
What's a girl to do?


06-05-2016, 01:45 AM

She wouldn't leave her sister alone with the pups for very long. Those two were a paw full on a good day. However, they had barely even arrived in these lands before they ended up as caretakers for these two fiery bundles so she wanted to take a little time to explore the other areas around the volcano. She trotted through the young forest, her green gaze taking it all in. Everything was pretty brown and dead at the moment because of the winter, the ground covered in a thin layer of snow. She tried to imagine what it might be like once spring hit and everything was in bloom again, but she decided she'd just have to come see it for herself later in the year. It wasn't like they really seemed to be moving any time soon, at least not that far of a distance. She moved through the trees at a easy pace, winding her way through them as she looked around at her surroundings with a small smile on her lips. She wasn't really sure what to expect out here. Perhaps she could hunt down something to take back to Carletta and the kids so at least the trip would be for a reason.

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