
such smol



2 Years
Other species
06-30-2016, 10:40 AM

A soft mewling sound issued from the fat bundle of white fur that was trying unsuccessfully to shove itself further beneath the roots of a tree. He was alone, and hungry, and cold, but Mama had told him to stay right there so he had. But... it had been three dark times already, even with the bright white light-thing heavy in the sky to give light, and she hadn't come back. When would she come back? Cautiously he lifted his heavy head out of the shallow hole and snuffled, but no scent came back that he recognized. An experimental wail left him to call out for her, but the return HOO HOO of a big bird in the tree made him squeal and try again to hide deeper within the roots. The bird-thing was not Mama. Sniffling and shivering, and making soft murmuring sounds of distress to himself, he curled tighter into his pale fur to keep waiting for her.




4 Years

07-26-2016, 08:05 AM
So, Pere hand wandered back to the soulless forest. It was eery as a grave, but she was still convinced that there was something hidden within. Of course, the last time she'd tried to snoop around she had to be rescued, but she'd learned nothing from that encounter anyways so she supposed it didn't matter. She thought fondly of Ricochet, maybe a little young for her taste but she could flirt like hell and she was an entertaining travel companion all the while. If something happened when they were both a bit older, well... She preferred not to think about it, actually. Made her feel a bit weird all over.

Utterly lost in her thoughts, she wouldn't have heard the strange noises at all if Tsiry hadn't tugged at an ear. She flicked it dismissively, so the lemur yanked at a fistful of hair instead. Peregrine winced and huffed, slowing her walk to a stop. "I told you before, I don't care if you're nervous! We're gonna be fine!" Tsiry glared at her, looking for all the world as if she'd decided not to say anything after all, but eventually asked, "Did you hear that?" With a frown, Peregrine paused and cocked her ear to the wind. There were all manner of ambient forest noises, the soft hoot of an owl not far away at all. She looked up at it and found it peering down at the forest floor below. It's eyes were hungry. Only then did she hear the mewling of something very young and clearly unhappy.

For a moment she was tempted to just let nature take it's course. After all, any mother who'd just leave it's young behind... Well, she knew it happened, and that wasn't her problem! Yet somehow her legs gravitated forward, and then she was walking. As she passed the owl's tree, Tsiry sprang off of her back and clambered up to shoo the predator away. "Hello there?" she said by way of greeting, although it sounded much more like a question. She tried to peer through a tangle of roots and saw only a pale lump of fluff. "Can you speak yet?" Okay, to be truthful she'd never had much to do with pups or the pups of any other species either. She didn't know much about them, but she knew that if this thing was as helpless as she suspected, she'd have a hard ass time leaving it behind. Internally, she groaned. Mags is never gonna believe this...