
Don't think twice



6 Years

05-29-2016, 02:59 AM

It had felt like a long journey, and one she wasn't completely certain she was willing to make. The north was not her favorite, and she knew that food could be lacking at times, especially during this season. However, the hospitality offered by Avalon had been so sincere, and Dragon's youthful enthusiasm had been both charming and contagious, so much that Esarosa didn't want to waste it. There would be benefits to all of them. Esarosa and her friends would have a place to call home - they'd each be able to find friends they identified with. They would have things to learn from each other, and there would be extra sets of eyes to watch for prey or trespassers. So, here she was, at the head of a small group of wolves all bound for Ivalice.

As the scent of the border markings became obvious, the territory became more familiar to Esarosa. She had been here before. Oh boy, had she ever. She knew this place well - it was where she'd first met her friend Miksa. As her heart and belly tensed at the memory, she tried to push it to the back of her mind. She missed her friend, but she had others to take his place, the wolves beside her whose warmth she could feel. It would be a challenge, but she would force those memories far away, and eventually she would forget.

For now, she had a duty to fulfill. To make sure that her friends had a place to live, and that started with calling to the wolves of the pack they wished to take residence with. So the midnight-coated woman would stop at Ivalice boundaries and tilt her head back in a howl, trying to cast her voice above the howling winds and whirling snow. Now she would wait for the wolves of Ivalice to come, and hope that none of her friends would leave or abandon her now.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]


05-29-2016, 05:39 AM

The woman had been out hunting, staying near her only friend since the fall of Argead. She was a loner by nature, but not by heart. So when Esarosa came back, she had news of a pack in the north, and no matter what, Valentina had promised to follow her friend. She had grown a close bond with the ebony maiden, and she was a friend she did not want to lose. It was a journey getting to the north, but not one that she minded. She had company this time, so she was content. Two others were (or would be) with them, and if they were friends of her friend, then she would be happy to get to know them as well. The pack they were headed to was unknown to Valentina as was the alpha, but when they approached, she could tell the borders were still somewhat new to the lands.

The group would come to the borders, and Esarosa would call for the Alphess. Her ears flicked as she waited nearby, olivine gaze searching the Terra beyond. So, this would be their home? But for how long? Until they too fell? Or until they went on to continue their own destiny? She supposed she'd wait and see. The odd creature looked to her friend for s moment, a playful grin on her maw. "So this is it? I trust your judgment. Can't wait to be done with the rogue life." She murmured. Truly, she was tired of being a rogue.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



1 Year
05-30-2016, 10:41 AM

Since Esarosa talked about making a pack, he had been trying his best to stick by her side. But they got separated, and he was lost all over again. It wasn't her fault, he had gone off and tried to catch them a nice snack, but he sucked at hunting. He had come back and found that she was gone, and with a heavy heart he started to track her. He had started to think of the black woman as a sister, they looked alike too. With a huff he started to look for her again, his too-big bangle rattling down his leg. Pausing to pull it back up his leg, he paused when a faint howl reached him. Esa. It was almost too quiet, if he hadn't been looking for her he doubted that he would ever have heard it. Unsure if he could make it in time, he took off at a sprint. As he ran it began to get colder and colder, slowing his pace. He blinked his silver eyes, he had never been to this area before. Because the winter was mild, his coat had not yet become thicker. Shivering, he tried to push through the cold wind. Snow whipped against his golden marked coat, threatening to topple the young boy over. Letting out a whine he tried to stay on course.

After much fighting, he finally saw shapes in the distance. Letting out a breath he rushed forward, nearly bumping into a red marked wolf. He tossed the stranger a sharp glare, turning to tuck himself behind Esarosa. Saying nothing, he sent dagger glares to the odd creature. What was this stupid wolf doing with his Esa? He growled, his fur puffing up around him as he pushed against the woman for warmth. What were they doing here? He sniffed the sharp air, picking up the smell of a pack border. He knew what those were now, the scar burning in his armpit at the memory. Looking up at his adoptive sister, his eyebrows knit together in question. What were they doing here, at another pack? He thought she wanted to start her own, so why were they joining a different one? And it was cold here. He didn't like it, but he trusted this woman. Looking for answers in her features, but he still stayed silent. Tossing one last quick glare at the stranger, he glanced back up at her. He already didn't like the bloody marked one. They smelled funny.

Art by Fox



6 Years

05-31-2016, 04:34 PM
Steel was not suited for pack life. He had decided this long ago, before his parents had died, and long before even joining Argead. And now Esarosa wanted to join a pack. He didn't - couldn't - protest. She was a social creature, that was obvious to him, and he wasn't. He could function within a pack, but thrive? Probably not. It was okay, though. Relationships were about compromise, and if his friend - or should he call her his girlfriend? - wanted this, he would not deny her that opportunity.

The journey north was not a terrible one. Though he'd spent much of his life in the warmer southern climate, the colder biome was not entirely unpleasant to him. Steel was quiet as he trailed a bit behind Esarosa, following her scent easily but giving her space.. or saying that he was giving himself space was probably a more accurate way of phrasing it.  The other wolves that Esarosa had invited along were strangers to him, and he was okay with keeping it that way.

Not long after Esarosa paused at the borders and let loose a howl for someone to greet them, Steel would wander in behind her, loping easily to her side. It was one place he felt comfortable in the world, and he was determined to not lose that safe place he had claimed as his own. Silent as a stone, he would lower himself to his haunches, waiting with the others for whoever might greet them.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-31-2016, 08:05 PM

A call from the borders caught her attention, nostrils flaring as she tried to pick up the scent of the caller. She wasn'tclose enough she supposed, as the only thing she could pick up was the smell of snow and the hare she was eating. Curiosity pulled her up and away from the meal, and she wasn't one to keep others waiting either. The woman made her way to the border as the last echo of the call faded away, and the closer she got, the more scents she could smell. Her fur bristled slightly in apprehension, but as the group came into view, she spotted the familiar ebony form of Esarosa. And with her, a small group. She didn't know if they all knew each other, but surely they did if they had all come together, right? She supposed she'd find out.

A smile touched her lips as the woman stopped before them, amber gaze looking at each new face before looking at Esarosa. "So you've found us. I'm glad you made it safely, the journey was not easy I'm sure." Her tail wagged a little, her full attention on her guests. "It's good to see you again, Esarosa. I'm sure Dragon will be pleased. I take it these are your friends?"

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

06-04-2016, 02:20 AM

They had all been relatively quiet on their journey, each of them lost in their own thoughts as they traveled into colder territory, where the land was mostly unfamiliar. She was finally broken from her internal, thoughtful state when Val came close, tossing her a playful grin. Esarosa grinned back at the woman. "You'll see," she said, wagging her tail. Before she could say anything else, Itri arrived, throwing glares all around before he slipped behind her, hiding and pressing into her for warmth. She turned to him with an amused smirk, and leaned toward him to murmur in his ear. "If you keep glaring like that, your face is going to get stuck that way," she said in a low tone, nudging him behind the ear, "At least fake a smile when Avalon shows up; she might let us live here, that way we don't spend the winter on our own." As he seemed to glance over at Valentina with another unfavorable glare, she realized she would have to introduce them, and hope that Itri could at least learn to tolerate her friends. Would it be possible to have them all get along? And where was Steel?

Suddenly she felt the dark-coated, red-eyed male arrive at her side, and she was at once put at ease and distracted from her worried thoughts. She was so glad he had finally made it. Drawn to him instantly, her shoulder found his and she gently leaned into him, the end of her snout nuzzling into his cheek in an unabashed, affectionate greeting. She had wanted to introduce all her friends to each other, but before she could get to it, Avalon had arrived, approaching the group. So, standing close to Steel, Esarosa looked to the sturdy woman that approached them. Her emerald gaze met amber eyes, their gazes equally intense but without hostility. Instead, they would exchange smiles, and Esa would dip her ebony crown to Avalon.

Esarosa nodded as the Alphaess greeted them, stating that it must have been quite the journey. She'd have to agree - the shift from mild weather to something much colder was certainly a shock, and it had felt like a long, long journey. "I'm just so glad we came to the right place," she said with relief in her tone, enthused when she heard word of Dragon, "Yes, these are my friends; we're hoping to have a place to live. This is Steel." She nodded to the man, brushing her shoulder against his, then she looked to Val. "This is Valentina," she said, smiling to her friend, so glad that the red-coated woman had followed her - then she looked to Itri, the boy that had made his way into her heart, just as stubborn and annoying as a sibling, "And this's Itri - he's my little brother." Her emerald orbs shifted to the boy, winking at him; she hoped that he didn't mind her calling him her brother. Now she'd wait on Avalon, hoping they'd all be welcome to join Ivalice - of course, they'd all have to work and find a place within the pack to pull their weight.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]


06-08-2016, 05:41 AM
The others arrived shortly after they paused at the borders, and Valentina would spy the gold speckled boy shooting daggers out his eyes and glaring at everything. She raised a slight brow to Esarosa, a question in her eyes that said what's his problem? Smirking then, she looked away from the boy as she flicked her tail and ears. "Might wanna wipe that off your face, kid. She's right y'know." She was teasing of course. It had been a long time since she was in the company of more then just Esarosa, so this would definitely take some getting used to.

Olivine gaze looked up to find a woman approach from the borders, the alphess no doubt. She silently watched their exchange, dipping her head when Esarosa introduced her to the woman "Pleasure." She smiled curtly. She seemed nice enough, hopefully not too nice and not too soft, but if Esarosa liked her then it was for good reason, no? Ears twitched slightly to catch the names of the other two companions. Steel was the strong silent broody guy, and itri was the pouting mad furball. Interesting, she didn't know that Esarosa had secured herself a boyfriend (at least she assumed), and a younger brother. Perhaps they were friends from her fallen pack. Pushing those thoughts aside, she would let Esarosa do the talking until she was required to speak for herself. They were all here for the same thing anyway, so she didn't have much to say. Or so she felt, anyway.



1 Year
06-11-2016, 11:32 PM

His tongue stuck out at Esa when she commented on her face, a huff leaving his parted jaws. He usually would speak to her, but there was another stranger here and he didn't like them. To further add to his dislike she commented on his face too. Slowly he peeked out from behind his adoptive sister, his eyes narrowing into even further slits. She could just keep her mouth shut before he did it for her! Lips curled back in a silent snarl, before he slowly slunk back behind the black female, all the while keeping his silver gaze on her. Stupid females. And stupid cold! Why was it so freaking cold here? He was going to be a frozen pupcicle soon if he didn't find somewhere to warm up. It hadn't been so dang cold back in the west, and this was even a mild winter! He didn't want to know what it was like here when it was a true, winter wonderland up here. Itri shivered just thinking about it. He had been told to play nice though, towards someone who might be giving them a home. Oh, another pack? He had put his neck out there joining the last one, and look how that turned out. He wasn't so sure about all of this, but he didn't want to leave the dame's side. If it meant bracing the cold... well he would do it. Without complaining! Too much, anyways.

Before long, another wolf came and joined them, pressing himself really close to Esarosa. He peeked up at the larger male, an angry pout on his features. This was his sister, just what did he think he was doing getting all up in their bubble? He watched with widening eyes as Esa turned and nuzzled his cheek, almost acting like she was in... barf! Itri actually gagged a bit, leaning down and nipping Esa's front leg. Why did she have to be so gross and nasty? They could wait to find somewhere to do that. Eww. Not that he even wanted someone else with her, because she was his. Did that mean that she was going to fall in love and leave him behind? He swallowed hard, nuzzling up closer to her as another burst of wind hit him. He hoped not, cause he couldn't be left all alone again...

Soon another wolf came, and the golden flecked boy felt his head start to spin. Too many strangers! Alarm bells were going off all over the place, and he actually ducked behind Esa's leg like a frightened child. He wasn't a pup! It was... it was just cold! Yeah, that was it. It was too cold to not be this close. When he heard his name being introduced, and as her little brother no less, he glanced up at his sister with a slightly narrowed gaze. "'m not little..." he muttered under his breath, hoping only she could hear him. It had taken her long enough to crack up and say something to him, he wasn't going to break tradition by talking to these other wolves so soon. He took in the others names though. He knew the tall lady was Avalon, and the other male was Steel. The blood marked wolf must be Valentina then. What a stupid name. At least Steel was a cool sounding name. He huffed again, going back to his place pushed into Esa. He said nothing at all to the super tall lady, although he guessed that Avalon was kind of a cool name. Not as stupid as Valentina.

Art by Fox



6 Years

06-23-2016, 06:16 PM
As he stood there, he was painfully aware that his face probably didn't look overly friendly. Though he regarded Esarosa warmly as she nuzzled him, leaning slightly into her as well, his expression wavered as they were greeted by the one who seemed to be in charger. He was not meaning to scowl, but his face did tighten and his brows furrowed as he watched her, though meekly he would nod a slow greeting in her direction.

He was fine with her introducing him, and he'd nod as through to affirm what she had said as true. Where she went, he would follow - for now, at least, is what he had promised her. It was what he wanted, even if he wasn't particularly thrilled about joining this pack. Steel's gaze briefly found Itri as the others spoke, and he frowned slightly at the boy's annoyed expression. He didn't know him, or why he had that odd expression on his face, but he'd avert it uncomfortably back to Avalon, wondering what else she had to say.