
A new day


06-03-2016, 12:56 AM

So now we fly ever free

Winola always flew out ahead of Terin, but never out of sight, and whenever she decided to start racing around it usually was because she wanted to play a game of chase, which Terin almost never turned down. Today was no different, the magpie glided ahead only to make a turn back around to the wolf following at a simple trot. "Sehen Sie alles kühl dort oben?" Terin call out to his avian companion, although for the most part, he spoke English, when it came to his feathered friend, spoke his native tongue a majority of the time. The sun shined down onto the blue and green hues of Winola's wings as she turned back around and circled him a few times, before landing onto the middle of his back. Her claws poked and itched Terin, but he was used to being her perch and made it no mind. "Keine..." Winola paused for a moment, a frown etched onto her black beak, from what Terin had saw at his glance at her. He would continue walking ahead, because just standing there wasn't going to get them anywhere, and plus, if he did just stand there, his companion would've told him to "mush" after a bit. "Es gibt nur die Bäume, aber ich sehe einen Teich vor." The brown tones wolf paused in his stride, thinking on whether to travel to the pond or just head on... to whatever is up ahead. A quick turn of his head, had him glance at Winola, she had to be tired, otherwise she wouldn't have just perched on his back. He knows well enough that she prefers to be in the air, with her wings stretched out, than to be anywhere near the ground. "Pond it is..." It was muttered, as it was spoken mostly to himself.

Terin continued walking, but his pace was quickened because he can only handle Winola on his back for so long, before it started to itch and bother him. He looks out towards the pond, towards the lily pads and various other creatures that reside in the pond. He feels his bird companion get off his back, but doesn't bother to look where she is now, for at the corners of his vision he can see her standing near the banks. Terin takes to refreshing himself with a cool drink before settling on his haunches, it's been a good day of traveling, but the sun hasn't set and that meant his time of wandering wasn't over yet either.

Sehen Sie alles kühl dort oben? - Do you see anything cool up there?
Keine - No
Es gibt nur die Bäume, aber ich sehe einen Teich vor. -There's just trees, but I see a pond up ahead.

We're free before the thunderstorm



2 Years
06-03-2016, 01:55 PM
Shadow had taken some more time to relax a bit more. He had been helping Maria try to find herbs in case of emergencies, and a small sigh would erupt through his throat. His crimson orbs shifted from side-to-side, looking to see if there were any prey animals that he could take out for a meal that he could bring back for Maria and himself. However, he would happen to see a bird flutter overhead, and curiosity would soon reside in the brute's mind. Perhaps he was not the only one here after all.

As he walked, the sound of a language he had never heard before rung in his lobes as a pond happened to come to his vision. It was obvious that he would have to drag some fish back if worse comes to worst, but, he would take the food without greed and be thankful he and Maria would probably have a full belly. However, he would keep his vision away from the male before him and dipped his head into the frigid liquid that resided in the pond; quenching his thirst and wettening his throat. His eyes stayed closed as he soon took a seat on the shore, watching the water to see if he could make out some bass or trout that swam about.


06-04-2016, 12:20 AM

So now we fly ever free

He wasn't paying attention before to his surroundings, his attention mostly consumed by the preening magpie next to him. He huffed with amusement as Winola started to nit pick at a feather that didn't seem to want to be straightened, in return the avian turned a grouchy look towards him, which only made Terin snicker even more. It was when his companion shook her head and continued to preen, that he looked up and actually noticed another wolf had arrived. His ears perked and his tail gave a swish, it's been a bit since he met another canine, well one that didn't immediately want to bite his head off. Or maybe he didn't notice me and will bite my head off if he does...' Terin's eyes narrowed for a moment, before deciding to just 'wing it'. "Grü-- Hello!" He rose from his sitting position and took to rounding the pond to reach the other wolf, his paws skittered the edge of the pond, disturbing it a little. He wasn't aware that the other was searching for fish, and that his upsetting of the calm pond might've scared off any prey. "Hey do you know anywhere to get some decent grub?" Terin wasn't socially adept, he also wasn't one for conversation starters, but he was trying. It was then Winola seemed to have noticed his absence and took to making a perch, atop of his head, much to the grievance of Terin because of her claws. "'Sup." The magpie spoke lamely, which in turn had Terin tipping his head side to side in an attempt to get her to perch elsewhere. It was a failed try and only earned him a wing to the side of the head.

We're free before the thunderstorm