
What Do?


05-18-2016, 11:15 PM
Alfie was watching a little bird.

The poor thing hadn’t had much luck traveling south for winter, not with it’s wing damaged as it was. It seemed the harsh winds had knocked it out of the sky and damaged the wing further.

Alfred watched it, uncertain of what to do. It felt wrong to want to kill it... It was just a tiny little thing! The brute gave a soft whine, stepping closer to the chirping creature. Feeling threatened as the wolf edged closer it began to hop even more, flailing it’s good wing helplessly as it tried to take to the sky. Alfred gave a soft whine.

“What should I do...?” He asked. It seemed heartless to just leave it fluttering about like this.




8 Years
Athena I
05-23-2016, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2016, 05:22 PM by Roza.)

Roza trotted through the mangroves with her sights set on finding someone, anyone really, to spend the day with. It was so, so boring to be alone, but Dad had pack stuff to do and her siblings had all gone off to do their own thing before she had a chance to ask any of them if they wanted to go on an adventure with her. She had tried to explore on her own for a while, but it just wasn't the same. She had even gone to her aunt's herb den to see if maybe she'd teach her something, but it didn't look like Ama was anywhere to be found.

She looked up and spotted her brother's bright russet and ivory form up ahead and she perked up, her tail wagging happily behind her. She was sure her brother would hang out with her! Alfred liked to play. She trotted up to him, her voice cheerful as she said, "Hey, Alfie! What're you-" but her words cut off as she came up beside him and looked forward to see what he was so focused on. Her pale ears flicked back when she spotted the little tan and red bird that kept struggling to hop into the air, its injured wing keeping it tethered to the ground. "Oh no, poor thing..." She frowned, her concerned gaze turning to her brother, her brows pulled together as she desperately tried to think of something. "We've gotta help it, right? What do we do?"

"Roza" "Abby" Think


05-31-2016, 12:08 PM
Alfred looked over at his sister as she arrived, giving a soft whine. At least he wasn’t alone now, but he still didn’t have any idea how to help the poor creature that was on the ground. He didn’t know anything about birds... Except they could be for eating. But he didn’t want to eat this one. It was hurt... Defenseless. It seemed wrong somehow. The tan and red bird was pretty too... He sighed softly, gaze fixed on Roza. She seemed pretty certain that the only course of action was to help the little creature... But how? Could it even understand them?

“I really don’t know, Roza...” Alfred whispered in a soft voice. He lowered his large body to the ground, blue eyes shifting back to the poor critter that was flopping and flapping about helplessly. He started to move closer to it, ears lowered as he tried to speak in a soft voice to the creature. “H-Hey can you understand me? We... We wanna help you, okay?” What were they going to do if it couldn’t understand them?




8 Years
Athena I
05-31-2016, 05:21 PM

Roza's ears flicked back against her head as her gaze went back to the bird as it continued to flop and struggle. She followed Alfred's lead and lowered herself onto her stomach, still trying to figure out how they could help it. Her brows lifted with surprise when Alfred spoke and the little bird paused and looked at him, its eyes still panicked and his tiny chest moving so fast with its frantic breathing. But the main thing was that it did seem to understand! At least well enough to stop and look at Alfred. Roza nodded in agreement, her bright blue gaze fixed on the little tan and red creature. "Yeah, we just want to help," she agreed just as softly. A small smile touched her lips, hoping to look more friendly for the little thing. "May I take a look at your wing?" she asked. The bird seemed to hesitate for a long moment before she turned so that her injured wing was facing them. Roza glanced toward Alfie as she tried to keep her excitement in check. She slowly started to inch closer to the bird, staying pretty much on her stomach the whole time.

She examined the bird's wing as well as she could without actually touching it. She didn't want to accidently cause the bird more pain or accidently scare it. It didn't look too bent out of shape so she couldn't imagine that it was broken. She did see some blood dried onto the feathers there, but she couldn't see where the wound was because of them. Perhaps it was strained or sprung as well? "I'm Roza by the way," she said, looking from the bird's wing to her face. "And that's my brother Alfred." She watched the bird glance between the two of them, her gaze still unsure, but not nearly as afraid as before. "Do you have a name?" She honestly didn't know what birds went by. Could she even talk? That question at least was answer pretty quickly when she spoke, her voice high and trilly. Roza could tell from her voice that she was still pretty shaken up. "No... Not in your language." Roza gave the bird a bigger smile as she said, "Well, we'll think of a name for you, okay?" She looked back at Alfred then, her gaze curious, "Do you think some of the herbs Aunt Amalia uses would work on her too? Her wing is a little banged up, but I don't think it's broken." She looked back to her new friend, her expression brightening, "Which is good!"

"Roza" "Abby" Think


06-22-2016, 04:12 PM
I have my mother's dreams,

I have father's eyes,

Though the bird’s chest was moving frantically as she looked at him she did seem to understand that they wanted to help! Alfie glanced at Roza, surprised. He uh... Actually hadn’t expected to get this far! Roza took things a step further than he did with the pretty bird, examining her wing. Judging by the fact Roza didn’t seem to alarmed Alfie guessed the wing wasn’t broken. That was good then! Alfred swished his tail slightly, gaze focused on the small creature before them. This was neat... He’d never tried interacting with a bird before! If she could understand them... Could she talk as well?

Roza introduced them, then asked if the bird had a name too. She answered, much to Alfie’s delight, and the normally anxious boy wiggled on the ground with excitement. His gaze met with his sister’s own and he gave a firm nod, confidence in his voice when he spoke. “I’m sure they’ll work! Auntie Amalia can fix anyone up! Even our new friend!” He glanced back to the pretty bird, his ears perked as he smiled at her.

“Sorry if I scared you. Like Roza said my name is Alfred. You’re really pretty... Do you think you can share your name in your language? I know we probably won’t be able to repeat it but... I think it’s nice to share our real names anyway!” He found it great he didn’t feel afraid. Maybe it was because the other wasn’t a wolf and Roza was someone he was comfortable with...? This was going to require more investigation.

"Talk," 'Think.'

You can't take that from me;

Just Go ahead And try!