn’t mention Avalon’s leg around his and if he is trying to pull against her, shrug off her leg, or what. -2
- reason reason reason
Total: 6

- “Tilting his body to his left to see if he could yet again disbalance her due to the awkward position they were in…” This has to be attempted since her legs are wrapped around his, and she could try to stop him from this. -2
Total: 8

Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, toes spread, tail tucked, belly muscles tight, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, weight evenly spread, legs bent.
Total: 9

+ 4 bite to throat (plus grip attempt)
+0 leg wrap (minus points for clarity issue)
Total: 4

- 2 moderate bruise to right ribs
- 4 severe wound to throat
Total: 4

Total for Round Two: 31/50


33/50 +34/50 = 67/100

Rivaxorous II
32/50 + 31/50 = 63/100

And the winner is...

Rivaxorous II must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


All healed

Rivaxorous II
All healed, the throat wound may have scarred


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

You need to be more specific about attacks and positioning, it got really confusing at times what was happening. Watch not attempting things that directly relate to your opponent! More notes above. ^^ Try to throw in more varied attacks, your score would have been higher if you did.

Same with you, just have to watch being more specific about attacks and positioning. Again, notes above. Also! Try to throw in more varied attacks, it can be hard in tight positions but you would have gotten more points, and make sure you get all your defenses too.

- By [Evelyn]