
you're high and low



10 Years
Extra large
08-15-2016, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2016, 10:17 AM by Áki.)
note: set in fall, ignore the date <3 repurposing this thread.

What a lovely sight. Áki could think of nowhere better to spend the evening. The sun had set quite some time ago, and the moon stood high in the sky, casting its eerie light down on the ocean. The darkness of the sky was broken up by its pale blueish-white light, cascading across the sky and the clouds, with the light of the stars twinkling through.  The night was cool and pleasant, with little more than a gentle breeze that rustled the grasses at the top of the cliffside, and he let out a content sigh as he stood at the edge of the world and looked beyond.

For a long while he faced the horizon, though before long he tilted his tusked head skyward. The stars had always fascinated him. They told stories, told of days past and days yet to come, though he hadn't been taught enough to even touch on the secrets they might hold. The constellation Sarva was an easy one to spot, but tonight he searched for something different.

It didn't take long to find, as his crimson stare danced over the array of stars above. He saw him there, the demon Boötes, looming as an ever-living threat in the night sky. The personification of winter, of the threat to survival that he represented. He breathed in quietly, exhaling slowly as he studied the sky with interest.



4 Years
10-10-2016, 07:02 PM

Today, Lux is the plan that came together. She's bright as she moves across the ground, head high, a trot in her athletic gait. Fluffy. Her winter coat was coming in, you see, and it was full force. Full fluff, as she was. The days were still warm, and it was starting to get cumbersome. Early mornings and late nights were Luxanna's favorites. Dusk was falling, and she couldn't help but make her way higher. It would be easier to watch the sun set from high up, and she enjoys it. Lux finds life harder to truly enjoy when she's alone like this, but that's okay. She'd find a pack soon enough. It was easiest to find allegiance when you weren't on your own, wasn't it?

There was someone else up here, and Lux trotted softly toward him. Grey. Fading into the dusk. She stood out against it, probably a threat to her own survival, but that was okay. That was just fine, actually. Though the girl looks like she's all fluff and happiness, there's some sort of serious light in her glimmering eyes this evening. It's been this way for a little while. Lux has had a hard time coming into her own. She's had a hard time being on her own, and that was... well, it was okay, but she didn't prefer it.

A soft woof shatters the crystalline silence, but it's no matter. Best to let the man know she was coming. "Do you mind if I sit?" Right. Her pot callie of a voice, a light bell tone, a sort of soft ringing. Half flopped over ears pricked, curiosity. If he refused her, Lux would move on. It was his right to do it, she supposed. She was a stranger. Everyone here was a stranger.

Lux wouldn't let that emptiness get to her.

Funny to think the things she was capable of, especially as she splashes in the sea.
i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



10 Years
Extra large
10-18-2016, 08:10 AM
Áki found himself thinking of winter, now, as he stared at the glimmering stars above. His children would be born before the worst of the weather hit, and he wondered if they would make it to the north to survive their first winter. While part of him wanted to keep them in the more temperate lands, he knew they would have the blood of the north running through their veins, knew their coats would be thick and their builds large, strong enough to survive anything. He was certain of it, more certain than he'd ever been of anything, though he knew nothing yet of how many their might be or if they would survive at all. A content sigh fell from his lips as his gaze roved over the night sky, searching for knowledge held in the stars as they grew brighter as night fell deeper.

He heard the soft bark of a woman before he ever saw her, or caught whiff of her. Somewhat surprise, he turned his head to search for her, crimson eyes falling on her nearby. She was a lovely girl, with a melodic voice to match, and he grinned openly at her. "I don't mind one bit," his heavy voice rumbles, a chuckle falling from his lips. "Lovely night, isn't it?" His tusked head tilted toward her, searching her face, wondering who this woman might be.



4 Years
10-20-2016, 07:32 PM

She tries to be lovely, and at this point it's second nature. She's always been a glowing politician, she's always been something different. Sets herself apart and whatnot. It's good for a young girl to have goals, to have ambitions. To be the top general of your nation and the best politician they've got before reaching adulthood? Well, that was something special. To hold the hearts of all the young me in the kingdom and break them one by one when she deemed them not good enough? Well that was a bit of a problem. Still, there was something so empty about most of them. Lux wanted feeling. Thrived on it. Craved it. The final spark needs more spark.

She is warm and bright, liquid gold, where she sits beside the man. It's easier that way. Always a spark when it comes to just... being. He allows her to sit, and she returns his smile with a small one of her own. It's coy, sure, but it reaches clear to her eyes. The final spark, some of them called her. Her eyes caught the lights in the sky, refracting and reflecting some of it as she looked to the man. Though the man is much larger, Lux's tactical mind moves to the inefficiencies of being so large in size. Slower. Bulkier. Harder to get those agile movements she pushes so hard for.

With a pang, she realizes he's the same size as her brother.

There's an ache in her chest that comes on quickly, but her smile doesn't drop. It wouldn't show on her face. Something about the man's accent leaves her heart beating a little more quickly than usual-- she likes it. "It's beautiful. I prefer the summer constellations, though." Her fluffy tail wags slightly beside her, and subconsciously the spark finds herself leaning ever so slightly closer to the man. Heaven forbid her head pick up on that fact-- she'd move back to attention. No. The company is nice, and she'll take it at that for now. Emotionally vulnerable and a little more open than usual, Lux is happy with her company. "The unicorn." Her words are soft, almost reverent. Strength in battle. Purity of heart. All the things she'd ever wanted or needed-- there in the sky. "He's clearer here than he is back home." Soft. Always soft. Maybe the words were to herself initially, but she's glad there's someone else here, tonight.
i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



10 Years
Extra large
10-31-2016, 10:24 AM
Everyone was lovely, in their own little way - it was often just a matter of looking past their faults to find it. With some, it was easier to tell than with others. This woman though, she emanated beauty and femininity. Perhaps it was but a facade; it didn't matter much to him either way. He returns the pleasantness with ease. Amiable by nature, it's difficult to sour his mood unless someone tries.. and by then, it's likely too late to recover from it. He's never really met anyone he hated, and generally didn't assume much about those he met until he gave them reason to.

She spoke, with that lovely voice of hers again, and he found himself grinning wider. She knew something of constellations? "Oh, a lady after my own heart," he quipped wistfully, amusement bubbling forth in those heavy northern notes of his voice. "I'm a fan of star-gazing myself." He was grateful when he found those that shared such interests, since they were few and far between. The one she spoke of, though, was unfamiliar to him. "The unicorn?" Aki questioned curiously, his head tilting as he lifted it to stare at the sky again, short tusks jutting upward. He'd never heard of such a thing - perhaps she will be kind enough to enlighten him.



4 Years
11-13-2016, 10:11 PM

There's something about Lux tonight, the very thing that got her in trouble back home. She likes the attention she gets when it comes to pretty boys. It's a weakness thing, and she's not really upset about that. If that's her soft spot, she's really not terribly bothered. She gets herself in trouble and that's okay. All will be okay so long as she can keep herself in check. The final spark is willing to admit that she's gotten herself here because of her fancies, but that's okay.

If you could have seen it, the girl would be blushing. She would be softly and quietly amused, blushing up at the man beside her. There was never a lack of heat in her system, never without a spark. Always. Burns bright, brighter than anything, and brilliant. Within the stranger's personal space, holding close. Holding tight to his side. It was cold, after all. Cold is good. Cold means you can get into someone else's personal space. Weather as a tool. Sure. Lux would go with that.

"Monoceres, the most gallant and beautiful creature. A fan of purity, of those fighting for what's right and good... and a slayer of traitors. A big horse with a big, sharp horn on his forehead and the like. Basically everything I want to grow up to be." Lux jokes in the end, a flickering light in her pretty eyes. She was something else, that's for sure. Something different than anyone has ever seen before. Soft and fluffy and full of light. Everything she'd ever want to be.

i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



10 Years
Extra large
11-30-2016, 07:05 PM
Aki didn't ever feel ashamed of.. well, anything. He loved the attention of others, and likewise enjoyed returning it around those he liked. This woman seemed like a pleasant soul, and he wore an easy grin as she spoke. His tail betrayed his pleasure, batting gently at the earth with a steady rhythm. His own gaze was locked on the sky above, trying to find the shape she spoke of. He didn't see it, but he tried. A horse with a horn on his head. Hmm.

He tilted his head as he gazed at the sky above, searching quietly for it. Perhaps the constellation she spoke of was made up of some of the same stars as the ones he knew. He tilted his head to the side, eyeing her curiously. "Sounds nice," he echoed, his voice low as a chuckle fell from his throat. She had bold goals, huh? To fight for what was right and good, to slay traitors. Strong and beautiful. Far too many aspirations, in his mind, but a noble goal nonetheless. "My name's Aki, by the way," he offered lightly, bringing his gaze back to the glimmering expanse of stars above.



4 Years
12-30-2016, 12:46 AM

Her people had their fables and their tall tales, and Lux loved them all. She was a believer, after all. There's something to be said about believing in something so much bigger than yourself and taking it as truth and law and the like. It made her feel... safe. Comfortable, even. Protected. The ways of the old gods, they called it. Lux loved them as if they were her own family. It was hard not to.

"Luxanna, Lux if you'd rather," she's gentle where she enters Aki's personal space, doing it quietly. The final spark pretends not to notice that he's looking at her face. Instead the girl with the prismatic eyes looks to the stars and the sky, wondering where her guidance is now. Somewhere far off, it appears that a star falls. Something excited crops up in her chest, tail going wild, pressing her shoulder more firmly into that of the man. She's alight. She's brilliant.

"Make a wish, make a wish!" A light tone, a certain ringing of a small bell. She's so excited. Immensely excited. Shining eyes rest on the face of the creature with the... er... tusks. Looking openly from him to the shooting star, tail thrashing wildly. Childlike, but elegant. Always elegant. Can't forget that in the girl's very being. Always elegant.

i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



10 Years
Extra large
01-14-2017, 07:03 PM
Names weren't always that important, but they certainly made things easier. What would he call this lovely lady if he ran into her again? 'Hey, you!' just sounded a bit too rude for his taste. Her name made him smile, teeth revealed as lips turned up in a pleased expression. "Lovely name, that is, Lux," he'd muse aloud thoughtfully, lowering his head to gaze at her for a moment.

He hardly noticed as she moved closer, instructing him to make a wish. His own tail began to beat lightly against the earth, amusement shining in his eyes as he turned to look back up at the stars. "A wish?" Aki questioned, wondering. "I've never heard of wishing on falling stars." Not that he'd ever seen many, either. He watched the shooting star thoughtfully, thinking of what he could possibly wish for. Anything he wanted, he found - always. But one thing had been on his mind lately, now that he considered it. Having children of his own had always crossed his mind but the opportunity hadn't arose yet. Yes, that sounded like a nice wish. A gentle sigh fell from his lips as he pictured it, watching the star all the while.