
The Little Giant



6 Years
Extra large

07-01-2016, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2016, 08:35 PM by Rhys.)

While far from the most interesting place this land had to offer, this forest was by far Rhys' favorite. Having grown up around giants height rarely impressed her, but this? This was amazing! The trees were HUGE. For perhaps the first time since puppyhood Rhys felt quite small. Sure, they weren't wolves, but it was like this forest was made for massive creatures and her imagination took that idea and ran off with it; conjuring up ideas of towering rabbits and squirrels big enough to carry her up into the trees. Quite quickly those thoughts turned a little gruesome and she pictured those same squirrels carting her off for more nefarious reasons, but hey, that only added to the adventure. Who didn't like the idea of carnivorous squirrels?

In some places the floor of the forest was blanketed with ivy and upon spying a place where the ivy had grown upwards to snag a large raised root, Rhys couldn't help but seize the opportunity. She dove into the ivy entrance and proceeded to scuttle along under the tangle. Her breath stirred up clouds of bone dry dirt with each puff and created a haze around her that stung her eyes, but she carried on anyway. In some places the ivy grew so thick it almost blocked out the sunlight, but in others it was so thin she could poke her head out into the open. Occasionally she did so she could see where she was and grab a breath of fresh air, but the moment that was done she would duck back into the ivy and continue snuffling along the forest floor.

With a violent sneeze that brought tears to her eyes Rhys decided to rest for a moment. Her nose and eyes were dry and her mouth was gritty, but the girl was still pleased as punch. Sitting under the ivy was like being in another world and there was little she could compare it to. The nearest thing she could think of was her home in the Orchard. Once when she was little she'd been playing in the Orchard and upon exhausting herself, she'd rolled over and stared up into the trees. The branches of the trees had grown into one another and created a nearly solid wall of leaves. She clearly remembered how solid the separation between earth and sky had felt, almost as if she were looking up at the ceiling in her den. Staring out at the tent of raised ivy before her Rhys felt as she had then.

Another sneeze rocked her and she decided a breath of fresh air would be a good idea. As far as she could see there wasn't a thin spot in the ivy, so Rhys took matters into her own hands. She lunged upwards with jaws gaping and latched onto the tangle of ivy overhead. The plants tasted nasty but she chewed at them anyway until sunlight streamed in and she was able to wriggle her head out into the open. Heavy on the dramatics she noisily sucked in a lungful of air as if the space below had been devoid of it and then sat blinking into the too bright sunlight with a smug expression plastered across her now dirty face.