
Building a bridge to meeting you



4 Years
08-15-2014, 04:59 AM

Nona came back to the Monument Rapids, the place she came across and met Bass who so kindly brought her into the pack. Gently resting near the water's edge she watched her reflection stare back at her almost like she was looking into her very soul. However the moment was brief and one of silence for now there wasn't a song brewing in her mind. Her forest green eyes scanning everything she could see. There was no longer many things she didn't know about her new home but her fellow pack mates, they were still a mystery to her for she didn't know them very well at all.

So many faces she did not recognize nor did she know their names. The mystery was soon to unravel once she learned of who she seen. The fae's tail gently brushed against the soft earth behind her as a cool breeze rushed through and caressed her dark brown fur. There was a gentle smile that played across her maw as she gently closed her eyes unaware if anyone was watching but she was sure that maybe someone from the pack might find her out here. Nona remained where she laid as she looked back into the mirror of the water seeing her own reflection again.

"Who will come greet me this time?"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



3 Years
09-01-2014, 08:10 PM
Before leaving his home to join Quelt as his heir, Ixionn wanted to say goodbye to the beautiful land that Abaven rested upon one last time. He had traveled to the Polar Sound, all the way back to here, paws aching to the constant traveling and running. He hasn't even gotten a nap yet for god's sake. A sigh would spill from his lips as he crossed the border, chin lifting as he drank in the familiar aromas of the rapids. Careless would his paws crush the emerald vegetation as he continued on through the territory. He was going to Hajime's old den...his old den. Where him, Aiko, Darrah, and everyone else used to live when they first arrived at Abaven.
When he arrived, he instantly felt tears forming in his eyes. He remembered when he used to sneak out in the middle of the night to go explore and see new things...and also storming out because he was tired of arguing with everyone. Again, it struck him that the last thing he had done with his father was argue...before he plummeted to his death. Ixionn bit down on his lower lip, groaning softly as tears rolled down his face. His ears slowly folded backward and he lowered his head, eyelids squeezing shut over his deep red eyes. Finally, his legs gave out beneath him and he collapsed to the floor of the old den, crying hard now. Harder than he ever has.
It took almost an hour for the man to fully recover. And for him to realize where he was...reality. Paws would slowly carry him out of the den and away toward the rapids, where he would say goodbye to them as well. Probably without breaking down for nearly an hour and crying like an upset baby. Once he spotted them over the horizon, he quickened his pace, instantly halting at the edge and staring over the side. The water buzzed and roared like distressed bees. He huffed and sat, heart heavy and torn two ways. The boy didn't even want to think about his life anymore. He'd have a new start with Quelt...his father. Yes.
That was when he noticed a new aroma filling his nose. Slowly he would raise his head, ears moving forward. He turned his head and saw her there. A young form, sitting at the edge of the rapids and staring down casually. Ixionn huffed and wanted to run off. Right now he didn't want to meet others...he was afraid they would remind him of everything. But she probably already saw him...and if he ran off now, he'd look anti-social and rude. Another groan left his lips and he slowly stood up, making his way over.
Once he was beside her, he gently nudged her and forced an easy smile. She was a pretty little dame. A mocha color with pretty olive eyes. He always liked woman with green eyes..."Uh...hey there. Sorry I didn't notice you earlier..." He snorted to his own statement, continuing in a friendly voice. " name is Ixionn. I'm the son of Haj-...Quelt. Quelt and Irune Walker. Might you tell me your name?"