
What A Nuisance


05-11-2016, 03:36 PM
Maria listened to Shadow as he spoke, her ears remaining lowered. Facing her fears... She had to face her fears and not just run away. She had started with the first step... But there was more to do than just that. She didn’t want to let down the ones she cared for... Not that she had anyone left right now. That thought brought a pang to the femme’s heart. She didn’t have anyone... And so perhaps that was why she was clinging so desperately to the first stranger to show her any sort of kindness. No, there was more than that. Shadow hadn’t wanted her around at first... So why?

Loneliness. It was the only answer Maria could come up with. She would pause, knowing that they had yet to get the herbs she needed to finish treating his wounds. But it seemed Shadow was ready to be on his way. Maria whined softly once more, speaking up though she wasn’t sure how she’d be received.

“Please wait.” She stepped up beside him again before glancing at the corpse. “...I know he wanted to do something bad but... Should we not bury him?” Her words were soft. “It seems cruel to just abandon his body in the open like this.”



2 Years
05-11-2016, 03:46 PM
Shadow would tell him to wait, and he would. Why, he himself didn't even know why...Was it because she had shown him kindness, or his body did not want to function and it was more an effect of the wounds he had had for some time? The brute wasn't sure as a small sigh escaped him. Should they really even think about burying a body of the male he killed? His eyes would shift to the various crows and scavengers that appeared to be showing themselves, almost like a phantom in the night. He closed his eyes before looking back to Maria.

"Scavengers have to eat too. Though it is an honorable thing to be buried, but, this male had tried to rape you. I may be a bad guy, but I myself would never rape a woman just for sheer fun and pleasure." His eyes narrowed slightly, but enough to show that he was serious about his words and would not go back on them. "The family that I had been raised in, they were more cruel than anything much like the wolves that tried to take you for themselves. They killed for sport. I kill to make a point and statement. Though it may seem wrong, it can sometimes be good to save a life. Believe me, for my old 'alpha' killed a friend of mine cause he was going against the alpha's way of life, and in the end I left when i was a year old and never looked back." The sound of thunder seemed to be rolling in, his eyes looking up to the dark clouds that lingered overhead.

"Almost like selection it seems in this world," Shadow spoke as he walked, happening to see a tree den that was close to where they were. "We should wait out this storm; it will probably be raining in no time," he explained and walked inside, smelling no other scents that he had to worry about in the meantime. The brute placed his cranium upon his front paws and looked to the wall, thinking about his old family and his life.


05-11-2016, 03:56 PM
Maria shuddered, seeing the scavengers even as they began to peck at the eyes and open wound on the throat of the deceased. She frowned listening to Shadow, speaking in a soft tone to him. “A bad guy would not have saved a woman from being raped.” She said in a kindly tone. She gently nuzzled his shoulder, trying to comfort him. Maybe he liked to kill for pleasure, but he had protect her and for Maria that was good enough to give him her trust. The golden female’s blue eyes shown with sincerity as she spoke her next words. “I think you long to be good.”

Shadow mentioned that they should wait out the coming storm and Maria glanced skyward as well. Though she couldn’t see much of the sky through the trees it had certainly become darker, and the roll of thunder made it evident enough that rain was on it’s way. She gave a small nod before following Shadow into the den and laying beside him, snuggling up to the male in a way that probably would have frustrated him, but Maria merely longed for the closeness and company of another. She didn’t mean anything by it.

“You must have seen a lot of harshness in this world... Cruel fates that justice never got back to.... Like your friend.” Her words were sympathetic. “I’m sorry.”



2 Years
05-11-2016, 04:09 PM
Maria's words ran throughout the brute's cranium: A bad guy would have not saved a woman from being raped. Be that as it may, he thought that he was more corrupt if anything. He did not know how to be good, and him saving her was more in an act of trying to get the brutes away from this young wolf. A small sigh escaped him, when the words she spoke seemed to be haunting him more and more. That, was until he would feel her lie down beside him. His eyes would shift as he felt her next to him, probably wanting closeness from another. They both were alone in this world as Shadow looked to the outside world of the den as the sky began to pour raindrops from the heavens above.

For some reason, Shadow would close his eyes and let his right fore paw be placed on top of Maria's. He didn't even know why his mind even decided to tell his body to make this movement, but the softness of her paws and her kind heart was enough for the brute to trust her. Why would he even accept her though? It usually took him a long time to gain trust of another; but, this dame was different.


05-11-2016, 04:16 PM
Though there was quiet stretching on between them Maria felt satisfied with how things were progressing. Shadow didn’t say anything about her remarks, but he did place his paw over her own. She closed her eyes, giving a soft, content sigh as she leaned against him slightly. It had been too long since she had someone she could trust and lean on... A friend to call her own. It was ironic how fate had brought the two lonely souls together, both lost in their own way, to carve out of new path in this world.

Maria was quiet for a long while, listening to the thunder and then finally the rain as it began to fall. She wasn’t asleep however, and finally she spoke in a soft tone, glancing at Shadow with a half-lidded eye. “Shadow...?” Her question hung in the air, as though she was afraid to ask it. “...Would... Would you mind if I stayed with you a while?” She didn’t want to be alone again. “If I ever become a burden you could just tell me so I just...” She guilty looked away. “...I’m tired of being alone... Aren’t you?”



2 Years
05-11-2016, 04:26 PM
Shadow had not even bothered on sleeping. The sound of the rain only made him frustrated that he didn't even bother catching any slumber. However, with a half-lidded eye, Maria had asked him if she could stay with him for a while. Shadow was rather shocked that Maria would even ask a question such as this. It was almost as if she did not witness the death of that other wolf who had threatened to rape her. The dark brute did save her, but it was something that was more instinct than the kindness of his own heart. His crimson eyes would focus on the woman's. Perhaps, some kinship might help break the ice and maybe open him up a bit, but, Shadow only thought that if he were to let Maria in, she would be taken away just like how his friend was, and he had had enough of watching the ones he got close to lose their lives. Almost as if Shadow was laden with a curse upon his body.

The dark male would close his eyes, pondering her question. He was tired of being alone, yes. But, he had gotten use to being alone, it was just something that the man had always had in his life. Absence. Frustration. Just some of these words were sometimes lingering inside the brute's emotions.

"Loneliness is just something that I have gotten use to over the years. The only time that I ever speak or have even had someone to negotiate with, was if there was a serious matter that needed to be attended to, nothing more. You may stay if you wish, but I will not be much fun or much company to you," he would explain, keeping his head on his paws and getting close to sleep due to the wounds taking a toll on him.


05-11-2016, 08:53 PM
Maria waited, hoping that Shadow would accept her request. She was afraid of being rejected, of being turned down and pushed back to the path of loneliness she had known. If she was alone then what? What would become of her? She was tired of it... And part of her, she supposed, was afraid of being alone. Since her father died Maria had been hoping, praying for some sort of change. But she was afraid to initiate it on her own. Shadow was her chance... Her chance out of here... Her chance to a new life and new friendship.

But when Shadow spoke it was not exactly the response that Maria was hoping to hear. She wasn’t sure what this really meant for her... But thus far Shadow didn’t seem to be too bad. Fun? No, maybe not. But he was certainly company for her, and thank goodness for that. The female would nuzzle up to Shadow quietly. He seemed to be drifting off to sleep... And she was on the way to the world of slumber as well. Tomorrow would bring a new day... A new start for their journey together.