
Of Gods And Monsters



5 Years
06-14-2016, 02:45 PM

So far thee foreign lands were far from pleasurable and the fluffy arctic beast wasn't enjoying the warmer climates that it had to offer. Ever since the forest he'd been in he'd steadily begun to head west which was a mistake on his part. He'd been a fool to expect the weather to improve any and it didn't seem to be getting any colder. It was either a mild winter here or the lands like these were always warmer. In any case he didn't enjoy it. He missed the ice and the snow of his homelands.

Ever since he'd arrived on this continent he hadn't seen hide nor tail of Una and he was beginning to worry. Where could his older sibling be? He was aware she was an adult and could take care of herself but he was a protective creature and wouldn't rest until he saw that she was safe and well. Of course he doubted she'd be anywhere in these southern lands and he had already decided that as soon as he found an opportunity he'd start heading north.

In the mean time the calling of his stomach drew him away from his present task and he stalked through the bleak plains of the area he'd recently come across. The Winter still gave the air a chill but nothing that penetrated his thick coat enough to matter. The skies were blanketed in gray and he glanced at it with little worry. Even if it did snow it wouldn't be enough to push him to find shelter. Instead he trotted lightly along a rabbit run intent on finding one of the little rodents for lunch.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
06-19-2016, 05:12 AM
The heartless wind billowed. The grey clouds swirled overhead, moving closer. The grass swayed underfoot, the ground growing colder. Amidst the wintery scene, an alabaster figure wandered, contrasting against the green. Her paws had lost direction, lumbering in no direction, no set course, no vague path to follow. The world ceased to exist, time had slowed. Her mind had lost direction. Her insides had turned to ash. She was hollow, without emotion, without a purpose. Even her own existence seemed indefinite, faint, translucent. It was like she had never left a trace of her existence, a mark on the world. Had she ever existed? Would she?

Bicoloured eyes didn't dare look up at the sky, observe her surroundings, see the world around her. They remained on her paws, head lowered, neck outstretched. Falling deeper into a daze, further from reality. Then it all changed. One minute she felt lifeless, weightless, nothing but emptiness surrounding her. The next she had collided with a larger form. The first thing she had noticed was the soft fur and masculine scent filling her nose. Memories flooded back, the image of an ivory male, and she snapped out of her daze. At the sight of piercing emerald eyes, she stepped back, quivering. "I'm sorry," she whimpered to the stranger, flattening her ears upon her skull in embarrassment. "I don't know what's gotten into me."




5 Years
07-07-2016, 06:15 AM

He hadn't been following the rabbit trails long when he caught a fresh scent of one nearby. He traveled along the run intently with silent paw steps. It wouldn't do him any good if he made any noise after all. They'd all hear him and then run into their burrows and he didn't feel like going through the effort of trying to dig one out. He wasn't past putting in effort for a meal but if he could snag an unsuspecting rabbit while it was munching on food he was going to do it. Better than spending a good amount of time getting his paws dirty for prey that wouldn't even fill him up all the way.

He was close now. Ears strained forward as he tried to keep track of its location. He was a good distance away focused intently on it as it munched on its meal. He was certain it was going to be its last meal too. That was until he felt something collide into his chest. He stiffened as his chest took the blow (not that it was anything that actual hurt) and his gaze rested on the thing that had so carelessly ran into him.

"I'm sorry," She whimpered at him in a submissive manner. "I don't know what's gotten into me."

Had she not been so apologetic and pathetic sounding he probably would have gotten angry. His prey had gotten away and now his stomach would have to wait. A soundless sigh would whisper past his lips as he turned his gaze back to the woman. She was simple looking. White with strange eye markings he'd never seen before. She noted the pack scent on her pelt and of course it wasn't one he knew. He studied her for a few seconds longer taking note of how upset she seemed to be. It also must have been the reasons she ran into him. She clearly hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings. It wasn't worth the effort to be upset so he waved it off.

"Don't worry about it." He rumbled softly, assuring her that she'd caused no harm. He'd pause for a moment to view their surroundings before deciding to goad her into a conversation. Might as well since his hunt hadn't gone well. "My name's Tonrar." He'd offer an introduction, curious to know a bit about his present company.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
07-12-2016, 05:03 AM
Can't you bloody look up for once? She was trying to - look up. Not just literally. When her life had been looking clear again, she tried to keep her chin up in the direst of situations. Looking on the bright side, being positive, being grateful. It was going to work. It was supposed to work. But it all spun out of control. For the first time in seasons, she had been happy, content, satisfied. A pack, a home, a friend to trust. Haha, trust - funny word. Who could she trust anymore? Certainly not her family, or friends. How was she to trust that Celestial would still be around tomorrow? How much did she have to lose before her life went, "Okay, she's been through enough now. Let's just ease the drama and actually let her enjoy herself."

What really got to her was the impending loneliness. Alone, alone, alone, you're alone, Varda. Though she had a pack, it didn't feel the same. Everyone was having their happy little families, no-one leaving one another, one huge family dominating the entire pack. She just felt like the odd one out, the ugly duckling. Sometimes she felt like the last Destruction on the face of the continent. That wasn't the case, surely, but in Celestial, it felt like it.

"Varda," she uttered her name, looking in his green gaze momentarily. Not like the amber eyes she had grown so used to seeing. She could even remember the exact shade of those eyes - more of a yellow than an orange. This one looked foreign, even cold. She was hesitant to look at the rest of him. He was larger - she could feel that. From her occasional glances at him, she took note of his russet pelt with an alabaster underbody and markings. "Are you from this area?" Wow, great conversation starter, Varda. Real smooth.
