
Beauty of the Orchard



4 Years
08-11-2014, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 11:28 PM by Aoto.)

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto quietly trotted amongst the Orchard alone still. He wasn't sure if there was going to be someone out there for him as he began to let his mind wander. This place was absolutely amazing with not only its lush color and appearance the aroma was just as appealing of the place. The dusty brown brute let his gaze fall upon everything in sight. He wasn't aware if anything was going to come up on him besides the constant buzzing of insects that were here. He let out a long sigh as he was thinking however no matter how much he was thinking his mind wasn't able to take him away from the fact that there was no one here.

He was still thinking to himself about all those who he has met so far, Ashtoreth, and Vaishya . Aoto was still on this road once again the road that was ever so lonely. The thought made him want to cry out to the sky but he refrained from doing so to prevent himself from landing himself into a whole lot of trouble. No matter though as he kept pressing forward the sooner he could find company the better as he was becoming annoyed by being alone. His paws carried him ever further in the Orchard but never did it cease to amaze him by its sheer beauty. He was ever so interested in the surrounds and as such decided for awhile to let himself take a break and rest as he sat down on his haunches wondering what he may find here. Perhaps there might be something of medical use he could take with him or at least learn about by seeing it in physical form and not just by idea.


08-12-2014, 12:03 AM
The russet and cr?me dame smiled at the beautiful scenery that lay before her. The lush greenery that was underneath her paw pads tickled, and she couldn't help but smile at the presence of the grass. Spring was still here, and it was the faes favorite season. Everything is new and perfect. The sounds of songbirds made her heart flutter, and her smile stayed across her maw. The grass made a soft swishing sounds as she began to walk through the green blades. But, she would soon smell the stench of a brute. She had not met many males, and a smile stayed on her face as he soon saw him.

"Hello, may I join you?" She asked, her light topaz optics looking into the male's eyes, listening for an answer as her lobes stayed erect. The smell of fruit and flowers made her smile wider, her eyes showing kindness when she looked to the brute before her. "My name is Tallulah, may I ask your name?" Her kind voiced echoed into her lobes, causing them to flick slightly. Every time she would talk to someone, her ear would flick slightly. It was a habit that this dame had ever since she was a little pup, and simply, she would not get over it.



4 Years
08-12-2014, 12:32 AM

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto was caught off guard when the sudden scent and then sudden appearance of a rather beautiful fae approached him. She asked him a question and one that he couldn't refuse as he smiled and nodded "yes, you may join me Tallulah, I'm Aoto...Aoto Akani" He spoke with a gentle and polite voice. He noticed her ear flick when she spoke but he wasn't going to ask about it as he didn't want to come across as rude. However he did want to ask her one thing as his lips parted and his voice was could be heard "What brings a beautiful fae out here?" He wanted to know that much at least. He was a kind man to any female he came across particularly those who were willing to share company with him.

The brute wasn't going to be quiet now that he had company and perhaps he might have found that someone but that was going to be for a later time as for now he was content with being able to talk with someone. Aoto shown a smile to her as he gazed into her topaz colored eyes. However he had to do say something to get the conversation started and without much thought his words escaped his maw "Fine weather we're having, Tallulah". What was he going to say next. He was tired of being alone and he wanted to have a constant companion by his side and maybe eventually something more. However even for as calm as he normally was despite the fact he was naturally one to ramble on about pretty much anything he didn't know what to say to Tallulah as his face took on a rather confused and embarrassed expression however it was only for a moment before it cleared away back to his usual smile and friendly talkative look.


08-12-2014, 12:48 AM
The light russet colored dame smiled, her topaz optics shimmering in the small amount of sunlight that peaked through the horizon. Her ears would not flick this time as he would allow her to join him in company. A smile still stayed across her maw as she sat her haunches down beside the older male. He seemed to be two years older then she, but she thought he was a handsome brute, and she hoped that one day she will find a man that will treat her right and be happy for her silly antics that she often pulled upon the wolves or other animals she met.

"Yes, the weather surely is quite nice. But, we are both alone here, and though we try to get a conversation, we can say what is on our mind or whatever you would like to talk about. I don't really say much about myself," she would speak in a kind and calm tone, her tail wrapped around her bodice. Her topaz pools looked to the sun that peaked through the horizon, and her smile grew a little bigger. "I had been alone for a year, so being alone is never new to me. Though, we are never really alone. Instead on looking to the past, we look on what is today," she would speak as she closed her eyes, tail swishing across the green blades of grass.



4 Years
08-12-2014, 01:16 AM

Motion | Talk | Thought

He was listening intently to the words that came from Tallulah when she sat next to him. He couldn't hide the fact that he was blushing as he couldn't hide it. He listened to her talk about the fact that she was alone for a year and that surprised him. Surely by now she would've been with someone or been apart of a pack but he wasn't one to mention that for he was also alone "I know what its like to be alone... been that way for three years and well I'm tired of it... I'm tired of living my life alone... tired of not being able to talk with anyone on a regular basis...I'm just tired of walking this road of loneliness" and he was. He truly felt alone and didn't know if he would ever have someone as his mate.

Perhaps this might be the day where his luck turns around but he wasn't going to press his luck as fate may have other plans in store for him. He did feel like he could talk to Tallulah about anything that was on his mind and that was the top thing that was there. He wondered how she would respond to his thoughts. Hopefully she wouldn't leave him after he just let all the thoughts of being alone pour out for her to here. The brute did need someone in his life but he didn't know when that would ever happen. Normally he could be bright and cheery but at the moment when she allowed him to talk to her about anything that was what he wanted to deal with.


08-12-2014, 01:24 AM
Tallulah would hear him talk about how he had been alone for three years. His voice sounding serious and even sad, for she could tell he was tired of being alone like she was. Her topaz pools would look to him. She had barely met Aoto, but had taken a liking to him already. She had now met someone who knows what it is like to be alone, to feel like you're nothing but garbage. But, she knew that she was never truly alone, but, she believed that and was not sure if Aoto felt the same way. A smile came across the dame's face, eyes showing kindness and sincerity.

"I had lost my mother and father to a mountain lion when I was a year old. I had to fight to survive, teaching myself how to stay alive. I knew what plants were poisonous and what plants I could use to help me heal. But, I guess being alone made me stronger and made me who I am today," she would look to Aoto once more, a slight brush coming underneath her fur as she could feel her cheeks getting warmer, and she moved a little closer to him as her tail accidentally touched his, and she was not sure how she would react to her moving closer to him.



4 Years
08-12-2014, 01:51 AM

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto felt her move closer to him and her tail touching his. He didn't know what to think, he was never this close to another before and couldn't help but chuckle a little as he gently leaned against her a little to let her know that he appreciated the physical contact. Was this really happening, was she possibly the one for him. He was feeling happy about this as he looked at her and took in her scent. He tried to keep himself from saying something stupid like you're beautiful and other smaller words. He didn't know any words to describe the dame. No amount of words could explain how he felt about her already.

He felt like she was giving him a chance as he listened to her own tale about what happened to her parents and how she had to survive. He didn't have a life that rough yet but he did feel that being alone was the rough part for him. He looked at her so far already she gave him much more than he could have asked for and didn't feel like he would want to rush to asking her if she would allow him to be his mate but for the moment he just wanted to enjoy the feeling he had now to know that maybe his luck wasn't so bad after all. The brute loved this moment with Tallulah and didn't want this moment to ever pass but maybe, just maybe this moment could be a reality everyday. However he knew better than to press for it for now. His lips parted again "Tallulah, has anyone ever told you that you can light up the world for anyone who feels down on there luck... because you've certainly brightened my day and thank you for listening to me... I can't tell you how much it means to me to have someone to talk to" his voice soft and gentle only loud enough for Tallulah to hear however others could hear it if they were close enough.


08-12-2014, 11:34 AM
Tallulah smiled and would hear his small speech. The sound of his gentle and kind voice sent a shiver down her spine, a smile etched across her maw. The cool Spring breeze moved across her pelt, causing it to move slowly and calmly. Her topaz orbs shifted over to his own and her nose gently touched his in a friendly and kind way, soon parting it from his own. She lied down as she could hear the shuffling and bending of the blades of grass below her. The warm smell of the ripe fruit and the smell of the already blooming flowers put her mind at ease. Was he really the one for her, or is this just something that will happen in the future? Is this really what love is supposed to be like? So many questions ran through the dame's mind that it seemed as if a hurricane was blowing question after question into her mind. So many things like this just made her cranium feel like it was splitting.

"Aoto, thank you for your kindness toward a young she-wolf like me. I have been alone for so long, I wasn't even sure what love or kindness felt like anymore. But, you brought that back to me and for that, I am very grateful." She gave him a small lick upon the cheek and she soon turned back to look at the sunset that was slowing starting to go down. The purples and violets were making her also feel at peace. She closed her eyes and listened to the night life as owls and bats could be heard, calling out to get everyone's attention it would seem.



4 Years
08-12-2014, 04:42 PM

Motion | Talk | Thought

The brute was really happy now as he felt the fae's nose give his a gentle touch which got him to smile and laugh. Aoto knew now what these feelings were and they were love these feelings he put so far behind just for his work and now. He had someone here, where he thought he wouldn't find anyone someone found him and it seemed that they were both happy together. He listened to her wonderful words as she spoke to him and felt her lick his cheek. Aoto couldn't hide the fact that he was blushing. They already spent this amount time together here in the Orchard that the sun was starting to go down.

Aoto still couldn't quite comprehend what he was feeling but he went with what his instincts and his heart told him to do as he lied down next to her on the cool earth below him. The brute stayed close to Tallulah as he took in the beauty of the land before him and the beautiful fae next to him. He gently brushed his muzzle against her neck and couldn't hide his thoughts anymore "I don't know how to say this to you Tallulah...but I love you, I want to be here for you when you need me and I want to spend my days making you happy, because I want you to be with me... only if you would give me the chance to spend that time with you because you" he gently whispered in her ear and licked her muzzle. Aoto believed now that he found that special someone for him and that made his heart soar.


08-12-2014, 04:57 PM
The dame would feel his muzzle gently touch her neck as a blush erupted underneath her fur. It was as if time itself had slowed down when his muzzle touched her. A smile creased across her maw once more, and her blue eyes shown kindness and compassion when he had been with her. This was love. This is what it meant to be loved by someone. The smell of the orchard soon came back into her nostrils, causing them to burn from the ripe stench of the fruit that penetrated off the apples that came from the tree branches.

Her heart felt like it was fluttering out of her chest when Aoto said those three words: I love you. That made her feel happy, for she too loved him and knowing that he felt the same way, she wasn't ashamed to say the same thing to him.

"I love you too, Aoto. Even though we had been here for a couple hours, I love you as well. I'm happy that you love me," she said with a smile and nudged him, pressing her head under his chin and moving it upward with a smile.



4 Years
08-12-2014, 06:26 PM

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto could feel Tallulah moving her head under his chin and couldn't hold back the biggest smile he could ever show to anyone. He knew that this wasn't a fantasy but instead it was a reality, one that he never dreamed to be possible. The brute was going to spend his days with her to make her happy and to let her know that she was always going to be loved. Aoto didn't ever want her to feel alone anymore and wanted to take away what pain she held and give her happiness. He didn't have to hold back his feelings anymore as his lips parted as he whispered again "I love you my beautiful, Tallulah" his voice was still gentle and caring.

For him to have got to meet someone so very beautiful and kind, he felt like he was the luckiest guy in the world. She was going to be his top priority over everything else for now. Aoto wanted to always let her know now that she was going to be who comes first before his work unless something of dire importance comes up but he was sure that she would understand that for someone this kind he was sure of it. The brute didn't know what she would want from him in this relationship but he wanted to know so they could work together to achieve it "Tallulah, what would you want from this relationship? I know all I could ever ask for from you is your love and support for the days to come but what is that you want my love?" He was calm and whispered to her as Aoto wanted her to truly know that he was going to listen to her.


08-12-2014, 07:28 PM
She would look to him and give a loving smile. Her eyes looked into his and she began to speak, a calm and kind tone emanating from her mouth, "All I wish for is love and soon, maybe some day, I would love to have pups," she would say and placed her head upon her paws. She had been alone for so long, and now she had someone to love and to love her. Her tail thumped against the floor of the orchard, and she would turn her crown to look to him.

"All my life, I have been going through hell. Losing my family and barely surviving by myself since I was a year old. One year I had been alone, and to think you had been alone longer than I had, I am very sorry that you had to go through so much just to get where you are today. You know, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you," she would say, giving him a nudge and listening to the night life.



4 Years
08-12-2014, 08:50 PM

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto couldn't be any more happier with Tallulah when he heard what she wanted from the relationship. He couldn't have hoped to have been given so much already. From now on he had more to think about than just himself and what he was going to do but now he had to think about Tallulah and himself, eventually he had to also think about pups when they had them. Finally he was going to able to have a life that he would be able to share with someone else he loved. Hearing Tallulah tell him that she would be there for him helped put his mind at ease.

He couldn't help but gently nudge her in return for her nudging him. Aoto could finally relax and not worry about never finding that someone because as it turned out that someone found him. The brute didn't want Tallulah to have to apologize for him being alone for so long because he now had her in his life and had to tell her, to let her know that she made everything better. His inky lips parted once more as his voice could be heard again "You don't have to apologize for me being lonely, you being here, giving me so much more than I could have ever asked for means so much to me that it doesn't matter that I was alone for so long now that I have you, my beautiful sweetheart" Aoto wanted her to know that and would always tell her from here on out that he loved her.


08-15-2014, 04:39 AM
Tallulah would smile, eyes showing kindness like they always did as she saw a squirrel in a branch above them. It chattered as if it were speaking with them, and she gave a small howl as it ran into it's hiding place inside the tree, forgetting that there was a hole underneath the tree. When the squirrel peaked it's head out, Tallulah grabbed it and shook the life out of it, happy she was able to grab an easy meal. The dame turned her cranium over to her new found love and placed it down in front of his paws. "I know it is not much, but, at least it's better than nothing," she would say as she lied down and curled her tail around her bodice, eyes focusing on the stars that already shown in the black sky.

"Sometimes, I wonder why we even have to be alone. There are pups that are alone right now, and we are one of the lucky ones, we have each other," she would speak in a wise tone, like she knew what she was saying and didn't take it back. "I was alone for so long, but you have been alone longer than me so I cannot complain much. I'm just happy to be alive."

Her topaz optics shifted over to meet his eyes. She licked his cheek and gave a small sigh. Was he really the one for her? Would he always be happy with her? Was he just saying that so that he didn't have to be alone and once he found someone better would he ditch her? So many questions rung in her head like a gong. A sense of loneliness still lingered in her mind, and she placed her head upon her forepaws and listened to the night life that was around her.



4 Years
08-15-2014, 05:15 AM

Motion | Talk | Thought

The brute watched the dame as she caught and ended the life of the squirrel who made a mistake and was caught. Aoto was in awe at how quickly she caught it and watched as she placed it before him. He felt honored that she would offer her kill to him but he didn't want it but kindly proceeded to devour tiny parts of the squirrel but left most of it there for Tallulah, the fae he fell in love with. His vocals came about once more and as usual in his polite manner of voice "Tallulah, thank you for this gift but you should have the rest of it, you caught it and I believe you deserve more of it than I... as for pups who are alone, I wish I could adopt them, bring them with me on my journeys but I would also fear for their safety for the life of a loner is not always so kind... but indeed we are the lucky ones, and I hope that we may stay together forever... I don't want to ever lose you... perhaps one day when we're ready we may have our own pups and start a family of our own, only when you would be ready to do so, Tallulah" Aoto gently nuzzled the dame's neck hoping that she would believe his words for he did honestly love her.

Aoto moved himself to be right up against her and laid his own head on his paws making sure his cheek could gently brush up against Tallulah's. He was beginning to think of what it would be like with pups and interestingly enough he was somewhat frightened by the idea. He never had any real experience with pups and could only imagine himself being confused by his questions but he could also see Tallulah being such a good mother to them. The dusty brown brute was thinking of Tallulah and what she had gone through. He didn't lose his family like she had and it made him fill with sorrow. Aoto lovingly licked Tallulah's cheek and nuzzled her neck again wanting her to truly know that he wasn't going to leave her. No matter if some other she wolf came, he would hold true to his words of love and his honor of being faithful no matter how much another she wolf may try to tempt him into leaving Tallulah. After all chivalry wasn't dead and he wasn't about to break his own code of honor anytime soon.