
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]



2 Years
08-04-2016, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2016, 09:02 AM by Ren.)
The pissiness from Riv was clear, and Ren was quite amused by it - though he did not show it. His words about leaving made Ren think about doing just that; he truly had no desire to be under the rule of this wolf. Him and Rivaxorus exchanged only a few words while he was here in Myriad, for Ren mostly kept to himself. His thoughts came to a grinding halt when Rivaxorus spoke to him. Ha! Not welcome here? After one little disagreement? How weak. Would he do that for every wolf who told him that their future was not his to control? And it seems his sister no longer wished he was here either. Fine - he could leave. He said nothing - he was just going to leave, anyways - but then an unexpected voice piped up.

Ren turned towards Nixie, surprised, though he did not show it. A sharp twinge of affection sparked in his chest; his sister was defending him? He shouldn't be surprised by it, but he was. He did, after all, avoid everyone - including them. And yet, they still did care. And then... Kaitlyn. Ren watched, quietly, as she spoke up for him too - unbelieving, almost, though most certainly remaining stoic and not showing any of these emotions that were roaring within. After all, it would do no good for Rivaxorus to see those emotions - and he wouldn't. Concern did, however, flash in his eyes as Kait's body started shaking, and then her hissed words and - this wasn't normal. Nixie's words; they were normal. This was decisively not.

He had no time to react, because Zephyra snapped, and a soft intake of breath was the outward sign of his surprise. Did... did Zephyra have nothing to do with this? Zephyra then turned to him, and his blue eyes met her red ones, so similar to their mother's. He let his guard down then, only for her - so she could see the myriad of emotions that swam within. Surprise, shock, gratitude... and then she fled after Kaitlyn. Oh, he would follow her; Riv's words be damned, he would follow both of them.

Except... his path was blocked before he could even move. He stiffened. Not just one, but two wolves blocked his way, fur bristling and snarling. Realizing that he was likely not going to push through both of them, he forced his body to relax. He watched them, absolutely unfazed and... uncaring. About them, anyways. He could think of nothing more that would throw a wolf off than their growling and snarling to be met with someone who wasn't even the slightest bit afraid.

Still, Rivaxorus spoke soon and snapped at his own pack. He could tell, from the alpha's words, that Rivaxorus was quite pissed... and sinking to the level where he thought petty insults would anger Ren. Far from it; he was amused by it, though he kept that tightly locked within, instead just staring passively at Riv. When Riv was done spouting pissy words at him, he stood and pushed past the two that Riv had called off.

"I do not care. Not about this pack, and sure as hell not about you. I do, however, care for Nixie, Kaitlyn, and Zephyra," he clarified, his tone absolutely final, his cyan eyes searching to meet Riv's, his hard and stony expression showing that he would not budge - period. He said nothing more as he turned away, facing the direction Kait and Zephyra went and running after them.

--Attempted Exit--



6 Years
08-08-2016, 08:18 PM

All Soleil could do was sit and watch. The alpha spoke words she couldn't understand only for some to launch into anger filled outbursts and others to turn on a pack mate. Xeph was one of the wolves to turn on the young male. Her own emotions would flair causing her to be furious with the wolves around her and herself. She would have looked to Xephyris for help but the man seemed to be too busy snarling at a pack mate to notice her need of a translator.

Quietly the tri colored woman would watch as everything seemed to unfold, explode and spiral out of control beneath the alpha's very gaze. As her own temper flared and turquoise orbs would dart from one wolf to the next in desperate need of help. She needed to understand or she would never be able to pick a side. Did she choose to stay within a pack and hope it wasn't crumbling beneath her paws or did she leave and hope Xeph would follow her. If she stayed was she suppose to be hateful the male or go with the other two women.

Suddenly Riv snapped at everyone, drawing Soleil's attention back to him before she could make an uneducated guess at what to do. When both Riv and Ren stopped talking she would look at Xephyris as if to beg him to explain to her what just happened....or to at least find someone who could.



5 Years
08-09-2016, 10:27 AM

For the moment the mixed emotions had eased and the male found himself happy to be in the company of other pack mates. Looking around the male watched as others began to appear. First came the current youngest in the pack fallowed by the older man that normally accompanied her, a quiet pair, but they seemed friendly. Next came the Kariudo, Lourdes who happily greeted both him and Armai. He smiled at the older women and wagged his tail in a friendly and welcoming greeting. Lourdes took a seat close to him and Armai and Jackson let her settle.

"Nice to see you again too," he replied before turning his attention back to the other members who gathered.

Next came the foreign female that Xeph had brought into the pack, one that Jackson had interest in trying to get to know. He had been hesitant because he knew she would not be able to understand him vary well and he wouldn't be able to understand her either, but it was important for the pack to know each other and he would just have to figure out how to communicate with her. He would make it a task to meet and get to know her somewhat, maybe she would have interest in hunting with him.

Next were the sisters another pair he would like to get to know. The two of them were now his extended family and he wanted to work with them and spend some time with them. Xeph came next and instead of seating himself with the foreign female, he sat alone. Hera was to fallow and finally would be Ren and each wolf he spotted, whether they made eye contact with him or not, he gave a friendly wag of his tail to. Jackson hadn't taken notice to anything out of order and as his brother spoke up his attention turned to him.

He listened to the words his brother spoke and he agreed. The pack had been quiet and together they all needed to pick things up and get more activity going. He was sure even small tasks could use an extra body and the pack needed to work together to get themselves prepared for the upcoming seasons. Permission was given for anyone to call hunts and spars and the male smiled at the opportunity. He hadn't had much luck the last time with a hunt, but maybe he would with another one. Training was also something he needed to do, he just needed to find someone who was willing to train with him.

Something in his brother then changed and he fallowed his gaze to land on Ren. The words his brother spoke made his eyes widen and he felt a lump develop in his throat. Ren wasn't allowed? What had he done? Jackson didn't know the history between Ren and his brother nor did he understand what was going on. After that things spiraled out of control and the mass of emotions he had been battling came back full force. The sisters cried out in protest, clearly upset that their family would be torn apart. One ran off, then Zephyra grew angry. Jackson's ears flattened as things continued with Zephyra running after her sister.

With the queen gone, more tensions began to thicken the air around them. Xeph was up and trying to chase the man off, fallowed by Lourdes who was telling Ren to leave. It made Jackson shift uncomfortably in place. His brother then spoke again, but this time Jackson couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Instead the young man rose from his seat, realizing he was dismissed and disappeared. The tension was to much and he needed to zip away and clear his head. Still unsure of what had just happened.

-exit Jackson-

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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5 Years
08-09-2016, 10:38 AM
Soon the familiar form sat beside her and she smiled, her tail wagging in happiness. Leaning over she gently nuzzled his neck, glad he wasn't far behind. His presence made her relax and feel a lot less nervous then before and when she needed she would lean into him gently for the support. Curiously she watched all the faces appear, trying to remember what everyone looks like for the purpose of later on. When the meeting started she paid attention and even as the drama unfolded she tried her best to fallow, but in all honesty she didn't understand. Remaining at Max's side she would press into him as her anxiety rose with the tension. She didn't leave his side and in all honesty the young girl began to block things out, shutting her eyes and pinning her ears to her skull. It was soon over, as quickly as it had started and before long she was looking up to Max's face, ready to leave the meeting and find something else to do.
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[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



8 Years
08-09-2016, 06:06 PM

Max had smiled at Delaney as she nuzzled his neck. Quietly he would take note of all the wolves that filed in after he had. Of all the wolves one woman seemed to sit closer to he and his daughter than the others had. He had never spoken to her, never seen her for that matter, but that didn't stop her from giving a smile as he looked her way. She didn't look like she wanted to be here and based on her expression when Rivaxorus started talking...she either didn't give a damn about what he was saying or she didn't know what he was saying.

At the end of the small speech, Riv would declare that Ren was no longer welcome here. Everything spiraled after that. First Nixie would erupt into an emotional fit, quickly followed by Kaitlyn and Zephyra who left in a rage. Xephyris and Lourdes didn't help anything by trying to force out Ren when that was the apha's job. No orders were given to drive him out. The tri colored woman to his right looked thoroughly pissed off and confused telling him she had no idea what was going on and Delaney was pressed into his side. The tension running through her made him anxious for this meeting to come to a swift end.

Soon it was apparent that Rivaxorus had had all he could take as well before going on to tell Ren that he needed to make a decision and the rest of the pack's loyalty was pleasing. Had he thought he'd get away with it, Max would have snorted and told the man exactly what he thought about that entire display of chaos. Instead he kept his mouth shut. When everyone started to disperse and Delaney looked up at him with an expression that told him she was ready to be any were but here. With that very look Maximous would stand and open his maw to speak "Delaney and I will find you a bit later Rivaxorus. With that he would bow his head nudge his daughter and head away from the group. He needed to think and he needed to get Delaney away from the others.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


08-09-2016, 08:05 PM
She had been the first to speak, and now she was the last of her immediate family to leave. Nixie forced herself to watch and listen as Kait changed, threatening the mean boy before running off. And she herself had the thought of chewing off his toes! Then Zephy shouted at him and ran off to follow Kait. Her own fur bristled then after Zephy left, because one male decided to get all up in her brothers fave while another one decided to stand reeeaaal close to Riv all protective like, and that was when Nixie narrowed her eyes questioningly at the odd behavior. Yeah she didn't understand alot, but that wasn't normal, was it? She couldn't wait to tell Zephy that Riv and another girl were getting real close! Her hackles raised, teeth bared as dual toned eyes watching the jerks who were threatening Ren, and then Riv spoke again and calling them off...after what felt and sounded like more threats to her brother. Well, if he thought they were loyal, then he didn't know what loyalty was. He sure as hell didn't have her loyalty, nope not one bit!

"You're just a big bully! You don't know anything about us and you never tried! You're the worst alpha ever, and you're nothing but a big poop head you big dumb meanie!" She was upset, and so came the tantrum. She couldn't remember when she'd last had one, she was. "You're gonna be the reason that Zephy fails! She was fine without you, we were fine without you! I don't even know why she married a big dummy like you! She never wanted to get married! But you forced her, yeah I bet you did! And if you ever hurt her then I'll chew your big stupid toes off!" She snapped her teeth shut as if to emphasize her point. The little teal fluff ball was fluffed out like an angry cat, and yet here she was yelling at a wolf that was like a mountain compared to her! But she didn't care, she wasn't afraid. "I'm only here for Zephy! I don't know you, so you can keep the loyalty or whatever you call it that these big bone heads throw at you, but you won't get mine anytime soon, no no no! That's only for my family and Zephy because She's my sister and alpha!" She glanced angrily at the others who were acting hostile, stepping back as she slowly began to remove herself from this meeting. "And if any of you even think about messing with my family, I'll chew off your toes too!" With that, she turned and dashed after her siblings.

-exit nixie-



6 Years
08-09-2016, 09:11 PM
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

The wolf who arrived after her was a familiar one and Jackson's scent would soon wash over her as he drew near. He'd greet her and she offered him a warm smile. "Hello Jackson." She greeted him before returning her focus to anyone else who was arriving. She could smell a child and an older male, they must have been new though, she didn't recognize their scents. Lourdes would come next and the girl heard the other woman padding over to them. She greeted both her and Jackson and Armai would once more smile softly at the other in greeting. "It's nice to see you too." She murmured. See was perhaps the wrong term, ironic really, but she used it nonetheless.

After that the last of the stragglers hurried in and Rivaxorous would start the meeting. Ears would prick forward with interest at his opening statement. Did that mean he was unhappy to see some of them as well? She listened as she chastised the lack of activity and how anyone in the lower ranks would need to pick it up. She'd been placed as a lower level healer since the day she'd arrived, so she was safe, but it didn't mean she was opposed to rising higher in the ranks either. While she was not like her father, complacency was not in her blood either and she'd inherited that much. Her intentions just happened to be different.

Riv would end his words by stating the the male, Ren, was not welcome in the pack anymore. She wasn't sure where the male was, but she'd barely smelled him around. She could smell him now at the meeting and a slow scowl tugged across her silver face. He'd been lacking in any duties, hadn't show up for any training or pack activities, and overall didn't seem like he was a good member at all. She couldn't blame Riv for wanting to kick him out. What good was someone who ate up all your food and did nothing in return?

And that's when all hell broke loose. Ears would flatten against her head as arguments arose. The first to spark it was Zephyra's sister and her nose would wrinkle in an irritated manner. For someone who had just reached adulthood she spoke and acted like an insolent little brat barely older than a child learning to wean itself from its mother's teat.

It may not have been fair to them, but the way Armai saw it, Riv's word was absolute. He was the alpha and his word was law. Without it the pack would descend into chaos if there was no proper guidance. Of course that's all this meeting would be was chaos. Her fur would bristle as a female spewed threats at their leader, but she made no move to intercept. With everyone here there were capable warriors to handle it in case Rivaxorous was in danger. To her own surprise though Zephyra herself turned on Riv. It seemed she hadn't known about this decision and had taken no part in it. What in the seven hells was going on?

Xephyris would rise and so would Lourdes and she'd listen as they tried to enforce Riv's law to get Ren to leave. To her own disappointment Riv himself would speak and tell them to stand down as he went back on what he'd said and offered to give Ren a chance to prove he wanted to be here. She felt for Zephyra and her siblings, but family or not you couldn't force someone to stay with you and a pack was a pack. If there was a weak link it would drag them all down.

Ren himself would finally speak and he spoke blatantly his disregard and feelings towards the pack. He only gave a rats ass about himself and she was honestly surprised he even cared for his siblings. If he truly cared about Zephyra and her happiness wouldn't he have tried to get along and be helpful and not piss off Riv? They were married. It was all so confusing and she didn't like a minute of it.

Others were leaving now. An ear would flick towards Jackson as he left and she then focused on picking out Riv's scent. She'd pause though as the brat's whiny voice would ring out once more and her lip would furl into a snarl. She spitted insults at their Alpha once more and a low growl rumbled within her throat. She wasn't violent by nature but it didn't mean she couldn't be riled up and this whole disaster had certainly done so. The child would leave and Armai would find Riv and paused near him.

"Let me offer you some words of advice. My father was not a nice creature, but he understood how things worked. He would have ripped anyone in half and raped their corpses if anyone would talk to him the way they disrespect you. Upset or not they have no right to do so. I'm not saying be cruel, but don't let the pack walk all over you either. The minute you do and they think they can get away with it then it's all over. You will be a joke and you will command no one's respect and demand no ones loyalties any longer. Be just, be fair, be merciful, but be unbending Rivaxorous. You are a leader. A good one at that. Don't let them ruin you." Her words were probably not wanted, but she gave them anyways. She'd never run a pack before but she had a good idea of how the world worked. If he wanted to remain in his position without being trampled on he'd fix the situation and fast.

-Exit Armai unless stopped-

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Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.