
Dark Thoughts Stirring


05-23-2016, 02:57 PM

Sunniva had remained in the North, particularly favoring the land as it got colder. The caribou certainly seemed to like it here, the woman thought quietly to herself. Though this place, which she had visited before, was rather interesting to the female. A strange structure, this ship... What had made it? Where had it come from? The female snorted softly as she searched around the ship. There were scents here, yes, but none that were fresh enough to truly catch her attention. It seemed she was alone on the vessel today.

The female breathed out slowly, her breath coming out as frost upon the air as she raised her muzzle and tipped her ears forward. Sometimes Sunniva liked the solitude. Other times she wondered if she might do something to stir up some excitement or take a slave. The thought actually caused a shiver of excitement to run down her spine. Yes, once she had practiced fighting some more that was exactly what she was going to do!

Feeling giddy with her plan Sunniva set about heading towards the interior of the ship once again. The rooms she had discovered could make cozy dens... Especially with those soft things to lay on. They felt better than any moss or feathers one might line their den with. Finding the particular room that suited her fancy Sunniva hoped up onto the bed within, walking in a circle before laying down and setting her head upon her paws.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Extra large
06-06-2016, 09:12 PM
God, was he glad that winter had arrived at last. Nothing was more comforting than the bitter chill of the north as he traveled to more familiar lands. The welcome feeling of snow crunching beneath his paws was a rather pleasant feeling, and he swore he wore a grin on his face the entire journey. He had no real goal in sight today - a good meal sounded tempting, but anything would do. Hunger was not a problem for him currently as his last meal had been a satisfying one.

The structure that he happened upon was a strange one indeed. It was encased in ice, partially covered by the earth itself, as though it had been there for all of time. it was.. quite intriguing, and his eyes widened as he examined it from afar, deciding to venture closer. The familiar scent that touched his nose only solidified his decision. His sister had been here recently! His tail wagged behind him as he approached, eager to reunite with her.

His heart was light as he approached the ship, letting loose a bark to alert her if she happened to be here still - and since her scent was relatively fresh, he figured she was. "Oy!" he'd call out, grinning from ear to ear as he came to an opening in the structure, cautiously peering inside the dark ship.


06-29-2016, 08:47 PM

Hmm? Sunniva gave pause as she heard the call, ears perking upward. Ahh she knew that voice! Excitement filled her as she quickly rose once more. There was no pause as she hopped down from the bed and padded out of the room to gaze down the hall. There she saw Aki’s face, peering inside the darkness that Sunniva had started to grow used to. She grinned from ear to ear herself, moving quietly along the interior and edging closer to him and calling out as she did so.

“It’s been some time, brother.” Her voice was a soft purr, her gaze thoughtful as she looked upon her elder brother. “Though as always it seems we come back together. How have you been fairing?” Her words were a bit softer, genuinely wondering how her sibling had been since she’d seen him last. It had been long... Far too long.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Extra large
07-17-2016, 07:37 PM
This structure was bizarre indeed, even for a man as peculiar as himself. He studied the interior of the vessel with narrowed eyes and a slightly wary gaze, his nostrils flaring as he tested the bitter air. He almost felt as though this place held some sort of stranger history - it was nothing he'd ever seen before, though he thought back upon the time he'd spent with Valentine in that strange wooden structure with the metal pieces inside. This was much different, though similar too, in a way. His gaze found her quickly, not long after he heard the gentle pattering of paws on the worn floor of the frozen vessel.

"Some time, indeed!" he quipped with a half-scoff, as though exasperated at how long it had been since they'd been together. No sooner after he spoke, though, his grin widened suddenly and his tail begin to beat firmly where it lay behind him.  "I've been well," he told her easily.  "Vaikka paljon paremmin nyt kun olen nähnyt minun kaunis sisko," he said, his voice full of joy as he regarded her, taking a few steps back - it seemed more natural to talk outside of the gloomy structure, for now. "What about you, Sunni?"