



4 Years
06-24-2016, 08:58 PM
Her pads fell to the snow struck ground like little war drums to any that could feast with their ears upon the sounds. Little clicks joined the drums, her claws tapping across the smooth stone ground with ease. A viper-like, yellow gaze, slipped across the marble wash with an envious tone. The woman envied the beautiful marble, she wished to be such a simply wonderful sight. Yet, her moment of jealousy was easily swept away was she observed the glow from the moonlight. The beast stood in the night, in the middle of the valley between walls of marble all around her. Ilyn'ra was dumbfounded on how such a gracious sight was not rumored across the lands. If she did not already have a place she called home the creature would take up residence within a cave of the likes. She slithered down the dried river, her tail swaying with ease. The normally quite abrasive Wolf was relaxed, for how could anyone be in such a demeanor when surrounded by such amazing sights. Her lower jaw slipped open, once again allowing any scent slip into her chasm. Nothing registered, she knew she was alone.. for now of course. It seemed there was always someone lurking within the shadows of these lands. Mysteries and secrets linger around every corner. Ily was determined to conquer each and every one of them. Her bulky form hulked down the valley and to a low cliff on one of the masses of stone. The beast managed to climb her way up to the shelf, perching herself on the edge. Her paws seemed to grip the stone as she leaned over, allowing her neck to crane. As if a Hyena looking for its prey, yet her fire infused yellow eyes were curiously flicking around. Studying her surroundings below.