
Home is where the heart is



6 Years
08-12-2014, 05:18 PM

When Covari dissipated it had almost been a relief. She hadn't gotten a chance to ask the Ludicael woman about if she could go with her at the last Covari meeting, but maybe it was for the best. Even after she was free again, even with the memory of Folan's happy reaction to her appearance, it had still taken her this long to get up the courage to approach Ludicael's border. She worried that she had waited too long, that her family was gone yet again, but she couldn't think about that. She had to hope that they were still here and that they still wanted to see her. That they still remembered her.

She swallowed hard past the lump in her throat as she thought of her parents and how guilty she felt for staying away from them for so long even after she had discovered where they were living. She still felt so incredibly lost, but she hoped that reuniting with her family would help her figure out what she was supposed to be doing with her life. Her mother had always been so smart, surely she could help her decide.

With those worries and anxieties in mind, she finally let out a howl for them. Her voice wasn't loud or even pleading. It was hopeful and only loud enough for her family to hear if they were actually near-by. Her father, mother, siblings... would they answer her call?


Bronze i


12 Years
08-12-2014, 05:36 PM

Jendai. Her voice was unmistakable, easily rousing him even from a deep sleep. It was a lovely afternoon for a nap -- the air was warm but pleasant today, and he had grown drowsy as the sun rose in the sky. But he was jolted from sleep as his daughter's song flooded his senses. Instantly he would roll to his stomach, ears twitching as they perked atop his head.

Warmth quickly spread from his chest through his limbs, and slowly he pulled himself onto all fours. A smile would tease his lips at the possibility of her return. He was happy here with his wife, with Mercury and Ara and Faolan; he could hardly imagine how overjoyed he would be if Jendai decided to join. As he made his way toward the sound of her voice, his movements grew less stiff and considerably more lax.

The adoration was visible in his deep brown gaze as he finally spotted her. She was fully grown now, no longer a child, but truly a woman. She reminded him so much of Silent, with her stunning emerald gaze. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he moved to embrace her, head wrapping around her neck as he pulled her close to his chest. "My beautiful daughter," he greeted her tenderly, voice serious but loving as he pulled away to face her. "I'd ask where you have been, but I am simply happy you have found us again..."

Silent I


11 Years
08-14-2014, 10:11 PM

The pregnant woman was sleeping in a different part of Ludicael than Bronze. The only reason for that was that she had been enjoying a brisk walk around the falls. Her frame had found a spongy and soft mound of moss, giving her the chance to curl up and close her eyes. An hour or two had passed before she woke up again, green eyes looking for the source. Ears caught the sound and she immediately knew who it was.
She didn't waste any time getting up to greet her daughter. Tired mitts carried her at a pace fast for her age, but short enough to keep her from becoming short of breath. As soon as she saw her husband and baby girl, a whine slipped from her lips and she approached them. Green eyes shimmered with happy tears as her bulging belly stood out against the sunlight that brightened the reunion. "Oh, my sweet Jendai," she whimpered, tears freely falling then. "I have missed you so much!" Coming up beside Bronze, she nuzzled the gray girl and displayed kisses along her cheeks and ears.




6 Years
08-14-2014, 11:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2014, 11:39 PM by Jendai.)

Minutes began to pass and she began to get anxious, worried that she had been mistaken and they weren't here after all. She was afraid that her search and her call had been in vain and eventually some other pack member would find her and send her away. Luckily it seemed her fears were unfounded as the form of her father suddenly came into view. A wide, joyous smile slowly spread across her muzzle and she felt that lump of emotion in her throat once more as tears welled up in her vibrant gaze. Her wail whipped wildly behind her and a soft whine sounded in her chest as her chest pressed to his, her neck curving to return her father's embrace. Finally, after all this time, she was reunited with the wolf that she had emulated for so much of her young life. The wolf that she could only dream to grow up to be.

She smiled and looked up to her father as he stepped back, silently grateful that he didn't question her on her absence. She knew that he deserved an explanation, and he would get one, but it was somehow comforting to know that her presence was enough to earn her forgiveness. She opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly a whine caught her attention and when she glanced past her father she saw her mother hurrying toward them. A smile broke out across her muzzle once again and she happily returned her mother's affections. It brought back so many memories of being curled up against her mother in the days that her father had been missing, memories she was happy to hold onto for the rest of her days.

"I missed you so much too! Both of you, I've missed you both so much. I can't tell you how much I've thought of you and Folan and Ara and Mercury... I looked for all of you for so long when I went back to Seracia and it was gone. It was months before I finally ran into Folan and he told he where you were living, but I was in Covari at the time and I was afraid that you would be gone again by the time I got here... I didn't want to be lost again. But then Covari was gone and I was homeless again..." She stopped, tears welling up in her eyes again as she looked at the both of them, a smile on her muzzle proving that they were happy tears. "I'm just so glad I've found you."

Finally when she took a second look at her mother she noticed the darker woman's swollen sides, her joyous look being replaced with one of surprise and intrigue. "Mom... You're pregnant? Are you really pregnant?" The green gaze she had inherited from her mother found Silent's and her eyes widened, a smile finding her muzzle again. "I'm going to have more siblings?"


Bronze i


12 Years
08-18-2014, 08:28 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2014, 08:29 AM by Bronze i.)

Silent was just as quick to answer their daughter's call. He continued to fight back tears as they threatened to spill. Their family felt complete now, even if Jendai did not decide to stay, and he felt warmth spreading from his chest through his entire body as he embraced his daughter once again. His wife was just as quick to lather their daughter in kisses, and she hadn't been able to fight the happy tears from spilling. Bronze would redirect his attention to Silent, lapping the tears from her face quickly.

Jendai was overjoyed to see them, and he swore he saw relief shimmering in her
emerald gaze. He didn't care that she had left, only that she had returned to them. Bronze was no stranger to abandoning his family -- he had done it to Silent twice, and he'd also been taken once by force, and he had never expected such blatant forgiveness. She had taught him so much about love and it was all he could do to welcome Jendai back openly and without a hint of hesitation or wariness.

Jendai quickly explained what had happened. She'd found a home in a pack called Covari, and it seemed they had disbanded. "You are welcome here," he assured her quickly. He couldn't imagine Song turning Jendai away. If they couldn't be with Jendai here, they would simply need to find another home... but he had no worries about this being a possibility. "I don't think we are going anywhere again." Unless somehow Ludicael was overthrown, but he had a difficult time imagining this. It was impossible to imagine them spending their last years anywhere else.

His daughter's attention quickly shifted as she pulled away to gaze at Silent, noticing she was pregnant. A grin grew on his weathered muzzle at the pure happiness that emanated from Jendai. "Can you believe it?" he asked softly, chuckling, still in awe that they truly were to have more children.