
It's My Lucky Day



8 Years
08-16-2016, 01:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 01:45 PM by Solveiga.)

Really, today was going great. Fantastic, even. For a woman uneducated in the ways of sarcasm, Solveiga was managing to pick it up pretty quickly. She grumbled as she padded painfully away from the pack meeting, trying to think of the speech Regulus had just given. She wanted to take his words to heart and become an even more active and helpful pack member. He and Celestial had given her so much, and she wanted to be able to give back. But it was difficult to do much thinking when her paws and rump were in such aggravating pain.

She walked away from the meeting place and toward the lake, so she could be alone when she attempted to remove the thorn that had gotten stuck back by her tail. This was so embarrassing. She sighed as she got a safe distance away from everyone else and then nearly started to sit again before she caught herself. It hurt to keep her weight on her paws, but it hurt to sit down, too. Should she focus on the thorns in her paws first, or her rump? She was glad no one was around to see this, but then again, the whole fixing of the problem would be a lot easier with a little assistance.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
08-17-2016, 12:15 PM

Despite her desire to slink away for some time after the meeting and to think upon all she had learned in such a short span the empathetic part of her had demanded she at least attend to the woman she had noticed was limping, so as wolves had started to disperse she had taken a few moments to scan the area, the valley seemingly full of flora had held very little in the way of herbs she recognized. Finally she found some dandelions and carefully digging them up so as to preserve the root she grabbed them and headed off in the direction of the injured wolf.

For a wolf who was clearly not doing so well the unknown woman had managed to get pretty far, as Luck moved into new territory she paused for a moment to assure herself she hadn't just unwittingly stepped over the border. As brilliant cyan gaze found the injured wolf she picked up her pace, allowing herself a moment to observe the landscape around her.

As she drew up before the wolf she dropped the plants at her paws and gave the woman the most calming smile she could muster which, for a wolf who struggled to keep her inner thoughts from her face, was pretty damn good. “My name's Luck, Regulus mentioned I was new and hoping to take the rank of a healer.” Her soft, sweet voice gained an unusual sense of confidence as she continued a tone of voice she had picked up from observing her family as they had helped injured pack members. “Do you mind if I take a look and see if I can help?” She didn't really wait to step over her momentarily forgotten dandelions and walk a small circle around the stranger.

Still she wouldn't really start poking and prodding till she was given the go ahead, a cursory look over could only really tell her so much, though she could tell from the way the woman held herself her paws were hurting her. “If you can manage it, I would recommend laying beside the lake and dangling your paws in the water, at the very least it might help to sooth any pain you have.” She had circled around her fully so that she was once more standing in front of the stranger and gestured over to the nearby lake.


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



8 Years
08-17-2016, 01:53 PM

Solveiga was still debating whether to sit or stand when she heard footsteps behind her and she looked around in confusion. Who had followed her? Not Regulus, she hoped. She didn't need to embarrass herself in front of him. Again.

No, it was the woman she had seen at the meeting. The one who had been introduced as Luck. The cream colored girl smiled as she saw the dandelions Luck had brought, and she nodded gratefully at her introduction. "I'm Solveiga, I'm actually a healer too," at this she tried to sway her tail a bit as a friendly gesture, but the movement must have flexed some muscle being jabbed by the thorn because she tensed a bit and had to hold in another whimper. "Sorry, I got caught in some brambles right before the meeting and..." The woman shrugged, the rest was pretty self explanatory. "Actually, I'd really appreciate your help. Thank you."

She tucked her tail shyly as the woman circled her, making her own analysis. Solveiga nodded a bit at the suggestion and went to lay beside the lake, sighing in relief as the cool water helped ease the immediate pain. But she still knew there were thorns in there somewhere. "The thorns are mostly in my paw pads, and there may be a couple in my legs, I'm not sure," she said. "And... one back by my tail..." This she admitted with a good amount of chagrin. At least it was another woman who would be helping her remove that one. The scent of her season was still fading, she would have felt almost guilty if she had asked for the assistance of a male healer. Luckily Celestial didn't have many. Just Falk.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
08-18-2016, 10:05 AM

The cream coloured woman nodded and add that she was also a healer, and Luck felt the blood rushing to her face. Of course she had heard the name mentioned at the meeting but had been too busy looking at the ground to put the name with a face. “That does make my job a bit easier.” She teased lightly though the small friendly smile was quickly replaced with a frown as Solveiga winced.

Still her help was accepted and as Solveiga followed her advice and moved towards the lake Luck gathered up the dandelions again and followed after her. Once more dropping the plants she nosed the bundle apart making sure that some of them were in easy reach for the sand coloured woman to use. Then grabbing her own now smaller bundle she moved around towards Solveiga's rump. Another wolf might have laughed but Luck was too focused on making sure her patient was taken care of. “I'll start working here, I trust you can manage your paws for now?”

Luck began to gently nose at Solveiga's back side, moving in slow methodical circles to assure she didn't miss the thorn. She still hoped she would find it soon as this was no doubt a very different feeling for the poor woman. Finally though she did find it. She pulled back briefly. “I found it, this is likely gonna hurt a bit so sorry in advance.” Moving as gently as she could Luck manoeuvred her muzzle so that she could grip the thorn in her teeth and gave her head a quick jerk, dislodging the offending bramble. Quickly spitting it out before it could cut her own mouth she grabbed a herb from her pile and awkwardly pressed it's roots to the offending area. It wasn't probably going to be much help now but hopefully it'd help with the pain some...

“Doesn't look like this one is going to be too much of an issue now... still I wish I had something for infections.” She sighed and shook her head. “I'll just do a quick check over to make sure that wasn't the only one, you just let me know when you're ready and we can move onto your legs.”


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



8 Years
08-18-2016, 10:42 AM

The situation was more than a bit awkward, she had to admit. But she was still really glad Luck had come to her aid. She wasn't sure how she would have gotten that thorn out otherwise. She got as comfortable as she could, smiling in apology at the healer as she neared her rump. Her cream colored tail was tucked securely between her legs, in an attempt to make the whole experience a little less weird. But she still felt her face flushing as Luck nosed around her rump, searching for the bramble. To distract herself, Solveiga went to work on her own paws, removing a few small thorns with her teeth. There were two in her left paw pad, and a particularly nasty one between the toes in her right. She removed each one carefully and tried not to think about what the other healer was doing. She applied the dandelion to her paws and nodded at Luck as she gave an apology in advance. Then, with one sharp movement, the thorn was out. Solveiga let out a yelp and then sighed a bit in relief as dandelion was applied there as well.

"Thank you, Luck." She laughed shyly. "Don't worry about disinfecting anything, I'm pretty sure I have a bit of trillium left in my alcove," Solveiga said, bending her body to check her back paws for thorns. In the process, she found a pretty bad one just below the joint in her leg.

"I think I'll need help with this one, here," she said softly, gesturing to it with her nose. It was too far back for her to get with her own teeth. If she tried, she would probably tug it sideways and worsen the injury.

"Talk" "You" Think