

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-09-2016, 07:37 PM

He needed some time with his family. At least, the small portion he had left. Rivaxorus wanted to see his brother - and with Razor missing it felt like things had fallen out of place. He'd never really sought guidance from his siblings - it was always him against the world. When it came down to it he realized he had prioritized everything else OTHER than his siblings. He knew Zephyra probably would have thought the same thing. After the little seance at the meeting, Riv needed to communicate more. Not just with her, but with everyone. He had a hard habit of listening but not truly hearing.

The large male would call out for his brother, it might have seemed silly but the howl was for the best. As he went to relax under the willow tree - the one that had housed he and his siblings. Though it was the last den and Jackson wasn't a part of it. Riv felt like a piece of himself was here. With Holly, Epinone his sisters. Ahhh, it felt like he was hearing voices. A heavy sigh left his throat.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
08-14-2016, 07:51 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 07:41 AM by Jackson.)

That meeting had been one that made him anxious to leave it and when dismissed he had wasted no time in disappearing into the territory. He was confused at what had happened, and didn't know the history between Riv and Ren. He had no idea why his brother would have said Ren wasn't welcome, but things had blown up and were tense. Jackson had did his best to push the thoughts aside and just focus on the work he needed to get done. Things would blow over and the pack would be stable and hopefully things would remain the same. He had to start meeting with other pack members, getting to know them, and get some hunts going. Although he felt unsure of where everyone's alliances lie. He felt the tension within the pack and he didn't know what to do.

The call drew his attention from his thoughts and his emotions. It was a relief that the call came from his brother, perhaps he could get some questions answered. Picking up his pace he left the entrance of his den and headed towards where the call came from. He found his brother under one of the more beautiful willow trees, one that he oddly found himself attracted too. Little did he know the meaning of this tree, but he really did like the spot. Moving under the tree the male's tail wagged and he smiled in greeting to his larger bother moving over to sit beside him.

"How are you doing today brother," he asked curiously.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-14-2016, 09:17 PM

Seeing his brother brought a subconscious smile to his mouth. The few of them that were left that he knew of. In all honesty when his world felt like it was crumbling apart, he was just distracting himself. Trying to make himself stronger, emotionally, physically. Then he wouldn't be hurt so much and then he wouldn't so much as hurt the people around him either."I could lie and say that I'm doing fine." he commented for a second. He was certain Jackson knew how much tension there was in the air since the meeting. Myriad clashing from the inside - and Rivaxorus knew perfectly well what the problem was. His paws shuffled a bit from where he lay.

"Things aren't exactly working how I had wanted them to. I've been doing a lot of thinking and pretty soon Myriad's probably going to make a huge change and I'm not sure if everyone will take it well. " Rivaxorus felt a horrid wind coming. He wished he could ask Leo what to do, that or Avalon. But he knew that their advice, more or less Avalons, would send his skin prickling. "No matter what happens, would you stay with me Jackson? I know I feel like I'm losing my mind, but you're the last brother whose closest to me." his two different colored eyes looked at his brother. His heart pounding against his chest.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
08-15-2016, 07:39 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 07:41 AM by Jackson.)

His brother's words made him nod his head lightly. There was no doubt that he was under a lot of stress and tension since the meeting. Jackson hadn't even been sure that Zephyra was still around and his own heart would ache for his brother. He could not imagine the mass mixture of emotions that filled his mind and what it was physically and mentally doing to him. Jackson was also glad, even though he had been gone for so long the relationship he had with Riv made Riv feel comfortable in telling him the honest truth.

His ears perked when Riv began to speak again mentioning of a change coming. Part of him was scared, but the other part was completely ready for what was going to happen. Riv was the only sibling left that he was close to, the rest had fizzled from his life and even his father couldn't be counted on as fully coming back into his life. He believed in Riv and knew he would be a great leader. Hard times would just make him stronger and give him more experience. He didn't doubt his brother's decisions, he just wished that he could know a little more information. That there could be more communication between the two of them even if it wasn't something that needed to be done. His brother continued on and without hesitation the young man had an answer for Riv.

"Of course I would stay, no matter what happens," he said.

He had hoped his brother didn't question his loyalty, he would hope that he was simply easing his mind. Jackson settled beside him, easing down into laying sternally on the ground. His mismatched eyes then looked to his brother, concerned for him with all this stress.

"Is there anything I could do to help," he asked hoping to relieve some stress from him. "Like keep an eye on Ren? Or anyone in the pack for that matter?"

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-19-2016, 05:15 AM

Rivaxorus would listen to Jackson, as his mind ran so many things by himself. It was silly wasn't it. He was acting as if his wife was his enemy. Part of him started to think, it wasn't the two of them. Pack life just seemed to ruin their relationships. Also, had he ever thought about anyone else other than himself? Holly had made it clear he was almost exactly like mom and dad. When they needed him most, where had he been? Chasing a dream of trying to clear himself of his mother's name. Trying to get away from her nightmare. Yet, he was spinning in a circle with her. He was chasing her tail - and he was believing he was doomed to be bitter. To turn out just like her and one day - he'd die in a ditch all alone.

He didn't question Jackson's loyalty either, and it did ease his mind to hear his words. He was not experienced and if he didn't take others advice where would he stand? Though what left his brother's maw, it made him laugh. He scoffed at first and then laughed out loud. Placing a paw over his own snout as if to try and stop himself. It was funny, because Jackson... was the third wolf to ask this. "Honestly the lot of you are scary similar. Doesn't matter who you are.... you're the third wolf to ask me this Jackson." Rivaxorus would place his paw down.

"And the answer will be the same. No." he said this with a smile. "I'm going to try and patch things up with Zephyra. My mind was in a tizzy until I went through a couple of conversations. Although I hope she understands.... something needs to be done with her family. Whether they like me or not, and they only see Zephyra as their alpha - then she needs to make sure they don't cause discord in the pack." His ears flicked. "I also don't know if this alpha business is for me. It's only caused trouble, it's my dream but it seems like I don't know how to do it right so I have to talk to Zephyra about it and my true feelings. Even if in the end it gets me hurt." he looked down. "If worse comes to worse... I'm glad you'll be there among a few friends to support me when I foolishly fall off my high horse."

"Talk" "You" Think