
The color of two



2 Years
06-27-2016, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2016, 10:54 AM by Marleen. Edit Reason: Added navigation claim up top )

Exploring West > Emerald Island
Studying Weather Patterns (tides)

Marleen's wanderlust brought her to a place where the continent ended, displaying a dazzlingly hopeless expanse of sea and a splattering of islands. Some looked barren even from a distance, but one in particular looked green and promising. With a bleak expression, Marleen stood and stared for some time, expressionlessly observing the pattern of the tides, estimating the distance, and setting out a schedule outline of actions.

(midday, low tide)

The beach had risen and the waters receded, reducing the distance to her goal. The water was cold as hell's love, and as she dragged her dripping mop-form onto land again, a brisk sea-breeze ripped through her fur like it did the tussled beach-grass, adding to the island's frigid welcome. It took her several shakes before she deemed her pelt dry enough to continue her journey, and even then she shook more as she wandered now on its land.

Within the span of a few minutes, she began to digest the idea of the island being a let down, as sparse as her wits. She would need a snack for the strength to journey back to inland, and the time to wait for the tides to die down again. She happened upon a dung pile from a grass-eater of some sort, and as it smelled of adequate enough protein to warrant an effort eating it. So she did, gingerly taking up bite by bite and chewing carefully as to not encounter a rock between her teeth. She thought nothing special of it; in fact, her thoughts were blank completely. Her tail drooped between her legs as she ate, her ears mindful, and her body cold and wet.