
Words with the boss



7 Years

08-09-2016, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 10:49 PM by Evelyn.)

He watched the pack from where he sat, waiting to see if anyone would come to talk to him. Bass' golden gaze kept wandering back to Lilianna and Lark, and finally he tried to catch his son's minty eyes. What was going on with these kids? Well, they weren't really kids anymore, were they? With a sigh, he tapped his tail on the earth beside him. They were growing up far too fast. He still remembered when they were first born, and it just wasn't fair that time had simply taken off and ran. Glancing over Finch and Sandpiper, he wondered where the rest of his little bundles of fur were. Sparrow was off for a break, and Starling was who knows where. Would they ever be a whole family again? Shaking his head, he lingered for awhile more to see if anyone wished to leave the pack. Hopefully not, even though there were quite a few who hadn't shown up. Bass was just hoping that this would spur Abaven back into action, but if not, maybe it was time to retire. He wasn't sure if any of his kids wanted it. Would it be time to just let it go?


Art by Evelyn



4 Years
Extra large
08-12-2016, 07:46 PM

Karabela waited until the pack had started to disperse a bit before she approached. She felt butterflies writhing in her stomach but a cold calmness in her limbs and a steel cage in her chest. Sharp golden eyes observed the older man, catching the glances that felt to the members of his family that hd shown, the shake of his head… the uncertainty. Walking up towards him she dipped her head in formal greeting. "Hello Bass, I… just wanted to ask how you're doing." Was it a childish thing to ask? Maybe, but it was a question she felt needed to be asked and she wasn't sure how private Bass wanted to be about it. Sitting down with her tail around her paws she awaited his reply, all the while wondering if she was overstepping her bounds.

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



7 Years

08-12-2016, 10:35 PM

Bass was slightly surprised that it was Karabela who approached him first. He smiled at the young woman, inclining his head towards her. His smile quickly faded though when she asked her question, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. He had been a fool to think that everyone would think that he was okay, it had been plain to see when the meeting had started. Was it right to think that the pack would just pick up where it left off, with him feeling so weary? His shoulders shrugged, silence spreading for a few heartbeats. She hadn't crossed any lines in asking, the Primo was actually glad that she had questioned his wellness. It meant that she cared, and that she was concerned for the future of both herself and Abaven. "I've... well I've been better, Raba. I know that I need to work on myself if I have any hope for this pack to once again be active and successful," he said, another puff of air leaving his lungs. "I'm so sorry if I have concerned you in any way, but... thank you for asking. Really," the pale man leaned forward and touched his nose to her shoulder, trying to show the dame that he both cared for and respected her. She had been a constant figure here since Starling had brought her home, and he was thankful for that. Her scent was usually always on the border, and he saw her many times patrolling the land. If Tinaro had not challenged for the head fighter rank, he would have given it to the wolf before him.

His golden eyes looked her up and down, and he wasn't going to lie and say that he hadn't noticed her absence. Everyone had been rather absent, but she had been traveling a lot it would seem. He remembered when he met her aunt at the borders, and how much he had strove to shown the girl that he was here for her. Had he failed in doing that? "And you, Karabela? How have you been fairing through all of this?" For the moment no one else had approached him, and he took this time to talk to her in a semi-private atmosphere.


Art by Evelyn



4 Years
Extra large
08-13-2016, 02:03 PM

A familiar weariness marked Bass' words.  It was a weariness she was terribly familiar with and she wondered if he was already beginning to feel that numbing shiver in his legs.  That dreaming disconnect that made it seem like he was standing still while the world continued about it's business as if oblivious to his pain.  She'd felt that way when her family had shattered.  Through violence, through isolation.  What should have kept her siblings close to her had shattered them all apart and instead of banding together after tragedy they'd all simply gone their own ways.  Karabela had a vision for the future.  A vision that she could not achieve where she was now and with each passing moment she felt a growing conviction of what path she was going to set her paws upon.

Bass leaned forward, his nose touching her shoulder and she reached out to return the gesture.  "I'm sorry to hear that Bass.  I do hope things will start to turn around for you though I wonder can you focus on yourself and the pack at the same time?"  It had to be strenuous, especially with such a large family to also keep in mind.  "My mother always believed that hardship would temper us.  Make us stronger against future pain… and that like the seasons, good times would always come again if we could endure life's winters.  This hurt, this uncertainty, this too shall pass."

He asked her how she was.  How was she?  Others had asked that question and she'd always been quick with a smile and a quippy reply but something about that question held new weight.  She looked away, golden eyes fixing on the horizon as she tried to figure out how to put her thoughts into words. "Honestly, Bass?  I've been upset and I've been troubled but… I think I'm finally feeling better.  I've been standing at a crossroads for a long time and these past few months I've taken to wandering again and to dealing with… some of the skeletons in my closet."  She turned to meet his gaze and the butterflies stilled.  She could feel the confidence settling like warm blood in her stomach.  For so long she'd been aimless but as she stood before this world-weary alpha she felt a sudden surge of certainty.  Her goals were lofty, her mettle to rule untested but she'd been forged in her mothers courage and her half-brother's sacrifice and she was going to throw herself forward into the future. "Bass, for so long I've been struggling with the fact that those dear to me have sacrificed their lives for me and I want nothing more than to make that sacrifice worthwhile.  I feel that I am meant for something bigger than where I am now.  Much bigger."  Her gaze grew in intensity but even so she paused.  Words could not be taken back and speaking them out loud, and to her alpha of all wolves, would set a new truth to them.  "Bass, someday it is my intention to rule a pack of my own."

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



7 Years

08-14-2016, 10:46 PM

It was pretty cool that he had somewhat seen the woman before him grow up. While he hadn't known her since she was a child, she had been young when she had joined his ranks. Or so it seemed, she had done a lot of growing up while she had been here. He didn't know too much about her past, nor was he about to ask her for her life story. From what he had picked up on though, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. And now here she stood, returning his kind gesture with her own. Bass really and truly smiled at her, no hesitation in the motion. It was perhaps the first time that he had smiled so wide. But it was nice to talk to Karabela, she seemed very worried about him and his well abouts. It had been a long time since someone asked how he was doing, and really asked, not just taking his casual 'I'm fine' as a real answer. He felt like an old man, but special at the same time. Like kids these days really cared about their elders. Bass chuckled inwardly at his thoughts, he wasn't even that old. Sure as hell felt like it though.

Raba asked a real hard question, asking if he could really focus on bettering himself and a pack at the same time. For most of his life he had had Abaven, it was hard to imagine his life without it. But because he was alpha, he was restricted as well. It was harder to do things for himself, or to even go out and wander like he had before. It had been a long time since he had gone on an adventure, he hadn't even set paw in Auster yet, although Motif had told him stories. At the thought of his dear sister, a sharp claw dug into his heart. He hadn't seen her for so long, and he missed her terribly. But he couldn't just leave and disappear for awhile, not again, not without a second in command. Bass fell silent for a moment, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. Maybe she was right. Maybe there was no way that he could improve his mood while trying to bring his pack up from the ashes. She then spoke of their lives being like season, and he nodded slowly. "Your mother sounded like a wise woman. I see now where you get that from," he said softly, a tender smile on his lips.

When the tables turned towards her, her demeanor changed to be more stoic. He frowned softly, he wished that he had been around more to make himself known to her, offering her a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. But apparently she was doing better now, and he nodded his head again. That was good, but he still wished that he had been able to be there for her. Is that not what an alpha is supposed to do? That was always part of their job, to care for their members and make sure they are happy and emotionally fit. But he had failed in yet another department. He thought back to what she had said about his split attention, and the idea of just focusing on himself was becoming more and more appealing. His brows raised as he watched her mood shift yet again, this time a hungry fire burning in her eyes. Before she spoke, he knew what she was going to say. He remembered that look, he had had the same one that churned hungrily in him when he started Abaven. And then they slowly spilled from her maw, saying that she wanted to earn her place and that she was destined for greater things. Bass' smile returned to his maw, and he looked rather fondly on the girl. She was wise beyond her years, and this seemed to be something that she had been sitting on for a little while now. She was ready, and perhaps even more set for this job than he was. With all that said, a slow idea formed in his mind. He was growing weary of Abaven, and he had a feeling that the world was tired of this pack as well. Time and time again it had fallen, and this time he just wasn't feeling the drive to pick it back up. But standing before him, on four very capable legs, was a young woman with so much fuel and energy, all geared towards one day ruling her own kingdom. "Well, that day may come sooner than you thing," he said softly. He looked around him, the crowd mostly gone, a world-weary sigh leaving his lips. "It's plain to see that I am no longer geared towards being the alpha that this pack needs, and that all the wolves here deserve. But you are. I have not been blind to your ambitions, the training and the patroling. You were made for this life, Karabela Thyre. What would you say if I gave Abaven to you, with the freedom to bend it into whatever you desire. Members can choose to stay or leave, depending on what you create, but I have no doubt that you will have enough followers to warrant these three territories. You can move them even, make this all your own," his words were soft, his body relaxing the more he spoke. The sound of retirement was sweet, time to relax, go find his siblings, and spend more quality time with his kids. "I don't know what my own children will decide, but if you want me, I will stay in your ranks. I could be the wise old man you came to advice for," Bass chuckled, his tail thumping on the earth beside him. Of course he would have to talk to his kids, and his dear friends that called Abaven their home. "I would have to speak to a few wolves, I did at one point ask for Lark to be my heir. If he wants Abaven, he will have claim over you. But he has shown no interest as of late, and if not, I can see that this is something you yearn for. I would be more than happy to give you the world you so deserve."


Art by Evelyn



4 Years
Extra large
08-17-2016, 07:58 PM

Her words were hanging in the air and for a moment it seemed like everything had gone completely still. Her breath caught in her throat. She'd said it. She'd voiced the desire that had been growing in her chest for the past month. She dearly hoped she was making the right move and also hoped that her packmates wouldn't hate her for it. In some way she felt like she was deserting Abaven in its time of need like this but where she was at was only going to drag her down. It was time for a radical change.

Karabela stared at Bass curiously as he mentioned that that day might come sooner than she expected. Was his faith in her that great or was he hinting at something else. She assumed the later but what was he getting at? Quieting her mind to prevent it drumming up more scenarios than necessary she stayed silent and watched as Bass looked around them for a moment before turning back to her.

As Bass began to speak to her again she felt her heart start to hammer in her chest. As he talked about no longer being geared toward being an alpha but that she was…. well, she saw immediately where he was going with this. Excitement and anxiety started to roll around in her stomach as he spoke. He was going to give Abaven to her? Immediately questions started tumbling through her head. What would her pack mates think? Would they be ok with this? Would they feel she was taking advantage of Bass current state? Would they admire her for her tenacity? Would they follow her? If Bass were indeed to give her Abaven it would not stay Abaven but become something of her own creation. Something new. Something truly hers. She knew already the territories she would claim, territories that would test and strengthen her packmates. Harsh territories that held hidden beauty, that made one feel alive.

"Bass… I don't know what to say. I am truly touched by your confidence in me and I will do my best to do right by my pack. If you are offering me Abaven then I would gladly take it and mold it into something my own. I already know the three terras I would claim… and the name…. Ivory Ridge. For the snow capped mountains that mark the Eastern Territories." She wanted a pack that was tied to the land they lived in so it was only fitting that the name relate to the terra rather than anything to her personally.

She pondered Bass for a moment. "It's your future Bass. You should decide what it is you want. If you wish to go then I fully support you and if you like you'd be more than welcome to join Ivory Ridge." Karabela certainly wouldn't turn down free advice though in truth she was used to learning on her own and gaining experience through simply living. She'd always been headstrong.

She felt a slight dimming at the mention of Lark but she could fully understand that family would have first claim and she was already set on her path. She would bring Ivory Ridge into existence one way or another. Smiling at Bass she nodded. "I completely understand. Thank you for speaking with me Bass."

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



7 Years

08-18-2016, 03:07 PM

Bass listened to her words with a smile on his face, his chest seeming to grow lighter and lighter the more she spoke. It was obvious that she so desperately wanted it, and he was sure that if Lark wanted Abaven, she would find another way to make her dream come true. Her ideas were solid, she had been thinking about this for some time then, mm? Must have, while he was silent here she was plotting her pack. He was proud of her, it wasn't a spur of the moment thing like he had done with Abaven, she actually had a plan of attack. When his words came to a close, he could see her mood shift slightly. He knew that it might have not been the best way to go about it, dangling Abaven in front of her and then saying he had to talk to Lark. He sighed, and then rose up to his paws. "I have no doubt that you will get Ivory Ridge, and I hope that you can make something good out of my failure. I will come to you as soon as I have spoken to my family, and we will call another meeting. Together," he dipped his head, touching his nose to the center of her forehead before taking off in search of Lark.

-exit Bass-


Art by Evelyn