


08-11-2014, 06:38 PM
setting this post miscarriage-

She wasn't accustomed to feelings of such darkness, such numbness. Her ivory legs had carried her away from Greek, from the confines of her den, and from the depths of Regium. She wasn't really aware of where her legs were taking her. Vaguely she was aware of her stomach growling and she realized she couldn't remember when she had last ate. Surely she had lost weight? She paused, near a small puddle a remnant from the last nights rain and stared down into it, the cloudy day reflecting in the water. She looked gaunt, her eyes duller then normal. Her ears lay flat against her head. A sigh leaves her, and she starts walking again, not even flinching as she trods through the cold water. It seeps deep with in her fur, chilling her, and she shivers.

She is growing less aware of where she travels, until the pungent smell of Indarra, her fathers new empire seeps into her lungs. She freezes, barely on the right side of the border and stands warily. Her tail hangs idly at her hocks as she stares into the sound's territory, a place she'd spent a fair bit of time. Cold dreary rain fell from the sky, as if the earth was grieving with her for the loss of unborn life, and she shivered. She would stand, as still as a statue, her violet eyes staring dully into a land, that borders would deny her. Waiting.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



2 Years
08-11-2014, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 06:59 PM by Drashiel.)

Fangs struck brutally into bone with a sickening crack as soft pink tongue lapped at marrow. Drashiel was polishing off the remains of a kill he'd scavenged. All the while he was planning a hunting strategy? well several. They were few in number so the prey they could take would be lesser so and yet there was the thrill of attempting one of his earlier strategies to go for a young musk oxen. They would soon be moving on so it was now or never if he wanted a taste of that sweet meat.

A roll of thunder echoed overhead causing the young male to growl as rain started to fall. Slurping up the last of his snack he shook his coat out and headed back toward the den. Once the rain had lifted he'd see if he couldn't get a group together or hell even if it was just him and Aldoro it was worth a shot.

Scent illustrious reached his nostrils as his head turned to its source? the Queen of Regium, Roman, the Bear Fighter. Drashiel stood frozen for a moment, his body still as the rain slicked off his coat. He did not have the words to say to her after her brutal loss, the pups? the blood?. his stomach nodded and his eyes squeezed shut. Truly he could've cared less about the whelps it was Roman he'd feared for. Roman he was almost certain he was going to lose and there wasn't a dam thing he could've done if fate had decided it was time. That helplessness. It was a feeling he never wanted to endure again.

Drashiel's course shifted suddenly as he headed towards the scent of the woman he so admired. "Roman?" he spoke softly, just barely hiding the crack in his voice. "It's so good to see you up and about." He strode forward over the the border leaning out to nuzzle her cheek. Pulling back he gazed at her. "But let's get out of this rain, hm? If you catch a cold Elli will never let me hear the end of it." He offered a soft smile unsure of how to behave around her. What could words possibly do to ease her pain?



08-11-2014, 07:14 PM

Her mind is numb to the cold, but her body isn't. The drizzle penetrates her thick coat and she shivers. She blinks as she scents another, and her head raises slowly. Drashiel. Seeing him, flashes her back to the night where she lost her litter, her children. Her breath catches in her throat, and she lets it out shakily as he speaks. The soft contact of his nuzzle against her cheek, relaxes her and she finds herself gazing uncertainly at him for a moment. His latter question elicits a nod from her. She stands there nearly awkwardly, unsure if its an invitation to cross the border. The Queen isn't sure of anything anymore.

"T-thank you, Drash." She whispers, shortening his name, as if she's to uncertain to speak it all. The proud queen must seem a sight, nearly throwing herself upon the mercy of her younger brother. She just doesn't know where else to go. Part of her craves her father's comforting presence, yet the rest doesn't want to disappoint him in her loss if his grandchildren. She feels hopeless and lost, and the words finally escape her. "I failed Drash. I failed." She whispers, her head hanging low. A lone crystalline tear dances from her violet eyes, as she looks at the ground dejectedly. Would anything ever be alright again?



2 Years
08-11-2014, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 08:17 PM by Drashiel.)

Frailty does not suit a Queen but what monster would chide her for her pain? Certainly not he. She'd done the best she could and fate had answered her with nothing short of cruelty. Pain nested itself in his chest like a knife between his ribs at seeing her broken down like this and he didn't know what to even say. What words or deeds could possible soothe the heart of a parent who'd lost her children? even if they hadn't really had a chance to live.

Eyes drank in her form and he realized how young she suddenly seemed to him. Not in a youthful, liveliness sort of way but in a kindred sort of way. This burden. She didn't deserve it. "Oh Roman? I'm so sorry." He moved to rest his right side against her left, to offer her comfort and to guide her into the borders and toward his den. Isardis would certainly understand and Roman was close and loyal family after all. Really? of anyone? he'd always felt close to Roman. Perhaps even more than he had to Sal'krie. She'd saved his life. Been there to train him when it seemed like he was loosing everything. The least he could do was be there for her.

Drashiel took a few steps forward, waiting to see if Roman would follow before he took more. Ears flicked back at the whispered word 'failure'. "No." The word snapped from his lips. "Never Roman, you are far from a failure. You are proud Queen of Regium, your very name drove your enemies in cowardice from their homelands." His voice picked up in volumne and pitch before breaking off suddenly as he turned away. "But what are kings and queens to the hands of fate that will so willingly wring us dry of our very lives?" Above him another rumble of thunder rolled overhead.