
my people singing



5 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 11:12 PM

A spitting image of her mother. The exact image of the haunted she-beast that once ruled these lands with an iron paw. Nausica let her lips curl up in a distorted look of extreme distaste. Her mother told her once, she lived for her children. That was why she did what she did. Nausica never truly understood what that meant until the mirror had her own offspring. Her own needy, delicate, beings she had to raise, with that same iron paw. The gluttonous girl truly thanked her mother for her upbringing, for she was proud of that disastrous parent. Without her, she would not have her offspring, nor would she have such a keen understanding of the fatal world they live in. It had been a week or so since she brought the yearlings to these lands. The lands the Saxe name has slowly faded, yet, Nausica felt it was as if her duty to regain that same notoriety her insane parents obtained. Why allow such a powerful... thing.. go to waste with such ease. Such as her - the beast snorted at the thought - brother. Neios was once her pride and joy, the love of her simple life. Yet, he was nothing more then their disaster of a father, whom promised power and died off into nothing like the rest of them. Cascade was even better then that fool. Yet, she would rely on herself to withstand this.. dismal lands and allow her children to thrive to give the Saxe name meaning once again.

The fattened beast stood with a little grunt, ever since her pregnancy the woman had put on some pounds. Even more then she already had. The demon looked more of a weird Bear then anything at that point. Yet, she sauntered on towards the tall grasses with a very lazy posture. Upon first sight it would appear the lady was that of very.. easy going demeanor. But, if an eye were to look closely, those inky lips were twitching in an annoyed sneer. Her ears were temped to smooth back and her tail was raised slightly. All proving she was not in the best of moods. Nausica allowed herself to press into the tall grasses, parting them as wading through water. Yet, the gruff girl was nearly tall enough to look over their lengths. Though, she truly had no reason to see where she was going. For, the woman was merely wandering. It was always best to take a walk when having angering thoughts, she learned. The temperamental woman was known to act out.. when presented with even the slightest of annoyance.


Warning: Nausica is prone to swearing and violence. Attempting to maim, claim, or harm in some fashion is very common for her. Thread at your own will.