



4 Years

08-15-2016, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 07:22 AM by Peregrine.)
As I am planning to make a pack regardless of his this challenge ends I thought I would take some inspiration from Luns (*fistbumps*) and post this up here so i can keep my thoughts straight. If anyone has any questions, plots, or characters they think might be interested feel free to post below and brainstorm with me!!

-I wanted to go with a more simplistic ranking system as they will be utility based as well as part of pack-to-pack relations. I want rogues and other wolves to understand what Werifesteria does, not just what language I googled to come up with ideas for! xD

-Ceremonies will be slightly warrior cats-ish, something young wolves should look forward to and a matter of pride for them and their families. More of these may be added in the future and I'm certainly open to suggestions.

-I would like to do random events within the pack territory, maybe one per season, so please consider the likelihood of group threads if you join in. These will not be mandatory but are an alternative way of advancing in pack rank.


"To wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery"

Werifesteria is first and foremost a pack centered around exploration and trade. The world is their oyster and members are expected to treat it as such. They are given immense amounts of freedom in the choices they make and the allies they find so long as the protection and betterment of the pack is not infringed upon. They believe that a stagnant life is one well wasted, and that each day should be lived to the fullest.

Pack color: #57AB00
Claimed territories: The Orchard & the Rio Grande
Former leaders: None

Pack Roster

Peregrine Mercari

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Pack Ranks

Tier 1
Mercari (1) - The Mercari leads Werifesteria in all pursuits, expected to act as both a teacher and a source of inspiration for the rest of the pack. They will be active in hosting events for members and treating with foreign wolves. May accept or reject members from the pack. Cannot be challenged for from within the pack.
Second (1) - The Second is exactly that, a right hand to help aid in the pack's daily going-ons. This member is expected to do all that the Mercari does. Their opinion carries the greatest weight of any member in the pack. They may accept or reject members of the pack, punish wrong-doers, host events, and even declare war if they deem it necessary. This rank can be challenged for.
Heir (1) - Next in line for the rank of Mercari. If there is no appointed heir, or if the Mercari is younger than one year of age Werifesteria will pass to the Second. This rank is determined by the Mercari alone and cannot be challenged for.
Tier 2
Guardian (1) - The Guardian of Werifesteria is a revered title, one considered only for a wolf most worthy of it. Should the Second move forth as the new Mercari, it is expected that this wolf would fill their rank in turn. They oversee the pack in every aspect, as expected to arrange lessons and to gather intelligence for the Mercari and the Second, both from within the pack and without. The safety of Werifesterians should but thier top concern. This rank may be challenged for.
Wisdom (2) - The Wisom of Werifesteria is a revered title, one consideredly only for a wolf most worthy of it. the pursuit of knowledge in all forms is the primary concern of this rank, and their responsibilities tend more towards education than the management of the pack. This rank will only be considered for those who have hosted at least 5 lessons, 5 gathering events, 5 scouting missions, and 3 site/pack events.
Tier 3
Crusader (2) - Warriors of great prestige. Expected to attend three gathering threads a season or run at least five border patrol threads. Promotions may be given after fighting in defense of the pack, proving their merit during pack/site events. May be challenged for. Expected to train all those of Tier 3 status and lower, and to aid in pack hunts as well.
Sage (2) - A healer who has proven themselves to be invaluable to the pack, who has completed at least 3 healing lessons for the pack and at least 3 gathering threads of healing materials. Promotions may be given after this is completed or after proving their merit in pack/site events. Expected to train all those of Tier 3 status and lower.
Wayfarer (2) - A scout who has roamed far in wide so as to better inform the pack. They will have completed navigation threads in at least three lands of each region (N, S, E & W) and guided at least 3 gathering parties to these prime locations. Promotions may be given after this is achieved, or after proving their merit in pack/site events. Expected to train all those of Tier 3 status and lower.
Merchant (2) - A trader who has treated with both rogues and pack wolves on at least two occasions each. They will have completed 3 full gathering threads of differing difficulty level, and must have an accessory of some sort to aid them. Preference will be given to wolves who also have companions able to assist them. Promotions may be given after this is achieved, or after proving their merit in pack/site events. Expected to train all those of Tier 3 status and lower.
Tier 4
Warrior (∞) - A fighter of at least 2 years of age who has completed their apprenticeship. This wolf will dedicate themselves to the protection of the pack, securing it's borders and ensuring that all outside threats are met with ferocious intensity. They are also expected to aid in pack hunts.
Healer (∞) - A healer of at least 2 years of age who has completed their apprenticeship. This wolf is expected to have already learned much about the art of healing and to continue attending lessons as time goes on. They are required to gather herbs and supplies frequently to aid in replenishing pack supplies.
Scout (∞) - A scout of at least 2 years of age who has completed their apprenticeship. This wolf is expected to have a deeply seated sense of wanderlust and a keen intellect, one who is willing to both patrol the pack borders and to reach far beyond them as well. They are required to frequently scout out areas with high potential to yield valuable resources and to occasionally gather what they find.
Trader (∞) - A trader of at least 2 years of age who has completed their apprenticeship. This wolf is expected to embody many of the traits of all other professions, and to help the pack gather as many resources as possible. They are expected to attend lessons of every kind and to show keen interest in the packs wealth as well as the wealth of other groups in the land.
Tier 5
Apprentice Warrior (∞) - A young wolf between 1 and 2 years of age. They are expected to frequently attend lessons as well as seeking out education on their own. They are expected to hunt, run border patrols, and protect the pack in all ways if necessary. At two years of age they will graduate rank automatically via pack wide ceremony.
Apprentice Scout (∞) - A young wolf between 1 and 2 years of age. They are expected to frequently attend lessons as well as seeking out education on their own. They are expected to run border patrols, scout distant lands either with a guard/group or without, and to begin learning the art of navigation. At two years of age they will graduate rank automatically via pack wide ceremony.
Apprentice Healer (∞) - A young wolf between 1 and 2 years of age. They are expected to frequently attend lessons as well as seeking out education on their own. They are expected to search for herbs, begin collecting their own stash of materials, and to aid the pack in times of illness or war. At two years of age they will graduate rank automatically via pack wide ceremony.
Apprentice Trader (∞) - A young wolf between 1 and 2 years of age. They are expected to frequently attend lessons as well as seeking out education on their own. They are expected to do much of what the other ranks undergo, to begin building up their gathering reputation and to frequently join up with groups venturing forth beyond the packs boundaries. At two years of age they will graduate rank automatically via pack wide ceremony.
Tier 6
Fledgling (∞) - Pups 6 months to 1 Year old. At this age they will be expected to explore different paths and decide on a school of learning that best suits their interests. They are given great freedom within the pack boundaries, but are strongly discouraged to venture beyond them without an escort of older wolves.
Youngling (∞) - Pups newborn to 6 months old, forbidden to leave the pack boundaries without an escort of wolves. They are expected to do nothing but wreak havoc and enjoy their youth.
Tier 7
Outlaw (∞) - A general term for those who have gone against the best interest of the pack. They are branded as such so that everyone may know at once what their status is among them.
Thief (∞) - Those found stealing from pack members or willfully compromising materials gathered will be subject to strict punishment and a demotion to this rank for so long as it takes them to earn back the trust of their fellows.
Exile (∞) - Exiles are forbidden from entering pack lands for a certain amount of time, and are not welcome to the protection of the pack during this period. This punishment is rare, and reserved for those who have gravely endangered the pack or it's members as a way to remind that them the whole is always stronger than one single unit.
Property (∞) - Any slave must be taken honestly in battle or traded for with Tier 5 materials. Life is something to be respected within Werifesteria, but everything has a price.

Pack Rules, Culture, & History

— REMEMBER WHAT YOU'RE HERE FOR: The pack's goals are your goals. The pack's best interest is your best interest. Whatever you set out to find when you joined up is here, waiting for you to come and get it. Don't wimp out when times get tough.

— REMEMBER WHO'S IN CHARGE: Disloyalty and subordination in any rank directed at any superior will not be tolerated. A pack is only as strong as it's weakest link and any discontent is expected to be faced head on. If you've got a problem take it up with them. You might be expected to

— DON'T START WHAT YOU CAN'T FINISH: Werifesteria will always protect it's members, but if you get in to shit too deep to crawl back out of don't expect whoever had to come save your ass to be too happy.

— DON'T LEAVE YOUR PACKMATES HANGING: If someone needs help you better be the first one on the scene to give them the aid they need. No matter the situation Werifesteria is a brotherhood of those working towards the same goals, of those looking to make one another strong. Even if they were being a dumbass and it's their own fault, it is your duty.

— KEEP YOUR HEAD RIGHT: Don't let ego, lust, jealousy, or anger ever sway you off course. If you feel vengeance is justified bring it up to the Mercari, if you need to get something done or if you feel as if you were wronged there will be those here looking to help you, but be smart about it. Keep a level head.

— BE PRESENT: Those who have no interest in accomplishing the goals of the pack, or attending our meetings or events are not welcome here. You are expected to post within pack lands at least once a week. Any who disappear without a trace will be considered deserters and removed from the pack.


— Gathering plays a central role in the daily activity of the pack. This pack is filled with innovative wolves who are always looking for a new way to innovate and accomplish what others cannot.

— Werifesteria occasionally hosts Open Markets for their members, rogues, and other allied packs as well where the open exchange of goods is encouraged, along with general gossip and news.

— At the turn of every season from any pups who become yearlings and for those aging age from 1 to 2 years old a ceremony is held as they either enter into their apprenticeships or graduate as full members of the pack.

— You might call this lot Chaotic Neutral. As a whole the pack will always act in it's best interest, and if it comes to down protecting one ally over another they'll go with the option that works best for them every time around.

— It is not mandatory that pups conceived stay in Werifesteria but it is strongly encouraged that they spend at least some amount of time with the pack wolves learning their ways. Dual-Citizenship of sorts may be arranged.

— More to come!!!



Abaven — Unknown
Celestial —  Unknown
Fiori —  Unknown
Ivalice —  Unknown
Yfir —  Unknown

Pack News:

*DATE* » *News goes here.*
*DATE* » *News goes here.*