
Looking Up



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-16-2016, 07:55 PM

It was finally time for them to explore! As long as it wasn't too far mom said. They weren't allowed to go beyond the borders, but Okami had never been to the borders yet so she didn't know exactly where the boundaries were yet. Then again, she wasn't keen on running off to find out where it was just yet. She was just beginning to get the feel of the land near the den, no doubt her siblings would go search for the borders, but she was content on exploring the inner parts of their home. She hadn't met her older siblings yet, mom said she had four older brothers, but she didn't know names from faces yet. She was curious though, and maybe she'd get to meet them soon!

The pup bounded along, hopping from one large paw print to the other. Prints that mom had left for her to follow considering her sight problem. She found it fun, it gave her the opportunity to learn the lay of the land and track where her mom had been. Maybe she could follow them and find some interesting things!

"Talk" "You" Think

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
07-16-2016, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2016, 08:27 PM by Lykos I.)
Lykos was passive. He fumed at the sight, the scent of the man Vereux - how dare such a traitor be so much as within a foot of his mother? And yet, he hadn't acted yet. He wanted to talk with his brothers, first, but he'd yet to do so. He wasn't quite certain he could... trust Dragon or Kharnage. He knew Gryphon he'd be able to trust, because they shared that quiet conversation together after that one meeting... but the other two? They were too hotheaded, impulsive, and childish. How could they possibly be mature enough to handle this? Still, he knew there was more than just that holding him back. He didn't want to be scoffed at; laughed at.

So he kept his distance. He was there when the pups were born, but that was all. He did his duty then - no matter his distaste at these... half-siblings, he would still protect and assist his mother when need be. So he had, but then he slipped of silently, much like a ghost, and made himself scarce after that. After all, he wanted nothing to do with these spawn of Vereux... nevermind the fact that they were also 'spawn' of his mother.

So lost in his thoughts, he was oblivious to the white thing bouncing towards him... at least, until he heard a soft oof, and something thudded into the back of his right front paw. Snatching his paw up, he blinked in bewilderment at the ball of fur at his feet. What...? It only took a moment of realization before he realized that he recognized this one. This one was the albino pup that his mother had birthed. He set his paw down gingerly, regarding it with curiosity and just a bit of distaste. The thing was... maybe an inch taller than his paw. Maybe It was so tiny, it would be easily squished. And his mother was letting them roam? They were so small, they'd break almost instantaneously. "Watch where you're going," he muttered gruffly, taking a few steps away from the little pup. Nope, he did not want to interact with it.

"Speech" | Think



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-16-2016, 08:50 PM

So focused on where she was hopping to next, she didn't realize that she was closing in on the huge black figure looming ahead of her. It wasn't until the last second that she took the leap to the next paw print that she glanced up to see something closing in on her face, but by then it was too late. She fell back in the snow with a light thump, head shaking before she glanced up at the sound of a voice she didn't recognize. "Watch where you're going." She squinted her eyes a bit as she stared up at the much larger wolf. Compared to her, he was a giant. Little did she know that she'd grow to be the same height in the future, she was already a little bigger then her siblings. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you..." She shuffled her paws as she apologized. Was he mad because she had accidentally bumped into him?

Innocent blue eyes peered up at him, his face becoming clearer as her eyes focused. He was pretty close, so she didn't have a problem seeing his features. What mostly caught her attention was his height and his blue eyes. "You're huuge! And you have blue eyes like me!" The month old pup wagged her tail as she spoke in awe. Maybe this was one of her big Brothers? She hoped so!

"Talk" "You" Think