
Girls Love Girls and Boys



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-16-2016, 10:38 PM

A soft huff left her mouth as she walked along the soft snow. It was thinning the area, and the usually active geyser was currently dormant. The heat from it not showing up as she stood at the edge where the water usually prevented growth. The area had tiny green leaves sprouting about. Giving for a splash of color in the usually white world. As the beast perked her head, eyes alert to her surroundings. She supposed she needed a day out, or maybe just a few hours. To stretch her limbs, that way she wasn't entirely standing still.

Amachi had been slightly restless, but that was an illusion in her own mind. She had never needed much to keep her satisfied. Her life was floating along just how she would have expected it honestly. Nothing was too big of drama, not that she considered at least. As she shut her eyes for a split second only to open them again. A long sigh escaped her throat, as she looked towards the sky. Wondering what they thought of her now.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years

08-17-2016, 02:24 AM
Ehrgeiz was chuckling to himself - his shoulders rolled as he prowled along, his head low. He was starting to feel rather sneaky. He'd gotten away from the S.S. Antiox again, and he was enjoying this scarce freedom. He knew he couldn't be gone long, lest he cause Sabine to think he was trying to run away. She'd certainly track him down just to rip his hide off. But for now, he wandered, finding himself on the other side of the North in a peculiar territory. It seemed to him that there should be quite a bit more growth in this area, but it was rather bland. The melting snow was just barely speckled in green. Why? He shrugged, not knowing the answer, and not really caring if the answer wasn't right in front of him.

In the distance he saw a large wolf, very large, with a mottled dark gray coat, and red markings. He frozen in place for a moment, his hackles prickling. That wasn't Sabine, was it? No, there was something different about the way this wolf was moving. His master relied on her other senses, and after spending so much time around her, he knew the way she moved to compensate for her eyesight; it was subtle, but he had observed her for a long time now. This wolf was definitely somebody else, and as he continued to draw closer, it became more and more obvious. The wolf was a female, but she was gigantic. Even bigger than Sabine! Was this even possible?

Why are all the women on this continent so huge? he wondered to himself, There must be some sort of Amazon pack out there... where else would they all come from? His one good eye narrowed as he came within 20ft. of the massive woman. Having been isolated for so long, he didn't even know where to begin a conversation. Besides, the last time he'd talked shit to a big Amazon lady, he'd gotten severely beaten and lost his freedom. Since he didn't have anything nice to say, he chose not to open his mouth, and instead of staring at her awkwardly, he looked to the environment, though with little interest in the terrain.



6 Years

08-17-2016, 05:22 AM

Faite trotted along with an ease that came naturally to her now. Her typically laid back posture hadn't changed as she meandered through the north. Muscles ached with a now familiar pain that she'd grown to enjoy and love. The north had such a more preferable terrain compared to back at home in the west. She loved her home, but she longed for something a bit more new and pleasing to the eyes and her trek to the north was not in vain. Already she was loving the coldness of the air and the slight chill that still lingered. Everything was still unnaturally warm, but it wasn't as hot as the west and she wouldn't complain.

She had no idea where she was going considering she'd never been up this far before. The trip here hadn't been too bad, but she wasn't exactly looking forward to going home yet. Her thoughts still lingered on Surreal and all the demotions Regulus had dished out at the meeting and she was enjoying the time to herself before she was to return to the responsibilities. She'd taken up Creed's mantle with a fair amount of happiness, but the worry that settled in her gut was uncomfortable to say the least. She just wanted everything to be okay.

Her adventure was a distraction to say the least. A well needed one she might add. Her paws had led her to a rather interesting sort of land. She'd never seen a geyser before, though it seemed this wouldn't change as he approached. Instead her gaze met two other wolves. One was a fairly large man, about Creed's height, covered in ivory and obsidian. She looked him over curiously before her gaze shifted to an amazingly massive female. She stood taller than Regulus and had the most interesting markings she'd ever seen on a wolf. She found herself stopping in her tracks and just staring at her. She hadn't been aware wolves that big existed and yet here one stood. She finally composed herself and glanced between the two wolves. It was unnaturally quiet and she briefly wondered why no one was talking. Oh well, she'd take up that role then.

"Hello!" She called out pleasantly to the both of them.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-17-2016, 08:16 AM

A male would approach her and Amachi wouldn't have expected to be greeted by such a stranger. At first she expected to be greeted by words, but it was met with an eerie silence as she blinked. Simply returning her own silent gaze off towards the smaller male. Amachi noticed how he tried to look elsewhere after sitting there for a moment with his blank stare. She wasn't sure how to react to it and his scent hit her. It was mingled with that of another wolf, and immensely though that she could slightly tell that he spend a fair amount of time around her. A mate perhaps, either that or a master. She was no stranger to those type of things. For a single moment her brain debated saying something. It was soon interrupted by another wolf, a female greeting and breaking the silence with a simple hello.

She scented of Celestial. Her information about the pack was vague, other than Avalon having family there. The tiny female seemed friendly enough, as Amachi's ears perked forward. "Hi... my name is Amachi." Amachi said, though she was obviously awkward even for a beast her size. She already felt uncomfortable with two wolves around. Earlier she and the male probably would have been left with just a starring match, or maybe a who spoke first. Her gray eyes turned to the male, and in turn she would wait and see if the either of them would speak their names.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years

08-17-2016, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2016, 06:19 PM by Ehrgeiz.)
He sighed as they stood there in awkward, eerie silence. He wasn't really sure why he'd come here. Or why he'd approached the massive woman at all, since he clearly had nothing to say, and didn't really intend on offering any sort of conversation. He supposed, though, that it was just something different to do, something new, a breath of fresh air away from captivity. She seemed to eye him a bit, taking in his scent, and warily he would eye her as well with his one good eye. As his nose twitched, he became aware that she carried a pack scent on her coat, though he had no idea which one she came from. Hell, he really didn't know the names of any of the packs. He'd been stuck with Sabine for so long now, he really knew nothing of the world at large.

Before either of them could break the silence, and before it could carry on any longer, another wolf would approach them. She was a smaller female - she actually looked like a woman to him, petite and with slender features, unlike the brutish women he'd become used to seeing. Her voice rang out in a simple, pleasant greeting. Typical, bubbly female. He wondered if she was any smarter than the rest of them. His ears folded back as he glanced to Amachi as she introduced herself, before turning his singular blue orb back to the newest arrival. "You seem cheery," Ehrgeiz grumbled, the best he could come up with for a greeting, although for once he was lacking in his usual hostile or sarcrastic tone.

"I'm Ehrgeiz," he said, having not uttered his own name in seasons, it felt strange upon his tongue. Awkward and unsure of how to have any sort of conversation, he turned away from the women and began to sniff the ground. Although not very interested in the geyser, he supposed he might as well check it out. He'd come all this way, he might as well try to learn something new. So his nose led him to the strange opening in the ground, noticing the warmth that brewed beneath the surface, and the strange sulfury smell rising. However disinterested he looked, he kept an ear tilted toward the other two wolves, not sure how he felt, but he supposed he was glad for the chance to be out and about.



6 Years

08-19-2016, 02:00 AM

Her gaze would flicker between the both of them as she studied each wolf. More often than not she'd find herself eyeing the large woman and she'd tell herself she needed to stop. Staring was impolite and yet she was doing it anyways. It was so odd for her to see a wolf that big. She wasn't much bigger than Regulus, and yet the fact she was bigger than Regulus was still impressive. How did she fare in fighting? What if she wasn't a fighter? That thought was amusing to the woman. A healer that big who didn't use muscles - now THAT would be funny.

She'd introduce herself and Faite nodded politely to her. Her gaze would flicker to the male and she'd let her rump fall slowly to the ground. She felt comfortable enough in their presence and neither of them seemed hostile so she was okay with relaxing. The male would greet her next, in a way that she hadn't expected, so she chuckled softly.

"Should I walk around being grumpy instead?" She'd joke lightly with a soft grin that suggested she was teasing.

He introduced himself next though and she mused over his name. It was an odd, one, but not totally unlikable all the same. Just different. "I'm Faite." She'd answer them both while she stared at the male for a moment. He began sniffing at something and her gaze would shift towards the hole in the ground. It had her full attention now and she'd stare at it for a moment before asking, "what is it?" She'd question them both. The north's territories were unknown to her and she as unaware of the land marks and strange things it contained.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-19-2016, 02:11 AM

Amachi was lucky she wasn't easily offended. So this male's attitude didn't bother her one bit. As soon as Faite sat, then Amachi did the same. Her tail curling around her side, she was observant enough to notice the small woman staring at her every now and again. Something that she was used to, and for once she kind of missed that attention. Usually - she got a quick 'oh my' and it was quickly gotten over. So Amachi didn't blame the girl for getting facinated over her otherwise "cursed" coat and markings as well as her size. As far as she knew, there was only Caia and another who were this height. She had been blessed to see them.

Faite would then ask a question. "A geyser, usually during the winter it's active and in which it isn't safe to be near it. Yet right now in the summer it's safe to get closer." Amachi would answer her question. Hopefully to provide some sort of useful information. "I'm from Ivalice who currently reside in the sparse pines and northern mines... I take it you're from Celestial Faite? I don't know much about it." how could she. She only knew of Avalon's relative, and even then Celestial was all the way on the other side of the continent. Almost quiet literally a worlds away from Ivalice.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years

08-21-2016, 06:10 PM
The slinking male, his tail low but curved upward at the end, eyed Faite as she spoke in a teasing tone. Obviously she was drawing attention to his lack of interest, his skulking attitude. He merely chuckled in response to her words, shaking his head as he went back to looking at the geyser hole. Oh, she had no idea how cranky he could be. And she had no idea how he kind of would have liked to see her frown or grump around. What was the purpose in being happy and cheerful all the time? That wasn't reality. In fact, the rose-colored lenses through which she viewed the world might paint over the dark and dangerous things that were out there on the prowl. She ought to have a little more caution, he mused to himself as he watched her sit down. Not all dangerous things were outright hostile at first glance.

He flicked an ear when he heard her question about the hole in the ground he was busying himself investigating. He had no idea what it was, so he had no answer for her. But luckily, the other woman seemed to know, and made use of herself answering in his place. He pulled his head away from the geyser, giving it a look of disgust as he discovered that there were times it could be dangerous. And that, in his own mind, was enough proof for him that things were not always what they appeared. He stepped away from the hole, unsure of exactly how much this woman knew about geysers; was she absolutely sure they didn't become active during seasons other than winter? He wasn't even sure what 'active' meant in regards to a geyser, but he didn't like the sound of it.

No longer interested in the geyser, he meandered back to the little feminine gathering, his head and tail carried low, as always. Just in time to hear the beginnings of chit-chat about who resided where. Did he have anything to add to that? No, not really. He'd merely listen for a moment, taking in their scents again as he put names to the pack scents they both carried. Ivalice and Celestial. So one of these packs lived fairly close by to where he'd been lingering. He didn't know if he could really call it home, but the darkness of the ship he'd been dragged to had become comforting to curl up in. For now, he supposed, until his master decided she was bored again.

With a sigh, he flopped down comfortably within conversational distance from the two ladies. It wasn't that he wasn't cautious of either of them. He just didn't really care what happened to him. With a raised brow, he looked to Amachi. "So, you're from the north as well," he muttered - it was sort of a question, but with no inflection in his tone of voice to indicate it; he wasn't sure he really cared to know more, but here he was, jabbering away anyways. "I've been staying with my master in the S.S. Antiox," he added, black-tipped tail flicking just once against the ground, "Just out for some fresh air." He supposed it was a little odd that he was now across the North on his own, his master nowhere in sight, but she'd been gone a few days, so he'd taken his chances and gone for a stroll... maybe she wouldn't notice he'd been out, but he'd be sure to check in soon to see if she had returned.



6 Years

08-21-2016, 10:55 PM

She would glance towards the hole as Amachi so graciously explained to her that it was a geyser. She'd never seen one before but the fact that it was only dangerous in the winter intrigued her. Nothing back home was anything like this geyser and she was a little jealous. The north seemed to be filled with all sorts of interesting land marks and fun things to see. Her gaze would shift back to the geyser and she almost asked what it did to make it so dangerous.


Amachi didn't give her much speaking room and explained she was from Ivalice. Ears perked up then as she stared at the woman. Hmm. She hadn't met any Ivalice wolves yet but the strangely marked behemoth didn't seem so bad. She might have to come to the north more often. She liked meeting strangers and familiarizing herself with the packs was also going to be a fun task for the newly appointed Right Wing.

Ehergeiz would speak first and her brain mulled over his words. Master? So he was a slave? Her nose wrinkled at that. She didn't know what he'd done to become a prisoner but he didn't seem like an awful guy. She didn't say anything about it though and instead would nod towards Amachi.

"I'm Celestial's secondary alpha. It's a lot like most packs really. Good morals, lawful good, and really really hot." She grinned. if Amachi lived here in the north she doubted the large woman would appreciate the sweltering heat of the summer.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2016, 06:01 AM

The beast looked to the man as he spoke. So he had a master, not that she was one to judge. There was few and far between in her life when it came to slaves. Some who couldn't keep their freedom, and others who would freely give it up. Amachi didn't blame a few of them, abuse or not as a slave you didn't have to make your own decisions. Everything was decided for you - but she wouldn't wish that life upon herself. "What's your masters name?" she asked politely. If he wished to keep it hidden then that was fine. It was her own curiosity getting into the mix really. As her attention then turned towards Faite.

Saying a pack was like most packs was an understatement. Each and every kingdom had it's own set of rules and customs. Celestials just seemed to be on the brighter side of that statement. Though there was nothing else to be said about the subject the giant supposed. "I see, what are you doing here all the way in the north Faite?" Amachi asked. That way the conversation possibly could flow between the three of them. Though she was no expert in small talk - hopefully she wasn't doing too horribly.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]