
a beautiful indifference



3 Years
Extra large
07-07-2016, 04:32 AM
ooc: set before wedding

As the hours drained from the day, hours spent away from home, the further she wandered. The young queen had lost track of time, and direction for that matter. She tried to keep her paws inland, holding onto that shimmering strand of hope that she could catch onto her mother's scent, though she found herself gradually leaning towards the coast, until eventually she trekked across pristine beaches and cliffs that overlooked the churning waves. To her right, all that laid was sparkling blue, until a strange formation contrasted against the sea. It looked to be an island, though as she got approached the shore, her eyes saw that it was a strip of land connected to the continent. Where it led, she did not know. Of course. It all made sense. Maybe this was where her mother had travelled to.

She picked up her pace, daring to skirt across the water, soon reaching the strip of land with panting breaths. It was entirely made out of sand, sand that glittered in the sunlight. As she stood upon it, scarlet eyes gazed at the horizon, catching a glimpse of a faint, grey outline. Land? Another continent? Excitement and adrenaline tingled in her green paws as she began to make her way across the "bridge", the sun beating down on her ebony fur. A part of her worried the journey would take too long, too far of a distance for her to cover. She wanted to return to the willows by nightfall, to ensure she didn't stress Rivaxorus out, though she feared she wouldn't be able to make it in time. She shoved the thoughts aside, increasing the haste in her step.
