
[aw] looking

Sparrow I


7 Years
09-01-2016, 12:00 PM
Sparrow listened to Peregrine's story, nodding slowly along as the words came together. She was a treasure hunter? Sparrow doubted anything could be haunted, and clicked her tongue at the mention of it. Toward the end, Peregrine said she had saved Ricochet from a life of boredom and Sparrow found herself snorting out a laugh, "True, that might be a fair trade, but I can't imagine Ricochet having a boring life either way."

Ricochet seemed to give up the competition right away and the Sparrow shot the tall girl a pout. The grey giant went on to explain how funny Peregrine looked trapped under the log. Sparrow quirked a brow, "I suppose it's good then that you found her," Sparrow said, looking between the two. "I'm glad nothing bad happened."

Sparrow shivered thinking about how things could have gone wrong for Peregrine. She decided not to dwell on it. It had turned out alright, so there was no point in thinking about what could have gone wrong. Shaking off the thought, Sparrow smiled, her tail swaying behind her. She couldn't help but feel nervous when she was about to speak to these two, but she pushed through her nerves.

"If Ricochet concedes, then Peregrine wins the title of best story... this time."

Sparrow smiled warmly. Too bad there wasn't more of a hard decision. Now that the competition was over, Sparrow didn't really know what to talk about.

"Well, I guess it might be a fair trade if you always keep her life interesting, but then Ricochet always gets to be known as the hero, right?" Mint eyes flicked to mismatched ones, "Don't you think that's a little boring?"

Sparrow remembered Ashmedai harping on about how hero types were boring, but how he also kind of wanted to be one; something about being a hero to those that needed it, but a nightmare to those that he pursued. It reminded her of the war, where one side thought they were right and didn't really care about the other side. She wondered if other people thought of heroes similarly, or if Peregrine and Ricochet would have individual spins on that. Somehow she hoped they did.