
{AW} There's no more waiting

Oleander I


4 Years
06-07-2016, 01:40 PM

Cause we're counting on stars

Now this is what they had been looking for all along. Even though it was winter there were still crops that were growing here. They were unruly, nothing holding them in place. Random things grew around, the same plant mixed in a few times. A sprig of thyme there and a few potato plants. It looked as if someone had started a garden here, but it had not been touched in quite some time. Once everything died off, he would he able to tame this unruly place. The earth was obviously well furtilized, otherwise some of these crops would not be here at all. A soft breath left Oleander's lips, he was truly in awe. "Quis hoc fecit initium pulchra paradisi?" he asked a bunch of spinach, brushing the top of his head against its leafy bundle. He sat down near a huge bush of rhubarb, careful to avoid the spiked leaves. Cedar was somewhere behind him, having found a hare munching on some kale. His companions job had always been to keep pests away from the plants, and now that they had found a large garden his instinct must of kicked in. He knew his brother would never be far away, his gray tail swinging on the ground behind him. The jackal would be back in no time, after he had felt like he had done a good enough job.

It wasn't hard for him to decide that this is where he was going to start his own garden. There were already a bunch of things that were growing here wildly, all he had to do was gather some more seeds and till the earth. In a few weeks time he could tame the unruly crops, turn it into a neat and well organized field like back home. "Ego pascam vos et vestrum fac uenias potentia. Non veniet super vos malum, quod ego loquor ad te." Ollie whispered to the plants, his dark teal eyes gazing at them fondly. Yes, this would be their new home.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
Extra large
06-11-2016, 05:24 AM
She couldn't take it any longer, the confinement of Myriad. Two territories weren't enough to keep her satisfied. Her paws were always wandering, and walking from one end of the territory to the other and patrolling the borders just weren't enough for her anymore. She had to go out and see the rest of the world. See new sights, hear new sounds, smell new scents. When the alphess had finished her usual, monotonous patrol of the borders, she was eager to venture out into the unknown, thrill boiling in her veins. She didn't care where she went. She just followed her paws, taking in the sights and smells. The thought itself was exhilarating. Imagine that, exploring! Just like her childhood days. For a while, she forgot all about Myriad. Her pack life ceased to exist. She was no longer a queen, but a rogue traveller, floating from place to place.

Ooh, this place was cool. Green paws slowly traversed the tall grass, feeling the soft earth underneath. The soil had to be pretty good if so many of these towering stalks grew over the plain. If this turf could grow like wildfire, surely herbs could too, right? The plants healers used? She didn't know the first thing when it came to medicinal herbs, though upon her return she planned to tell Armai all about this place. Sure, it was a bit far to be claimed as Myriad's, but perhaps as a small healer's project. Scarlets scanned the horizon. There was some more grass, and some clumps and bushes of other plants. And that weird structure. And that log. Wait a minute, that was no log, it was a wolf! Pelting through the grass, she galloped to the chestnut figure, tongue lolling from her mouth. She let out a bark as she approached him. "Hey!" she called out, almost stepping on the male's plants though quickly apologised. "Sorry, what are you doing here?"

Oleander I


4 Years
06-12-2016, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2016, 09:49 PM by Oleander I.)

Cause we're counting on stars

Oleander was oblivious to the world around him when he was talking to his plants. This time was no different than the rest. He didn't hear the thundering paws that were racing up to him, but Cedar did. The jackal raced back from wherever he had been, jumping in front of his brother as the odd coloured woman approached them. "Frater, nos hospes." he said, his hackles raising somewhat. She had been running that them, he had assumed that she was attacking. But Ollie did not hear him, still murmuring to the crops in front of him. The smaller canine let out a sigh as the stranger got closer and his brother still payed no attention. "Oleander!" But still nothing. It wasn't until the dame almost trod on a bundle of garlic sprouts that he snapped to attention, his dark teal eyes narrowing as he glanced at her. It was then that he saw the bright green underside of her, his eyes opening up wide as he scrambled to his paws. He looked at her in wonderment and awe, his jaws hanging slightly slacked open. So Shadow had been right, there were other strange coloured wolves here. Cedar shifted so that he was at his side, wary of the way she had approached them. Why would someone race at a complete stranger like that? The wolves of this world were a strange sort indeed.

Oleander realized that he was still ogling the black and green wolf, and he shook his head slightly. "Purgando, I did not mean to stare," he said softly, the note of awe clear in his voice. "I'm not used to such bold colours," he explained, his shoulders shrugging. He had always been the more silent type, but seeing her standing right there, it was hard not to comment on it. He nudged Cedar beside him, who inclined his head in a greeting. "As you can see we are not from these lands. Back home it is a very rare sight to see a wolf of odd colouration. Since coming here we have run into many, it seems to the the norm in here, no?" The jackal asked, filling in for his wolf companion who would much rather observe her and the conversation. She had asked what they were doing here, and Oleander gestured to the plants around them. "Gardening," he said in a simple way, causing the black backed jackal to sigh. "Excuse my brother, talking has never been his strong suit. Where we come from, all wolves tend to a garden of sorts and grow their own plants. Since coming here, we have been looking for a place to start our own. But it would appear that this one has been left, and we have taken it over." Cedar explained. "I am Cedar, and this is Oleander." The wolf nodded his head, dipping down somewhat as he was introduced. "Ollie, you can call me Ollie." He said, offering a small smile.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
Extra large
06-26-2016, 03:06 AM
ooc: so sorry for the wait!

As she frolicked towards him, a lazy sort of gallop, a strange furry creature came out of nowhere, stepping in front of the grey male. What was that? Was it a wolf? No, it couldn't be. It was about half her height, of a thin stature with an auburn pelt. Unlike the male, it knew she was thundering at them, staring dead-straight in her eyes with hackles slightly raised. Uh oh, she should've known this healer would have come with a bodyguard. Caught in her surprise, she tried to slow her paws down to avoid clashing with the animal, though instead trod on the man's gathered plants, ever so gracefully. Whoops. The male finally realised her, and in his shock, practically jumped aside. Teal eyes snapped open and ashen fur stood on end. Way to go, Zeph. Way to meet someone as an alphess.

She blubbered out her apologies, and he too would apologise for staring. He spoke an unfamiliar word, while an accent laced his English words. She was used to the staring. Some wolves found unnatural colours normal, and others didn't. It just depended on their upbringing. At one point in her childhood, she had thought wolves of a plainer pelt colour were quite the oddity. "Oh, it's alright. You don't need to apologise for that," she assured him with a laugh. Then the creature spoke, making the queen raise a brow in curiosity. It seemed the smaller canine did most of the talking, explaining that they weren't from these lands. Were they friends? Travellers? Travelling friends? "Well, I'm not the only one - I know that," she added with a smile. When she asked what they were doing, the man quite briskly replied with 'gardening'. Well, she knew that, but why? The creature went on to elaborate, addressing him as 'brother', explaining that everyone gardened from the land they came from, and they were looking to do the same here. Hmm. They seemed determined to claim these plains, though could she interest them with Myriad? The pack needed more healers. "I'm Zephyra Agatsuma, queen of Myriad. But please call me Zeph," she introduced with a dip of her head. "A pleasure to meet you, Cedar and Ollie."