
The Mighty Fall



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-20-2016, 09:09 PM

It'd been a while since he'd been away from pack lands, and now that it was spring he decided to take a trip out of the North to see how the rest of the world was changing. Though maybe he should have taken a different route...the large lanky boy came to stop at the top of a hill, green eyes looking below at the many drop offs and caves and rocks that littered the landscape. Conifers plagued the land, and did snow. He was kind of getting tired of it, but the snow here didn't seem like it would melt anytime soon. Was it always like this? He had to admit though, this place looked really interesting. Maybe if he explored enough of it, he could tell his brothers about it and they could explore together!

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.


07-20-2016, 10:06 PM

her hips are clock-work; the peddling the clicking of tight metal and working tension bring the woman upon the mountain side in a graceful fix of her body. the brunette woman is not a babe of silence, she moves with the crumbling of rock and the whine of her chest that saturated the air in soft smoke lining her lip but for the woman was not a smoker and the intensity of the glazing snow worked freezing temperatures to her chest and toe. she is at home here; the thick fur coat that lines her sharp shoulder blades and the drifting sting to her bare toes. it is among a soft ledge does she reside; the soft echos of water slicking down a dark wall touch her ears and catch her attention in its soft moment. aware; perhaps paranoid for the feature of a bear or snow-cat to come charging among his own balcony. the chap to her cheek that froze and brought her skin to a fresh pink signified just so and she is in pleasure. a humbled soft growl, one that leaves her lips in a work of pleasure and uniting happiness for the time where she had felt the snow cold linger within her skin had been in time. a quiet woman, beyond the childish squeal that slowly brought the young woman to lay upon her belly in. out-stretching her toes as the her well coated gown kept her dry in a degree that was expected. as if a woman on the beach;digging her toes within the sand as she had done just days before lisbeth found herself in a dance of emotion. for the pleasure that came of here. the familiarity of what home was; could be and yet did the brunette babe whine for that warmth and sea-spray within her sharp brow.

it is a settled moment, where her toes are caught out-stretched and her sea-blue eyes catch the sky in its soft grasp among the mountain range that sung around here. panic in a moment caught her heart; a n unsettling beat that made wide ears dance into the curve of her slick hair for the soft fibers that were not of the mountain-side, but a creature that had worked its way within her view without the touch of her nose catching. (in this realization, she is digging her nails into her arm as if punishment for her naivety. how dare she enjoy, how dare she) hallo it is slick, her words as her eyes keep to the stature she may call a boy, fearful and snot filled just as one must give.