
Osiris Tracker



4 Years
05-04-2016, 11:57 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:14 PM by Julius.)

The Golden King
Osiris Sovereign

A chase after non existing dreams and hopes, the dream of fortune and fame to all be in your hand and control. It was a dangerous search and hunt, a dangerous world you would enter and chase your entire life to never find, die unhappy, unpleased and unsatisfied. Greed would consume you, kill your joy for life, your one and main reason to live was to find the treasure, the selected target marked with an X on the map. Never would you get far, never would you find what you wanted or were looking for. You mainly cast away your life for a chest of gold, a setup of dreams and hopes that never were real. Gold diggers and the like search for this their entire life.

And if. If it existed and they ever found it, ever stood with it in their hands, earned and got the gold, the treasure and fame. What would they do with it? Where would they go, what would they live for? They found their dreams, they found their hopes, the lived out the life they searched, they stand with everything at hand, there would be no greed left, you would have it all, what should become of your life then? You lived only to chase the treasure, and you won it, you got the beautiful girl, the gold and fame.

Game over.

Life has ended, that's what happens. And some in this world knew it. was no Eldorado; no city of gold, no life of gold or purpose, there was nothing here. No gold, no fame, there was just the game, the tricking game to lure you into the danger of the land. Osiris saw the truth now, he could see behind the big screen on the wall now, he could see how it worked now. It was disgusting. That was all it was, it wasn't mighty or pretty, it wasn't gold, and the golden male had it all wrong. It was no Shangri-la, it was hell, Eldorado and dreams were just the display on the screen on the wall, now when you bought it, went into it, you were a part of the game. You were a part of the nothingness, the empty feeling that consumed you and so easily killed you. He hadn't died yet, but he often felt dead.

He couldn't help it, after so long, walking and being surrounded, the trees were like walls, mighty standing, pointing toward the sky and cover it and the sun to never let him see the sunlight again. If he could not find El Dorado...then he would create it himself. And as those bi colored eyes stared into the dried up riverbed, those gold tipped ears flicked lightly as the markings that decorated his body flared with color.

He would save the lost...he would give them fame and fortune...Osiris would deliver them to the promised land.

The King Speaks ~ The King Thinks

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1. Osiris Tracker Postlogs 11:57 AM, 05-04-2016 11:59 AM, 01-10-2024