
No More Silent Observation



6 Years
07-24-2016, 10:45 AM

Soleil had had enough silence. The only time anyone ever seemed to speak to her any more was at pack meetings and trainings and she could never understand what they were talking about anyway. Though she had been around long enough to pick up a paw full of words it still wasn't enough and she was going to vent to the first wolf she saw today. She would prefer that wolf to be Xeph, since she followed him into this lonely mess, but she could talk to anyone really. Especially since she figured none of them would understand her French anyway.

The tri-colored woman was determined to tell someone how she felt, and damn it she wished one of her siblings were around too. Then all she would have to do is go to them. At least they would understand what she was saying, they might even understand her dilemma. She was beyond done observing silently as a lowly Sutikku, she was done being ignored and by god she was ready to make something of her self with or without Xeph's promised help that had yet to come. She still adored him but right now she was ready to let him have what ever angry words came to mind. She hated being silent at meetings just because she couldn't speak these wolves native language...but she hated being ignored more.

She would wander grumbling to herself as she looked to someone who would at least pretend to listen as she vented her frustrations.



9 Years
07-27-2016, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2016, 09:07 PM by Xephyris.)

The male was on one of his daily jogs, weaving through the blossoming willow tendrils, when he caught the scent of a familiar wolf. Instantly, his ears flicked back. He hadn't seen her much except for at meetings and training. Guilt surged over him, and he immediately changed his course to follow her scent. He needed to find her, and see how she was doing. He wondered if she'd been able to pick up much of the language at all. He had wanted to help her, had promised it, but after time, had realized he might not be capable of teaching her English. After all, he was a fighter, languages were not his specialty. But maybe he ought to try harder, a hell of a lot harder... for her sake.

When he found her, she seemed to be pacing around, grumbling to herself angrily. She didn't look like she was in a good mood, although she still looked beautiful in his eyes. He wondered if his appearance would help that, or make it worse. After all, he had done a poor job of keeping up with her. Why had he ignored her? He wasn't sure what her reaction was going to be, but without hesitation he approached her, smiling even though he had a bad feeling about this. "Soleil!" his bark was deep, but not loud as he came to stop a few feet in front of her, "How are you? I'm sorry..." Ears folded back as he glanced downward - he'd all but forgotten the few words he'd learned from her, and he had no idea if she understood him. What was she going to say?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
08-08-2016, 08:55 PM

She would hear his voice before she would see him. For about half a second she was glad to see him but then the glare set in as her face drew into an angry scowl. Once more those words would taunt her, her name was the only thing she could pull out of his sorrow filled tone. She could only assume that he was apologizing for leaving her to a silent hell. Sure his ears were back and his eyes were to the ground, what ever it was he felt bad about he was honestly sorry for it. At the moment she didn't care, she was a warrior forced to live the life of a peasant simply because no one could understand a word she said. No now she was going to give him a piece of her mind and didn't give a damn whether or not he could understand a word of it. That was the world he drug her into and he deserved to know how she felt when everything around her exploded into chaos while she sat confused and angry for not knowing what the hell was going on.

Black tipped ears would lay pack as turquoise orbs hardened into seriousness. She would puff up and stand tall just before opening her maw to let him have whatever came out. "Pourquoi diable vous m’amènerait à cet enfer qu’à me laisser seul. Personne ici ne comprend moi ni moi eux. Lorsque les crumbles pack qui nous entourent malade ne sait pas pour courir ou se battre, de quitter cet endroit à son devenir ou de rester et aider." She would pause for a split second to gather more words to launch at him. "Je suis fait. Fait d’être une fille de paysan foutue, faite ignorés et putain je suis au-delà fatigué d’être silencieux. Pas plus Xephyris. Je suis un guerrier et n’ont jamais été autre chose et pourtant vous avoir omis de tenir votre promesse m’a gardé jusqu'à présent dans un rang modeste. Je déteste être laissé tomber, je hate défaillante et je déteste ne pas pouvoir vous dire exactement combien j’aime et vous adore."

A few moments would pass as she would glare at him sternly before her features would soften and she would look away, both pissed off but upset. "Xeph, je ne peux pas rester si je ne peux pas être moi-même. Si je ne peux pas parler et faire d’autres m’entendre et si je ne peux pas être n’importe quoi plus que cette sorcière est égale à une paysanne, alors je ne peux pas rester. Mon amour j’ai besoin de votre aide et je déteste demander de l’aide." She would look back at him with pleading eyes. She needed his help and didn't know how else to tell him.

1. Why in the hell would you bring me to this hell only to leave me alone. No one here understands me nor I them. When the pack crumbles around us ill not know to run or fight, to leave this place to its fate or to stay and help.

2. I am done. Done being a goddamned peasant girl, done being ignored and goddamn it I am beyond tired of being silent. No more Xephyris. I am a warrior and have never been anything else yet you failing to keep your promise has so far kept me in a lowly rank. I hate being let down, I hate failing and I hate not being able to tell you exactly how much I love and adore you.

3.Xeph, I cant stay if I cant be myself. If I cannot speak and make others hear me and if I cannot be anything more than that witch is equal to a peasant girl then I cannot stay. My love I need your help and I hate asking for help.



9 Years
08-14-2016, 02:03 AM

His smile faded when she glared and scowled at him. As her eyes hardened, her beautiful but harsh gaze boring into him, his ears folded back, his tail lowering while she stood tall. Normally, he would never show such submission to another, but he had no fight to give her. Her voice came out, and though he understood not a word of it, he could feel the angry passion in her tone. He wished desperately that he knew exactly what she was saying. How could he fix this for her? He couldn't understand anything, and it was no use trying to say anything in return. As part of her rant ended, her expression changed; she still appeared angry, but there was a hint of sadness as well. His heart wrenched. He hated to see the beautiful woman look so upset.

She spoke again before looking at him with pleading eyes. His brows furrowed, sighing heavily as he stepped forward, trying to get closer to her. He reached out, trying to touch under her chin with his nose. "Soleil... I'm so sorry," he murmured, his head held low, "How can I make it up to you? What can I do to make this better?" And here the barriers of language would leave them unable to communicate once more, when it was especially important. He needed someone to help him translate... but who? Who would know her language, and who would be willing to help him communicate back and forth until he and Soleil understood each other?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
08-28-2016, 01:39 PM

As she had stood there glaring and ranting at him, Xephyris had shown submission. Though she was sure he hadn't understood a damn thing she had said, at least he had figured out that she was pissed off. She was glad that at least that had gotten through to him, even when her tone ha changed and she looked away he seemed to understand what she was feeling. When her eyes met him again his brows had furrowed, but all the tri-colored woman could do was stand and watch him as he sighed heavily and stepped forward to press his nose against her chin. He would speak but all she would understand was her name and the word sorry, but that was enough for her for now.

He had apologized to her and that's half of what she wanted. The other half would come with time...or so she hoped. Words had to come to her right? They had to or she would have to make Xeph understand even if she had to find a translator of some kind. Slowly Soleil would let out a long breath she hadn't realized she had been holding before giving a kiss to his forehead and letting her body relax. "Nous allons comprendre cela, Xeph. Nous devons ou je vais devenir fou mon amour." her words would come softly as it wasn't completely his fault she couldn't understand the english language yet.

We'll figure this out, Xeph. We have to or I'll go crazy my love.



9 Years
08-28-2016, 06:08 PM

Glancing up at her, he could feel some of her tension melting away. Had she understood the depth of his apology? It seemed that regardless of whether she understood, she was content with it for the time being, and she relinquished some of her anger. When she reached down to kiss his forehead, he too let out a breath he didn't realize had caught in his throat. He sat up straight then, inching toward her as he aimed to press his body against hers so that he would sit side by side with her, his shoulder touching hers. She was beautiful, just like the day he'd met her. Something about her had him entranced; only she could make his knees feel weak. He would do whatever he could to make her happy. And he knew that he had to be able to talk to her - how left out she must feel when everyone around her could communicate, and she was left in the shadows, left to wonder and speculate about everything. The anger and the hurt he'd heard in her voice rang in his ears - he didn't want her to feel like that. He pressed his nose to her cheek affectionately, drawing in her scent eagerly.

"Soleil... votre très beau," he murmured in her ear, recalling some of the words they'd first spoken to one another, finding it easier to remember now that he was not under the direct scrutiny of her wrath, "I must come to understand you. And I want you do understand me." How could they make this better? It just had to be solved. He couldn't stand not being able to say the simplest things to her, nevermind trying to express himself more deeply with her. Pulling back from her for a moment so he could look upon her face, silver eyes scanning over the gorgeous gems that were her eyes, he smiled softly. "We need someone to help us," he decided then - he knew she couldn't understand him now any better than before, but he hoped that she could hear the certainty and determination in his voice. Still seated by her side comfortably, he looked to the willows, and the calm, meandering streams, his eyes clouding over thoughtfully. Surely someone could help them... didn't Jaelle know some foreign tongues? Perhaps she knew French. He would have to seek her out. Would there be anyone else that could help them? They'd have to seek together, to get this misunderstanding between them dealt with for good.

Was there any way he could try to learn her language on his own? To ask her? He didn't even know how to ask. Looking to her again, he tilted his head and then stood up, slowly walking from her side as he placed his paws in one of the streams, glancing back at her. "Come," he insisted gently with a beckoning flick of his tail. He began prying his mind to remember just a few basic words, even if he had to piece it together in fragmented bits. He turned his nose to the water, dipping his snout in to make a splash. "How do you say it? Vous parler... vous appeler?" he knew his attempts at her language were poor, but he had to start somewhere - he was trying to ask her how she would say it, what the water was called, with the few words he had retained. And he was determined to learn the more from her, this was just the beginning, to get himself started. And if he could just find out a way to ask questions. To ask her how, what, and where. Just to be able to ask would open up his ability to learn more, and for it to come more easily. Would she join him now, and try to make sense of this great barrier between them?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]