
2 Epiphron x Maverick children UFA.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-15-2014, 12:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2014, 12:56 PM by Epiphron.)
So, two of Epiphron and Maverick's kids are up for adoption! They were all reared in Seracia when their parents ruled. They gave up the throne without a struggle and decided they weren't happy there anymore, and left, giving their children the option to either join them or not. They all left, so most of the children have been dispersed. I'd prefer them all to be somewhat amicable toward each other, as they were raised well despite being apart for so long. They were all raised to be proud and family-oriented, but other than that, their dispositions vary quite widely.

First litter: Quintus, Cassius, Amalia (2 years old in summer)
Second litter: Isolde, Caeto, Unnamed Male (1 year old)

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias
user posted image
- Since leaving her parents, she found her way to Glaciem and was nurtured back to health by Athena. She views her almost as a goddess, and possibly has romantic feelings towards her (you can continue this plot if you'd like, but don't have to).
- Her personality should remain largely the same. She is good to the core and can find good in anyone. I'd like you to read her personality but re-write it to fit how you would play her.
- Muse played this girl beautifully so I'm going to be very picky about her gets her.

Unnamed male
- This guy is pretty open. His older player is no longer on site and has requested that his name and design be changed. All I ask is that he looks similar to his family (Epiphron has white fur and russet markings, while Maverick has a full russet pelt with appaloosa markings. I can help pay for these if necessary.)


Appearance: (only for the male)
Future plans:



10 Years
09-18-2014, 07:04 PM

[ Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias ]

[Image: MZNWHIy.png]

{ REWRITTEN BC I CAN } Through her adventures of aging and developing into her full form, she has found herself to be a gorgeous little girl. From her sickly being emerges a delicate flower, one standing at just twenty-five inches tall, with a small frame of just seventy pounds at the peak of her health. She carries the blood of her family in her pelt, her mother's lineage shining through in every way imaginible, a base of a creamy beige, sharp constrast against the entirety of the colors of her marks. A common mark of her family shines upon her face, a beautifully toned russet mask, encircling cool sapphires, of a smooth and calm shade and hue. WIP


Plans for the future: to come into the world with even more rainbows and flowers and love on Athena hardcore! :D


09-25-2014, 09:10 PM
I Looked At The Parents And Siblings For Ideas, So I Hope This Is Okay~

Name: Lief Adravendi-Mathias
Appearance: My Body Base Color Is Creme, I Have Russet Red Markings On Both My Forelegs Extending From My Paws To My Elbows, On My Rump There Is A Blanket Of Russet As Well, Dotted With White Much Like An Inverse Of My Father. My Eyes Are A Clear Blue, Just Like My Mothers And I Have A Russet Ear Like My Mom As Well, But On The Opposite Ear. My Body Is Slim And Slender, I Stand At 34" And Weigh A Mere One Hundred Pounds. My Legs Are Long, Thus Giving Me The Appearance Of Being Tall. I Walk With A Strong Grace, But I Am No Pushover. I Prefer To Stand Tall, To Show Others That I Am Not Afraid.
Personality: I Am Loyal, Brave, Caring, And Fierce. I Live To Protect My Family Name, I Will Not Back Down From My Challenges And Will Strive To Do Well. I Am Honest, Although My Plans Will Not Be Known To Those I Do Not Trust. I Can Be Hot Headed Sometimes, So I Urge You To Refrain From Testing Me. My Personality Can Flip Like A Dime, So Be Wary Of Me. Although I Do Not Seek To Harm, I Will To Defend My Honor And Go For What I Want. I Can Be Ambitious, And I Can Be Prideful. I Strive To Attain My Own Pack Someday, But Until That Day Comes, I Shall Train Myself To Be Stronger. I Can Be Naive, Much Like Everyone Else, But I Can Also Be Quite Responsible. I Often Act Older Then I Am, Which I Think Is A Good Quality. I Can Be Caring Towards Those Who Win My Heart, But Due To Being A Loner, It May Take Some Time To Get Past My Hardened Shell.
Future plans To Grow In Fighting Experience, And Perhaps One Day Get A Pack And Find A Mate.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
10-06-2014, 12:09 AM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2014, 11:37 PM by Bass.)
Eve really wants Amalia. Like a lot.
I would want her personality to be the same, but I'm guessing I will have to rewrite it from what Muse has?

As for plans she will probably stay in Bevroren, maybe she wandered away to look for her siblings but couldn't stay away from Athena. She will have the biggest crush on her like ever. I will make the actual form later, my mobile posts suck.

RP Sample :

It would seem that she couldn't stay away for long. She had thought that she needed to see the world and search for her siblings, but she had been wrong. Nothing that she saw had been able to compare to the beauty of Athena and her land of eternal winter. She had been away for far too long, she needed to see her goddess once more. Her icy blue eyes looked out along the expansion of Glaciem -- now called Bevroren she had been told. Dearest Athena was now Queen, a role that she knew the woman would always hold. There was no greater ruler than she, and her desire to see her was growing by the minute. Her paws danced easily across the snow, her bodice seeming to glide across the snowy terrain. Her ears were perked forward, looking forward to seeing that beautiful face once more.

Amalia's smile was grand as her toes touched the boundaries of Bevroren, and she took in a deep breath of the crisp air. Ah yes, her scent was obvious here. Her beautiful perfume danced across the wind, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. At long last she had returned, for too long she had been away. Did the Queen miss her? She had thought of her herself on her adventures, thinking how much more magical it would be with Athena at her flank. Amalia's smile grew even wider -- if that was even possible. Tipping back her marked face she let out a summoning song, asking ever so politely for the Queen to grace her with an appearance. There was much she wished to discuss with her savior, but first she just wanted to congratulate her on ruling the lands that her father had before her. She knew that it would not be long until she gained that position, and she was a bit saddened that she had not been here to watch her take her crown. The girl lowered her head, folding herself onto her pale rump. She wiggled back and forth slightly, hardly able to contain her excitement.

OOC : Omg so that was terrible >.> its late and my medication is making me repeat myself. Lemme know if you want me to do a second one.

My focus needs more focus.

Athena I


9 Years
10-06-2014, 12:17 PM
-excites about Eve applying for Amalia-

I kind of feel the need to apply for the son soooo I'll probably be doing that later.

Athena I


9 Years
10-06-2014, 02:02 PM


Name: Aaron "Leo" Leopold Adravendi-Mathis

Appearance: A lovely, pale russet nearly covers the entirety of his regal form. The color is almost entirely uninterrupted, although the hue does vary slightly. Along his back the russet is maybe two or three shades darker than it is by the time you reach his paws with a gradient of the color in between. The only other color on his form are the markings that make him a startlingly accurate mirror image of his mother. His right ear and right paw are dipped in ivory, the markings standing out in a delightful way against the russet of the rest of his fur. His eyes are also a testament to his mother's genes with their vibrant blue coloring. Full grown he will reach a comfortable thirty-three inches tall and at his full, healthy weight will weigh around a hundred and twenty pounds, causing him to have a slightly stocky build. He is built like a warrior with a wide chest and thick neck, his sturdy legs making up the largest part of his height.

Personality: Regal, proud, kind, friendly, family-man. Above all, Leo is nothing if not regal. From the way he carries himself to how he interacts with others, he subconsciously knows that he is royalty and he should behave like it. Because of that he is incredibly proud, but that can sometimes be a hindrance to him. He often has trouble asking for help when he needs it for fear of appearing weak. He wants to be the one that people go to for help, not the other way around. Leo is also very kind and has a big heart for those who come to him in need. He will often go out of his way to help others and is simply a genuinely nice guy. While his pride sometimes keeps him from going to others and can sometimes rub others the wrong way and keep him from making friends, he really is a very friendly wolf. He loves to socialize and be around other wolves. Once Leo is your friend he will be your friend for life as long as you do not cross onto his bad side. His trust is often easy to earn at first, but once you lose that trust it is nearly impossible to get back. His family will always come first, no ifs, ands, or buts. If anyone threatens his family he will no longer be the friendly male most know, but instead a powerful warrior that is a terror on the battlefield.

Future plans: He'll probably go looking for his family first now that he's done adventuring and ready to get back to business. After that he might go looking for a pack to join or might hang out wherever his family might be depending on how those threads go. Theeeeen hopefully find a good mate for him and settle down with some kids! and challenge for a pack perhaps one day?