
Love is not a choice



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-18-2016, 01:23 AM

It was time she started to warm up those rusting muscles of hers. If she didn't know any better, she would have figured it was the same color as her red now. As the beast stepped onto the battlefield, she would already figuratively be tasting blood in her mouth. As she stood there, the wolf of Ivalice would open her jaws in a song of battle. Calling for an opponent that would ease this ache in her heart and chest. As her tail settled to be still leveled with her spine she would wait for the wolf who she called to show up.

Spectators were also welcome of course, Amachi was not one to pay attention to such things. After all, if the changes that Avalon spoke of were true. She of all wolves wanted to prove her worth, for once in a blue moon she chose her leader. That was a independent woman who had a lot going for her. The beast wouldn't let her size go to waste after all.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]

Mercy I


5 Years

08-21-2016, 04:56 PM

It was about time that she get out there and stretch her legs a bit. It had been quite awhile since she had been in a real battle, and she was itching to sink her teeth into someone. So Mercy walked around the battlefield, her purple eyes narrowed as she scoped out an opponent. It didn't take long for her to hear the howl of someone looking for a partner, and the pale dame happily skipped over. When she got closer, she paused when she saw the woman who called. She looked familiar... but how did she know her? Walking up with confusion written in her face, she eyed the massive woman closer. And then, at last, it clicked. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth making a little 'o' shape. "Oh hey, it's you!" she barked, a smile spreading on her lips. She had been in that three versus three battle that they had ages ago, back when Sin was still alive. "Care for a rematch? I promise I don't have any friends at my side this time," Mercy teased, excitement already growing. She wasn't able to catch the giants name last time, but she wasn't one who really needed to know her opponents name. Inclining her head, she directed the other move to the larger creature, still standing about three feet away from her.

Round 0 of 2/3?


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-24-2016, 10:44 AM

ooc: Probably shouldn't post this at 10 am with no sleep but here! Got any questions just ask and I'd like to keep the default at 3 days ^^.

Amachi would watch as the white female appeared, it was a bit of a surprise. That was when her mental state had been at a low, she was absent from many fights or just not at the top of her game. It'd be nice to have a one on one though, as Mercy said she didn't have to worry about chaos. Just good old honing her skills, whether she lost or not it didn't matter. The behemoth would just have to do her best.

The beast would set her defenses in an instant. Her ears went to pull to the back of her head, eyes narrowing to slits to protect them. Her teeth revealed themselves as she bared them, pulling the skin back against her face to tighten those muscles and perhaps protect her nose. As her paws spread evenly she would distribute her weight on all four of her limbs. Tail coming to be level with her spine her knees bent at the joints to make sure she would be able to absorb damage and move within a seconds notice. Her shoulders rolled inward and the woman's hackles raised themselves to make herself appear bigger. She scrunched up her scruff, to make it difficult for Mercy to take a hold if she so tried. Amachi's toes spread into the terrain, digging her nails into the dirt for traction. She may have fought with mercy before, but this was different.

Amachi would then attempt to close the small amount of distance between them. Pushing on her back legs she attempted to spring forward to quickly (assuming they are facing right across from each other) close the three feet of space. In that moment of time her chin tucked to her chest to protect her throat from potential assault and she jutted her right shoulder out pushing her weight into it. Hoping to collide it with Mercy's left shoulder where the blade met her chest. If possible to either dislocate it or cause extreme comfort.

Amachi would keep her toes spread onto the terrain, eyes narrowed towards the female. She raised her left foreleg and attempted to bring it slamming down on Mercy's right paw. With every intention to cause pain. With that finally her jaws opened and Amachi tilted her own head to her left would aim towards the bridge of the woman's nose. Aiming her upper jaw towards Mercy's right side of her muzzle and the bottom to Mercy's left. Her tail would shuffle to the right to keep her balance - shoulders rolled inward and hackles raised. Ready to spring into action, her abdomen muscles tightened her body becoming more compact and able to absorb attacks.

1/3 for spar

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]

Mercy I


5 Years

08-27-2016, 04:23 PM

The giant female didn't greet her with any words, nor respond to her comment. She merely got right into the fight, which made a large smile spread over Mercy's lips. This was the kind of battle that she liked! Quickly she dropped into the very familiar fighting stance, her legs set an equal distance apart and each limb was bent slightly. Her toes spread and her claws slid into the ground for more traction, her lips curling up as she snarled at the familiar female. Her ears were flat against her head, her purple eyes narrowed into little slits. Her hackles rose with ease, her blood pumping faster in her veins as the adrenaline started to flow. Mercy's shoulders rolled forward as her head and tail aligned with her spine, her chin tucking in towards her chest. Her opponent was 7 inches taller than she was, but thanks to Imperium, Mercy was experienced with fighting taller wolves. She missed the days that she used to stand taller than everyone else, but apparently this place bred giants.

The pale woman watched carefully as Amachi charged forward, only a small space separating them. Taking a rather large risk, Mercy stayed where she was standing. She jutted out her own left shoulder as Amachi aimed for it with her right shoulder, aiming to slam it right against the oncoming blade. Mercy was hoping for the front of both of their shoulders to collide, taking the moderate bruise that spread across the front of hers in hope for retaliating some damage of her own.* The pale woman stayed stock still though, simply absorbing the damage and moving on. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her opponent raise her left front leg, she slid her own right front leg two inches to her right, avoiding the paw that came smashing down right beside it. Her paw never left the earth, but she took another risk in offsetting her stance, her front legs now slightly wider than her back. Seeking to adjust this, she rose her right front leg and tried to align it with the front of Amachi's left front paw and slamming her own right forepaw on top of it. This would bring her stance back to normal, as well as hopefully cause some bruising to the woman's foot. Mercy's weight shifted towards her left, hoping to keep herself balanced while her one leg was off the ground.

The smaller woman was clever, and she was going to try and stop this woman from causing her any harm. Seemingly already one step ahead of her, Mercy's jaws parted as her head tipped upwards. She was displaying her neck, but it was all for, hopefully, a big gain. As Amachi's jaws aimed for her snout, she attempted to interrupt her path. Mercy attempted to wrap her jaws around Amachi's, hoping that because she was aiming to bite that they wouldn't be at their largest reach. She aimed for her top jaw to latch onto the top of the bridge of her (Amachi's) nose, about two inches up from her nose. Her bottom jaw aimed for the underside of the striped woman's jaw, also about two inches in from the tip of the jaw. Mercy was hoping to gain a solid grip, as well as enclose Amachi's nose within her mouth and cut off her air source. This would also prevent the larger woman from biting her, and hopefully giving her full control of her head. Maybe if she could hold on long enough with her jaws forced shut, she would just pass the fuck out.

Round 1 of 3

*{Counter of sorts? More of a redirection of damage from where Amachi originally aimed}

Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2016, 05:43 AM

Amachi set her ears against her skull, eyes only slits as the fight continued. Adrenaline travelled through her system and the warrior was as it again. Her teeth bared the skin around her face was pulled back tightly. Protecting her face from bites and other things as her toes spread into the terrain. Her tail level with her spine and shoulders rolled inward, her balance was key. As her left paw seemed to miss it’s mark Mercy would attempt the same thing the large giant would take her own left paw and slide it back a few inches to avoid any harm. A game of stepping on toes was wonderful and fun but she had other plans. Her hackles still rose and her scruff rolled forward the white shorter female aimed for Amachi’s jaw as well.

Amachi decided to abort her plan, slamming her jaws shut she used her previously moved left paw now a few inches under her to try and slide back a few inches by pushing on her front limbs to push herself backwards. Using her back legs, Amachi attempted to read up on her hind legs. Tucking her chin to her chest as her front legs aimed to wrap around Mercy’s shoulders. Her jaws opened and aimed directly towards the back of Mercy’s head, upper jaw towards Mercy’s right side of her head just behind the ears. Her lower to the left side or middle. Amachi’s goal was to gain control of the smaller woman’s head and possibly push her into the dirt. The woman’s abdomen muscles tightened then, should Mercy decide to attack her stomach the muscles contraction would protect her organs on the inside of her body. Her eyes remained slits and her back toes spread into the terrain for more traction as well.

2/3 for spar the right to give mercy a kiss

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]

Mercy I


5 Years

08-31-2016, 04:54 PM

What was it with taller wolves and always rearing up on her? She wasn't that small! Mercy growled when her paw slam missed, but quickly grounded her leg and shifted her balance to be placed evenly across all of her limbs. Her legs bent slightly as she waited for the larger female to react, an impatient gleam in her eye. She was ready to spill blood, and it just wasn't checking out for her. Her opponent reared up, and her jaws slammed shut on nothing but air. Without much time left to react, Mercy felt the woman's legs wrap around her neck, holding her in place. The pale woman let out a mighty roar, she sought to retaliate quickly. Tipping her head upwards, Mercy attempted to once more intercept the larger woman's jaws. To reach, she attempted to slightly rear upwards herself, only aiming to hover about a foot off of the ground. Her weight shifted once more, spreading evenly across her two hind limbs. Her own head twisted quickly towards her right, her upper jaw seeking to grasp onto the left side of Amachi's face, right where the base of her muzzle met her cheeks, her lower jaw for the same positioning, just on the left side of the striped woman's jaw. Mercy was hoping to gain a solid grip on her face, stopping the other woman from achieving the bite she wished.

There wasn't much else that Mercy could do in this position, with the other woman's legs around her she was pretty much stuck. Growling at this, she attempted to at least solidify her positioning, trying to wrap her legs around Amachi's front limbs. Her own front right leg attempted to wrap around Amachi's front left leg, her ankle trying to wrap around the taller woman's ankle. Mercy tried to do the same with her left front leg, trying to wrap her front left ankle around Amachi's front right leg around the elbow. Hopefully this would aid in her balance, as well as achieving hopefully some sort of grip on the other. Because of their close position, a slam against her opponents chest would do nothing but upset her precarious balance, so she left it alone. She instead focused on keeping her defenses in check and taking as little damage as she could. Her tail tucked inwards, protected her exposed underside somewhat. Her hind grounded limbs were bent slightly, the toes spread and her claws dug into the ground for traction. Her ears remained pinned against her head, her purple eyes narrowed into slits. Mercy's hackles were still raised, her muscles tense across her entire body. Rolled shoulders were useless in a position like this, and because of her aimed bite she could not tuck her chin close to her neck, once again exposing a weak point. She cursed herself, but at least tried to keep her head as inline with her spine as she could. Her lips also curled upwards, bunching up around her eyes and further protecting them. She wasn't going to go down easily.

Round 2 of 3


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-03-2016, 02:31 PM

Amachi would feel Mercy come up to meet her, the white woman aiming to bite her left cheek where her jaw connected with her cheek. The white woman got her way in thwarting Amachi’s attack, as Amachi would tug her head to her right her jaws missing their mark aiming towards Mercy’s right cheek instead right below her eye. The white woman’s teeth would sink into her left cheek just below her eyes. Leaving a moderate wound not even a half inch with fur being pulled away. Amachi had her eye narrowed to protect them, lips pulled back with her teeth bared to scrunch up the muscles over her teeth. Ears pinned to the back of her head and her hackles raised. A the white woman’s arms hooked around her Amachi would try to solidify her position the same. Her back toes spread, back legs evenly apart for balance as her tail tucked to protect her abdomen and her abdomen muscles tighten for more balance and protection.

Amachi then would try to go for Mercy’s left ear with her jaws with the frustration of her previous plan gone. Her head tilted to the right her jaws would aim to bite down on that side of her head - her attempt to get a purchase. Her scruff scrunched forward to protect her vitals as well as she attempted to keep them in close proximity to protect her face. There wasn’t much else to do in this position, so Amachi attempted to lean forward slightly. Her right back leg trying to scoot a few inches forward for more balance as she attempted to put pressure on the lighter and smaller female. Maybe if she was lucky she would fall.

3/3 for spar the right to give mercy a kiss

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]

Mercy I


5 Years

09-06-2016, 12:11 AM

Mercy did an internal happy dance when her teeth locked into the giant's left cheek, very close to her silver eyes. Aiming to keep this bite, the pale woman tried to chomp down harder and furiously shake her head back and forth, her aim was to tear deeper into the skin and do as much damage as possible. It wasn't the exact spot that she wanted, but she would take it. Her front limbs were also successful in wrapping around Amachi's own front legs, holding Mercy more securely in place. There was one downfall to all of this though, because Mercy did not let go of her achieved bite, there was no dodging the giant's jaws this time. The pale woman felt a sharp sting when her opponents teeth latched on the left side of her face. Amachi's top jaw got a purchase just shy of her left ear, slightly towards her forehead, while her lower jaw bit below her left ear, more towards her cheek. She was lucky that she didn't pierce the sensitive appendage, moderate wounds forming on either side of her ear. Blood dripped down the side of Mercy's face, staining her white coat with bright crimson. Without much else left locked in this upper body battle, the smaller woman focused on keeping herself up on her hind limbs. Her weight spread evenly against her two grounded back limbs, knees bending ever so slightly as her tail flagged out parallel against the ground, aiding in her balance. Her back toes spread as her claws dug into the earth, Mercy's shoulders rolled forward and hoped to at least apply a bit of pressure into Amachi's chest. Her ears were pinned flat against her skull, one trapped inside her opponents mouth, and her purple eyes were narrowed. All of her muscles were taunt in keeping her upwards, her hackles still raised and her head trying to align with her spine as best as she could. There was no hope in tucking her chin into her chest, but she tried it nonetheless, trying to keep herself as compact and protected as she could.

Round 3 of 3


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

The Judge


03-05-2017, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2017, 03:56 PM by The Judge.)
Amachi vs Mercy for Spar




8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • -2 I didn't see anything to indicate that they were 3 feet apart or any note that this distance was agreed on.
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • -2 how is Amachi bringing her foreleg down on Mercy's paw? Is she sort of bending down?  Did she lunge?  -2 What part of the foreleg is she using to try and hit Mercy's paw? There's a good foot or so of space it could affect the force she applies.
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • -1 make sure to rebalance your weight when lifting a limb
  • Damage
6/10 for Attacks:
  • +1 shoulder throw +1 maim attempt
  • +1 …foreleg hit?
  • +3 Bite to muzzle
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • none


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice/Fighter
  • +1 Beginner/Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Amachi’s round one total: 42/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • -2 how is she redirecting damage from Amachi's attack if she's just standing there?  Is she leaning or something?
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
6/10 for Attacks:
  • +1… shoulder out? xD
  • +1 paw slam
  • +3 bite +1 grip
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • Severe bruising to left shoulder


6/12 for Experience:
  • +5 Expert/Fighting
  • +1 Beginner/Hunting
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • Loner
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Mercy’s round one total: 45/62




6/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • -2 what happened with Mercy's bite attempt?  You need to address it even if you mean for her to miss completely
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • -2 it seems like a lot of movement to me for Amachi to charge and in the short span of 3 feet manage to rear up in time to avoid the bite
  • Realism
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • -2 how has her movement displaced Mercy's attack?  with her arms around Mercy's neck she's still easily in biting range.
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • General
6/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 arm wrap
  • +3 bite +1 grip
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • list injuries (even first round, deductions beginning second)


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice/Fighter
  • +1 Beginner/Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Amachi’s round two total: 43/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
10/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • General
6/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 bite +1 grip
  • +2 forelimb wrap
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • Severe bruising to left shoulder


6/12 for Experience:
  • +5 Expert/Fighting
  • +1 Beginner/Hunting
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • Loner
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Mercy’s round two total: 51/62




8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • -2  you have a jaw attack for Mercy's right cheek then another for her ear
  • Realism
10/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • General
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 bite +1 grip
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
8/10 for Injuries:
  • -2 moderate bite to left cheek


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice/Fighter
  • +1 Beginner/Intellectual
5/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Amachi’s round three total: 43/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
10/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • General
7/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 bite +1 grip +1 worsening damage
  • +2 forelimb wrap
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
8/10 for Injuries:
  • Severe bruising to left shoulder
  • -2 moderate bite to right side of face


6/12 for Experience:
  • +5 Expert/Fighting
  • +1 Beginner/Hunting
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • Loner
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

Mercy’s round two total: 50/62


AMACHI: 128/186
MERCY: 146/186

And the winner is...

MERCY! AMACHI must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.

Damage:  (too old to worry about healing times really, sorry about that)

  • -2 moderate bite to left cheek
  • Severe bruising to left shoulder
  • -2 moderate bite to right side of face

- By Lunarcat7