
The Left Side Of Everywhere



9 Years
06-16-2016, 09:33 PM

The arctic beast had had no real area in mind when he'd left Celestial. Originally his travels had led him back to Obsidian beach and out of habit he'd done some sniffing around for the wolves of Donostrea. Naturally he hadn't found anything worth mentioning. Just a few stale scents here and there and left over dens that still smelled of some of the family members but those were slowly fading. With Locha now missing as well he'd practically given up on actually finding the Elementas anymore. All that was left were the memories of their legacy.

For now he was content to let his feet lead him as he eagerly sought out the adventure in new places. He'd never actually ventured to any of the islands and the prospect of a swim was enticing. Rather than swim to the island from the beach he'd headed towards the Alabaster Shrine, where he'd met Bright Moon at, and then left from there. He was thankful that the winter seemed to be an unnaturally warmer one. That combined with the southern temperatures made the ocean just bearable enough to swim in. His thick coat helped with the temperatures but the farther out he got the more he realized that he was going to be tired by the time he got there. The water was making him feel like he weighed twice as much as he already did. He knew he wasn't getting any younger so his age certainly was playing a factor in it. It certainly was worth it though. The itch for adventure was just too great.

Eventually he could see the shore of the island and it returned some energy to his tired limbs. Soon enough his paws scraped against the bottom of the ocean and he crawled his way up the shore until his feet hit the sand. The warmer air was a welcoming change compared to the colder ocean and he embraced it eagerly as he shook his pelt. His pelt fluffed up, much like his mothers had whenever she got wet, and he chuckled to himself. Now he looked extra poofy. Rather than immediately heading towards the middle of the island he decided to sit on the beach for a few minutes to soak up the sun. The white sand was warm beneath his toes and he happily closed his eyes to enjoy himself for a bit before he decided to explore.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



3 Years
06-16-2016, 10:46 PM


Her paws carried her further- into a new land, into new adventures. It had seemed each land was bringing something new to her- at least a new face, nonetheless. It was interesting and brought curiosity to her veins, each land was far different from her home, and each one made her long for her family even more. But what was the point of growing up, if you were only to be homesick every sunrise? She had to get a hold of herself- she had stated she was an independent wolf whom could take care of herself, it was about time she acted like it.

Her eyes caught glance of the shore, not even having noticed she wandered onto a the beach. She had traveled here the prior day, the swim not too hard on her small body, for her agility was high and her endurance even better. She had taken a good night's worth of rest, and now, she was out and about again. What she once thought was empty, proved to be occupied by another presence. Her gaze shifted, scanning over the land before she caught sight of the figure, fur ruffled and frizzy, obviously just having swam in the ocean's depths. A soft sigh left her lungs as she approached gracefully, keeping her movements light and steady. She did not know the male, but he did not appear to be harmful. He was merely laying and basking in the sun's heat, drying his pelt and relaxing... surely he wouldn't jump up and attack her?

"I do hope i'm not intruding, Sir." Her vocals voiced as she grew closer, the distance between them becoming shorter with each steady stride she took. She let her brown eyes stay upon him, but she made no move to sit or stay- if she had intruded on him, she would give a polite goodbye and take her leave; but if not, what was the harm in a simple conversation?



9 Years
06-18-2016, 01:18 AM

He would remain laying in the sand with his belly pressed against the ground and his head on his paws as he enjoyed the sunlight. A soft sigh would filter through his nose as he enjoyed himself for a while and he was quite close to dozing off before the shifting of paws on the beach caught his attention. Fluffy ears would flick towards the noise and judging by the noise Creed would soon determine that the other creature was a wolf. Giving the other the benefit of the doubt he'd remain in his relaxed position. He tended to be very amiable and trusting with others as he'd come across very few wolves who weren't friendly.

"I do hope i'm not intruding, Sir."

Teal eyes would slowly flutter open and he'd raise his head to look at his present company. She was a dainty looking thing with a natural colored coat and brown eyes to top it all off. His tail would swish in the sand and he offered her a welcoming smile. He hadn't expected company when he'd come here but he certainly wasn't opposed to it. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd scouted around already.

"No." He shook his head. "Yer no' intrudin at all." He'd paused for a moment, watching to see if she'd relax at all. In that brief amount of time he'd rise to a sitting position feeling a lot less tired than when he'd first arrived. "Ah'm Creed Ancora. Pleasure ta mee' ye."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]