
Saxe Yearlings!



5 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2016, 05:20 PM by Nausica.)
Hello! Kara here! I bring you a fun opportunity to rp some pretty cool Saxe kids. They are the children of Nausica Saxe and and unknown male. They are an offsite litter, due to my absence of Nausica but I plan for her to be active until she finally dies or something haha. Which will likely be lonnnng down the road. So we have infinite mommy plots! I will get on with some info about the parents and family below. But first, a few disclaimers. If I deem the adopter inactive, which would be about a month of no posting, then I will take back the character and the corresponding design/appearance (even if you made your own and have posted icly with the wolf).
Finally! Some info about the fam. - Look at Nausica's profile for deeper family tree.

Newt Saxe(f) x Kaios Saxe(m) (Grandparents)
Nausica Saxe(f) x Unamed Male (Parents) - Cascade(f), Neios(m) (Aunt and Uncle)
Deimos(m), Available Child(?), Available Child(?)
The children's grandparents, Newt and Kaios were infamous for the death matches and skilled fighting. They were also quite chaotic and dark aligned overall. Thus, upon the birth of Nausica, Neios, and Cascade the Saxe family grew in number and in pride. The three children idolized their parents and each other. The three stuck together off and on for a while, all having a more dark affiliation. Nausica had a very taboo love for her brother Neios and a hatred for her sister Cascade, calling for an odd dynamic. Yet, they all had one thing in common. They were very devoted to family and the pride of the Saxe name.
Nausica is a very temperamental and sassy character. She is easily set off, like a ticking time bomb. She pushes her weight around (literally) and is very keen on showing off her fighting skills with those that doubt her on the other side of them. Upon having children the woman has shifted to a very terrifying momma bear. If anyyonnnne touches a member of her family (mostly her children) she will attempt to send that Wolf running with their tail between their legs and growing up the kids would likely have seen that happen a number of times. She would also attempt to shelter the children as much as she could. Along with all of this, she would put tons of emphasis on training her kids how to fight.
The children would be one years old and following their mother to Boreas, to perhaps reunite with what remained of their prestigious family. The kids could be of any alignment and their personality has tons of wiggle room. Due to Nausica being Chaotic Neutral, you could go off of her very abrasive personality or have the children resent her attitude and attempt to be a bit more lighthearted. From a young age they would be spoon fed pride with the Saxe name and fight training. Weather they took to the training is up to you. Some plots could include the child rebelling against their mother. Idolizing their mother. Wishing to live up to the Saxe name by conquering.. power hungry etc. Fighting their way to making a name for themselves. All of that jazz.
Physically, the Saxe family are known for being huge. Newt and Neios were 42'', Nausica is 40'' and very heavy set. Their fur is usually on the darker side, with blacks and dark greys. Lighter accents. Purple eyes are very common in the family. The silver flecks in their fur make them have a purple hue in the light. You have a bit of wiggle room with the father. He was an all white Wolf with green eyes, therefore you can add in some of those factors if you are creating a design yourself.
Designs: More to come! And you can make your own! I lack a way to make a bunch of them.
There are two 1 year old woofs available out of three siblings.
Deimos(m), Unamed(?), Unamed(?)


[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Name: [/b]name of the character
[b]Gender: [/b]gender of the character
[b]Design: [/b]if you chose one or made a ref for your own
[b]Appearance: [/b]100 word min
[b]Personality: [/b]150 min
[b]RP Sample:[/b] 100 word min


07-01-2016, 12:31 PM
OOC Name: Blueberry

Name: name of the character

Gender: Female

Design: Design 2

Appearance: 100 word min

Personality: 150 min

RP Sample: 100 word min