
with all the force of a great typhoon



7 Years
08-13-2014, 08:32 AM
short crappy starter

It was finally time. The children were old enough to leave the den, to roam and play in the Olympian lands to their hearts' content. Natalya was both excited and fearful for the moment, irrationally paranoid that she would lose another child for one reason or another (still unaware that her eldest had drifted from her). The mother in her couldn't bear the thought, but the queen in her pushed it away, determined to see only the positives.

She returned to the den from patrol in the wee hours of the morning, calling for her beloved Helios on the way. She was uncertain if he remained in the den or had ventured out, and she did not want him to miss this for anything. When she arrived she barked to her children. "Chione, Hercules, Eunomia. Come, see your home."


08-13-2014, 02:14 PM

Her voice, it called for him and his siblings, beckoning to leave the den and explore the outside world, their home. Hercules would stir, ears flipping upwards, tail flopping out from its comfortable position. Soon his arching spine straightened, body rolling onto his back where his legs would spread out above him, little toes spreading as he stretched out his entire frame before finally allowing them to fall to the ground with a yawn.

With a twitch of his nose the boy would finally make an effort to stand up, legs pulling in, body rolling onto his stomach. He lifted himself up, head hanging till he was finally standing, held properly above his shoulders. "Comin' mother." He'd bark, paws carrying the boy to the den's entrance where he would momentarily pause, allowing his eyes to adjust to the new lighting.

Firey orange orbs looked up to the one he identified as his mother, lips pulling into a smile. "Will father come?" He asked curiously, taking a careful step out of the den and having all his senses overwhelmed by the new world.

Awesome image by Shelby <3


08-15-2014, 04:34 PM
regrets collect like old friends

The soft, lyrical hum of her mother's voice rumbled softly from outside the shadow-engulfed den, the young heirs ears flicking forward casually. Her little body was sprawled out comfortably upon the soft floor of the den, snuggled up with her siblings and sleeping or resting. But, with the steady movement of her brother's form, the little princess escaped her light slumber and listened to the soft tone of her mother. A weak smile played across the lips of the young woman, her paws attempting to lift her off the ground.
Though within seconds of standing, she fell back to the ground, skinny legs giving out beneath her. Her chin slammed against the soft floor of the den and she let out a soft whine of discomfort. "Ouch..." She slowly lifted her head and found her paws again, hobbling out the den and accidently bumping into the rear of her brother. The girl whimpered and finally flopped down beside him, sides heaving and eyes shutting to the sudden light that burned against her multi-colored eyes.
None of her other siblings, besides Hercules, were out with their mother. But Eunomia found it respectful of her to apologize for her clumsiness and time to get out there anyhow. "Sorry mother...I'm here now." Her eyes casted up to the black mass in which she called her mother, a frown playing upon her lips as she, again, fought herself to stand.

[sorry for the lateness x.x]

Template by Raze on SoulsRPG

Helios I


9 Years
08-15-2014, 10:10 PM

The call of his wife dragged Helios from his thoughts as he ran patrols around the lands. He had yet to tell her of Apollo and the fight they had had, one of the first things he could actually remember hiding from her. He wasn?t sure she would be able to take the knowledge of what exactly their son thought of them, not so close on the tail of Hermes? death anyways. Still he felt very much like he was drowning when left alone with those thoughts.
The russet man trotted towards the valley with an eagerness he did not often show. Tail began to beat the air as the form of Natalya came into view, two smaller shapes moving around her. The man caught what Hercules asked and chuckled, moving up beside Natalya and gently pushing into her for a moment. "Oh I think he will." He spoke with some amusement, giving Nat a quick nuzzle before reaching forwards to brush his nose over the top of the child?s head.
He smiled down at his daughter, then lifted his gaze again and frowned slightly. Where was Chione? He had not failed to notice his other daughter?s more solitary preferences but he had hoped to see her on their first outing from the den.




7 Years
08-19-2014, 09:15 PM

Two of her children emerged moments after she called to them, and only just before the arrival of their father. She bent to give them each a quick kiss on the tops of their heads before nuzzling Helios when he came beside her. "Hercules, what would make you think your father would skip such an important event?" Her voice was teasing as she addressed her son. "And no reason to apologize, Eunomia. How long it took you to leave the den only affected how long you get to enjoy the freedom from it." Her thoughts drifted to Chione then, wondering what the girl was doing. She was certain the child would be along, but she worried for her anyway. Chione was certainly the odd one of the three.

"Why don't you explore for a while? Just be sure to stay within sight of us. We will take you on a true tour of the lands when your sister joins us." She would gesture with her paw to the area around their den, encouraging the children to play. Her attentions would then turn to her mate. "How has your morning been, my dear?" They had spent little time together since the birth, needing to split between tending to the children and tending to their duties. With the aging of their children they would finally be able to enjoy each other's company again, something Natalya had greatly missed.

"Do you think that Apollo will be joining us today?" She hadn't seen her eldest son in some time, but she hoped that he would come to greet his siblings on their first journey outside.



8 Years
Chrono I
08-20-2014, 03:24 PM

For once the girl had drifted off into sleep, her puppy years to come would force her into it but would make her think that there was nothing but the sick and twisted things that went on throughout her dreams. She could often see a forth child being spun around in blood and thrown to a circle of birds that took him far away. And although she didn't understand that there was a forth child, another brother, she would never know that it was truth. That her mother had thrown him away.

The rustle of Herc was enough to make her flinch and wake from the sleep, and soon her sister would up and follow him. But instead of coming graciously to mother's gentle demand, she would lean back against the wall of the den, a smile to her her maw, more than glad that she was finally alone. Her siblings always tried to snuggle up close to her, as well as each other, and they never understood that she wanted them away. And sometimes she couldn't fight them off, and she would have to suffer through the night being closely encased in their scents.

Just as she was getting to like the empty den, Charon slithered in from the entrance, a pelt of browns and grays and a glowing pair of pupiless blood red orbs to go against it. She didn't understand why he changed in appearances so often, she had never met a wolf of that trait; it would only take forever for her to get that he wasn't real.

She heard the tones from her mother and siblings, and soon her father but they were easily blocked as Charon came to silently speak in her ears. "Why don't you come and play dear?" Her voice was quiet, it may have been spotted but not loud enough to make out her words. "I don't wanna go play with Herc and Euna. I've had enough time with them."

"I meant with me." She was far too young to understand the means of his playtime, and though she couldn't feel a touch from him, it hadn't mattered. "NO! I don't wanna play!" Her raised voice that time had definitely made a clear exit of the den, and anyone standing by the mouth could hear it. Her brows turned in as she glared bitterly at the ghost beside her, her head turned away from the den and her body still laid flat on her stomach.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
08-20-2014, 04:53 PM

Olympus was her family now, there was no one left after all. Arian was hoping to catch Virgil's children, but the healer had no clue when they would be born or even return. Her heart ached, but she kept on the same facade of a smiling face in the background of the wolves moving around. She didn't know any of them, all she knew was most of them were related to Virgil. It made her very uncomfortable but that was one thing she had long grown used to. As she had growing alone. She was now an adult and a full fledged healer of Olympus as far as she knew she was only one of the few healers as well.
Her tail curled over and over again. The healer watched the pups but she still kept her distance in more of a relaxing matter. No one here knew her anyway, and if they asked maybe she would be a bit more bright. Arian was a positive one after all. The pups were taking the stress off her mind at least, she wasn't a pup anymore but she certainly remembered being one.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


08-23-2014, 01:41 PM
Allowing his eyes to adjust to the lighting, the small boy took in big breathes, wanting to take in all the new scents as much as possible. I was, refreshing, and more free than the muggy air of the cramped den with his family. It was nice. Then he was bumped into, turning to see who had bumped him the boy would see it was Eunomia, and instead of getting mad he simply grinned and nuzzled his sister's shoulder as she sat beside him.

Within moments their father showed up, answering the boy's question on if he would show up. The boy chuckled, pressing his head into the man's touch before looking to his mother when she spoke. Now she had given them a kiss on their heads, the smile remaining on the boy's face. When she asked, teasingly of course, why Hercules thought his father wouldn't show, the boy's paws shifted a little shyly. "You and papa not always here, thought he was would be working." He spoke up with an embarrassed look on his face.

Mother gave the two permission to explore, as long as their stayed within their parents sight. The boy's face lit up to hear this, nodding his head and looking to Eun excitedly. Quickly rising to all four the boy would gently nipped his sibling's shoulder before whipping around and running from the group with a laugh, tail swinging like mad and tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

He wouldn't wait for Chione to join, he figured she would come out when she was ready.

Helios I


9 Years
09-06-2014, 11:08 PM

The man smiled down at the red boy, a part of him glad at least one of their children had taken more after him, though it seemed his side of the family had made itself known much better this time around. "You?re right, I?m not, but I wouldn?t want to miss your big day now would I?" His lifted his gaze suddenly as a sudden outburst was heard from the den even as the other pups were moving off and he frowned. But Natalya was asking him a question and he turned his gaze back to the ebony woman. "Uneventful." He said chuckling. For a moment he rested his muzzle upon the top of her head and breathed a contented sigh. Then a question he had hoped to avoid flitted from her lips.
He sighed and lifted his head. " ?I?m not sure." He said softly and taking the still missing presence of his daughter as an excuse to step away for a moment. The russet man moved in front of the den and lowered his head to gaze into the hole. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dimness and when he did he was greeted with the somewhat droll image of Chione flopped on her stomach. "Everything alright sweetie?"




7 Years
09-07-2014, 08:15 PM

Natalya remained silent as Helios handled Hercules's comment, a smile on her face. She felt terrible about how busy she and her husband were, and how busy they would continue to be, but soon the children would be plenty busy themselves. After this fun outing they would begin their training and hard work would fill their schedules. They would hardly even notice the absence of their parents during long days of work.

The outburst from within the den was noticed over the sound of the other children bounding off to play, just before Helios replied to her questions. Her expression wavered at the sound of a sigh and disappointment when he answered concerning Apollo. She opened her mouth slightly to question him further, but he had already moved away from her to address the situation with their daughter. It would have to wait. She shifted slightly in her position as the smell of Arian wafted to her nose and nodded in the girl's direction, wondering if she would come near and socialize or simply lurk on the edge of the family gathering.



8 Years
Chrono I
09-08-2014, 11:59 AM

THe sound of her fathers voice entering the den would make her shoot a look of anger, and almost evil. But her eyes would soften to his figure. It was true that it was either one or the other parent if any, very rare that the two were together in between work of being a new set of royals. Most the time Chione could care less, today she felt a bit more obligated to see him but it still wasn't the kind of love a daughter should for her father.

"No, Baba," Her maw remained opened as if she were to say something, and she came to sit up and look forward to him. "Sweetie? Darling, you know for sure that you ain't his sweatie."

To the tone in his voice, Chione whipped her neck to face him and looked at him furiously. She wasn't too fond of her parents and siblings, but they were family. And she wished Charon would just shut up. Her attention came off Helios and was all intent on her imaginary friend.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
09-10-2014, 08:47 PM
*OOC NOTE: I'm picking up where Eunomia left off with Alectrona to clear up any confusion*

Alectrona looked at at her mother and then to her father as she stumbled her way out further and further from the entrance of the den. She felt her brother nip her shoulder which would bring about a small smile on her little maw. However she wanted to stay by her mother and father for a little while longer, to soak in the world that was outside the den. She smiled as she tried to move closer to her mother "a tour of the lands? is that like sight seeing but with you mum and dah" she tried to speak up but tried to lean against her mother for support before attempting to move about again. Her sea green eyes looking over her mother's beautiful black form and then she gently turned her head to see her father as he was talking with her sister.

Chione, why wasn't she coming out with them. Little Alectrona wasn't going to let Chione spoil her fun though as she tried to test her little voice once more "dah, are you going to teach me what you do when you go sight seeing?" as she moved closer to Helios and pressed herself up against him. She was curious about what her parents would say. Once she had her answers she would go and play with her brother as her mind was like a little sponge waiting for the waters of words and knowledge to come and soak up into her mind.

For now she let her little tail fly about left and right, side to side, as she was rather happy to be outside the den and seeing her home that was Olympus. The child was ready to learn, ready to play, ready to see the world that she was brought into. For now though Alectrona was content to be by her parents and play with her siblings particularly Hercules.


09-13-2014, 04:20 PM

It seemed that Alec didn't wanna play and was more so wanting to learn on their first day out. It took him a couple seconds to realize this, but when he did his made Hercules slow to a walk then finally a top, his body twisting around to face his family once more with a small, playful pout. "Why you so mean Alec? Leaving me hanging like that." He stuck out his bottom lip, folded back his ears and even did the whole big puppy eyes when he asked. He wasn't aiming to seriously make his sister feel guilty for not chasing after him, just being a bit silly to continue the good mood of today's exploration.

Quickly though he would switch back to his normal, happy self and flash a grin while his ears perked up and tail began to wag behind him. "You guys are gonna teach us things?" He barked excitedly, quickly making his way back over, small paws carrying the boy up and around to his father's right side. Fiery orange eyes looked up at the man briefly then would swing over to glance towards his mother with an eager grin. "What kinds of things?" He questioned curiously. What could they possibly teach their children today?

Awesome image by Shelby <3