
Step Up Or Get Out [Pack Meeting]



7 Years
Athena I

08-25-2016, 07:36 PM

Zuriel had purposefully waited till she just couldn't wait any more to go to the meeting. Since the day their mother got she had been lingering near their parents den. She kept pushing her leaving back more and more because of their illness. She had wanted to leave so long ago at this point, but the idea of leaving them like this just tore her apart. She hadn't left her father when he was starving himself in his depression, she couldn't bring herself to leave them now. She finally pushed herself to her paws and padded toward the meeting, arriving just in time to hear her brother announcing her departure. She settled on her haunches quietly toward the back, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She didn't pay very close attention to what was happening, her mind still back in the alcoves of their dens. She didn't suppose it mattered anyway, if she was going to be leaving. She did look up at the group again when he spoke of mentors for their youngest siblings and she felt a tug at her heart. She realized that by the time she returned they would be probably be grown. Not that she had made a real effort to know them... She sighed and looked down at her paws again.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
08-31-2016, 03:58 PM

Solveiga winced as she tried to shift her weight in any way that might lessen the pain of this thorn jabbing into her rump. But then she saw Regulus grinning at her and she wiped any sign of pain away in order to smile right back. But when his eyes were away from her again, she sighed quietly and leaned more on one side of her hip, curling her tail around herself as if that might provide some comfort. After this, she tried to ignore her own discomfort and focus solely on the words of her alpha.

This meeting was not a particularly cheerful one. Regulus was unhappy with several pack members for being scarce or generally lazy, and Solveiga had to remind herself that she hadn't done anything wrong, even as those sapphire eyes moved sternly over every wolf gathered there. He was just being fair, giving a warning to everyone. But the darkest warnings went out to those who weren't in attendance at all, namely Varda, Crucible, and Báine. The cream colored woman couldn't help frowning a little at the mention of her friend. Next, there were a few announcements. Surreal, the mother of Regulus and all of his siblings, had fallen ill. Solveiga frowned more deeply, her brow creasing in concern. Maybe she should speak to Kavdaya soon about being of help to the woman. Even if there was no cure for whatever was ailing her, herbs and things could still help to ease any discomfort in her final days. Surreal deserved that.

Following that announcement, Regulus told everyone that Zuriel would be leaving. She wished to explore and expand her knowledge, and Solveiga completely understood those desires. But right now, she was happy to be in one place. She had explored enough in the past year, herself. Then, a promotion. Creed would be retiring from his position of Right Wing, and Faite would be taking his place. Solveiga then listened closely to the wave of information that followed, about ranks and customs and the like. She tried to absorb it all as best she could, smiling almost shyly at the mention of weddings and then feeling a pang of sympathy at the mention of burials. As Regulus spoke, she could see the look in his eyes. He feared that he would have to perform that particular ceremony sooner rather than later, and Solveiga feared the same.

The meeting was nearly over, with a few other members chiming in with words or announcements of their own, and Solveiga noticed as both Zuriel and Báine arrived late. Her eyes lingered on the albino girl, and with a glance up at Regulus to see that he was occupied, Solveiga softly padded over to the girl and gave her a friendly nudge with her nose, all the while trying to ignore the nagging pain of the thorns in her feet. She said nothing, but gave her a reassuring smile. She considered the pale young woman to be her friend, after all, and felt sorry for her arriving late. She nearly did the same, thanks to those brambles.


09-07-2016, 02:14 PM

The meeting started not too long after he arrived. Regulus got it under way and it turned out the male had a lot to say. Between Surreal being ill as well as one of her children, he himself having only started to get over it, Demotions were also issued out as well as mentors. New members, ceremonies, allies, spars, reprimanding, it seemed like there was a lot to talk about. He listened to it all and took it in stride. He was partiularly pleased with the fact he was now two years old. It mean he could choose his desired field and pursue it despite the fact he hadn't exactly had the best attendance records for his own training. Still he already had ideas and so after everyone had spoken he piped up.

"I'd like to take the test to become a legionary."

Walk, "Talk" Think