
Winds of Change [spar]



4 Years

08-08-2016, 02:16 PM
OOC: Just looking for a practice spar, something relaxed! I'd prefer no defaults, no maims/claims, etc. Let's keep it civil, yo xD

Peregrine dragged a toe through the dirt, thinking hard. It was unusual for her to be so solemn (and to be honest, it was beginning to give her a headache) but she was thinking hard about a lot of things. As a matter of fact, some of those things had brought her to where she now sat. The land smelled like war, like triumph and failure and myriad other emotions as well. It seemed like a place to make a decision of sorts, but maybe she was wrong. It hadn't helped her one bit, except to make her restless. What did the future hold for her? What path would she chose for herself, and for the friends who traveled with her? Surely a pack would give her the stability and resources needed to make a real impact on this land, but was she ready to give up her easygoing life of wayfaring and wanderlust? Maybe not.

As it was, if she ever did decide to make that change, it would do her no good to be unprepared. She was hardly a warrior but she was quick and smart, didn't that count for anything? She wasn't really sure. She'd fought her way out of a few scraps in the past, but how would a wolf wage war when they had everything to lose? She wasn't really looking to take things that far, but she had to start somewhere. The chocolate fae tipped back her head and let a gentle howl ring out, a suggestion to anyone who heard it, and waited to see if anyone would respond.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-08-2016, 02:54 PM

Mom wasn't very happy lately, and he'd been able to tell from the way she often left to find quiet time or patrol, her irritation coming off of her in waves. Now that he had time off from babysitting today, he took off for the day to go find something to do, and what better way then to occupy his time with a spar? His first one at that. He'd done a lesson in Imperium, so his knowledge was limited. Still, it would come naturally, right? If not, then he hoped that training and stuff would pick up real soon. He didn't want to have to be the one to find an outsider to teach him.

It had taken him a while, but he'd made it to the battlefield where it stunk of victory and defeat, remnants of old bones and the stench of despair clung to the air and ground like a leech to its host. The large male lumbered along, intent on finding a good place to roll out the mat and see if anyone came by. But before he could find the perfect spot, a soft howl nearby caught his attention, and the male felt inclined to answer. After all, it saved him the trouble of having to do it himself. Upon finding the caller, he was surprised to find a smaller female, a pretty one too, calling for a partner to dance with so to speak. The boy stopped about ten feet away, green gaze glinting with curiosity. "Hey, you called for a fight or somethin'? I'm interested. In a fight, I mean." Dammit, well this was awkward already. Then again, it was his first time so he wasn't sure how to formally approach another on this field.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years

08-11-2016, 08:34 AM

A young male answered her call in what seemed like no time at all. Peregrine looked him over, realizing at once that he was already a bit larger than herself despite being somewhat more youthful. Jerk, she thought to herself, ever eloquent. It made her feel better when he gave her a fragmented, somewhat awkward greeting. She grinned at him and said, "Yes indeed. It's been too long since I tested my mettle against someone not actively trying to kill me. If you're here to rumble I'm ready when you are!" She stood and took a moment to ready herself, hopefully giving the boy a moment to collect his thoughts as well.

Peregrine settled slowly into a stance she'd nearly forgotten. Her legs spread out evenly beneath her, braced for balance. Each claw dug into the earth beneath her, ready to push off or be pushed, whichever happened first. Her tail stretched straight out behind her and lifted, a sign of her confidence and hopefully an aid to her balance now that her spine was aligned from her nose to the tip of her tail. She tucked her chin, and allowed her hackles to rise. She forced the loose skin of her ruff to fall forwards, affording her throat as much protection as possible. Her ears flattened to her skull, her eyes narrowed, and she bared her teeth, ready to snap at the slightest provocation. Every muscle in her body was tense and ready to act or react, yet she forced the joints within her legs to loosen and bend, lowering her center of gravity and allowing her to remain nimble. The boy stood approximately ten feet away, which she judged to be a good distance. It was not too close for comfort, but gave her options as to where she ought to focus her efforts.

Peregrine rocketed forward into her attack, hoping to take her opponent off guard. She attempted to close the distance between them in no more than two paces, thinking she would have to be much quicker than he to make her planned attacks work. She charged him head on before feinting to her own left, then pushing off hard on her left side paws to spring back to her right. If the feint slowed him by even a breath should would consider herself lucky. Upon arriving on his left side in the same motion she would shift her hindquarters one extra step to the right so that her body met his at a 25° angle, hopefully maintaining distance between his jaws and her tail, along with other choice body parts. She aimed her jaws for his hind left leg just above the knee, and attempted to grab hold of the limb by tilting her head slightly to the right, hoping to clasp and crush it with her upper jaw latching onto it's outer side, and her bottom jaw biting into the inner side of the limb. She then picked up her left forepaw, struggling a bit with the close confines, and attempted to slam in down on his hind left paw so that she would hopefully compromise his balance even further, or at least break a toe or two. Finally, she would attempt to throw all of her weight into the shoulder of her left side, presuming that with one leg out of the picture she might be able to gain a quick advantage and topple him sideways.

ROUND 1 of ???

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-25-2016, 01:25 AM

The smaller woman responded to him, and he gave a lop sided grin. Well, she seemed to have experience. This was his first spar, but he wouldn't tell her that. "Alright!" He thought back to the training they had when he lived in Imperium, but it had been some time ago. Instead, he watched as she switched up her stance and began to set her defenses, and the youth would copy her while instinct helped him with the rest.

He pinned his ears to his head, green eyes narrowing as he kept his eyes on her. He lowered his center of gravity, legs spreading hip and shoulder width apart, knees and elbows bending. His tail flagged out to align with his spine, head lowering to align as well. Hackles bristled along his body, chin tucking close to his chest to protect his neck. He rolled his shoulders forward, head pulling back slightly to bunch up his scruff. Lastly, he recalled the other things he'd learned in Imperium, so the male would remember to spread his toes and dig his claws into the dirt below him. He was as ready as he could be, then she would bare her teeth, and the youth imitated her, his own teeth baring as his muzzle wrinkled.

The woman would race towards him, but the moment she had kicked off, Dragon had begun his forward movement to meet her. He watched as she first moved to his right, and then his left, but he did not stop his forward charge. Instead, he would charge up to her left side before skidding to an abrupt halt. He raised his front half up, hind legs coiled beneath him as he made a small pirouette like motion towards his left. Peregrine's bite would land on his left hip as opposed to his leg, leaving behind moderate lacerations that would open a bleeding wound, though nothing he couldn't handle.

His hind legs would then uncoil like a spring, thrusting himself upwards with his forelegs outstretched. He sought to slam his chest straight into the woman's left side directly on the center of her rib cage, in the hopes of bruising her and potentially toppling her over. Simultaneously, he would bring his forelegs forward, right foreleg stretched out in an attempt to hook behind the joint of her left hind leg. And his left foreleg aimed to come across the middle of her back. He wanted to try and use both forelegs in a push and pull motion, hoping that it would help in pushing her over to the ground.

As he did this, he would keep his hind legs evenly spread apart to keep himself from being knocked over, his weight keeping centered. He would take a slight and awkward hop to his right to try and place a small bit of space between their awkward positioning, though it would not completely displace her paw slam. Instead of breaking toes, her paw would hit its mark, leaving a mild bruise that did nothing more then make him wince slightly, and her attempted shove would do little to nothing as he sought to counter her weight with his own and keeping his footing. Lastly, he would open his jaws and aim them straight down upon the middle of her back, several inches from the base of her tail. He aimed to gain a solid grip as tops jaws sought to dig into the right side of her spine and bottom teeth sought to dig into the left side of her spine. He didn't aim to cripple her, but to cause her pain and some shiny new wounds, maybe even make her back off.

Dragon VS Peregrine for SPAR
Round 1/2

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.

The Judge


11-06-2016, 02:38 PM
And the winner is...

Dragon! Due to Peregrine not posting in the allotted time, the fight has defaulted in Dragon's favor. Peregrine must give up by submitting, passing out, or fleeing.