
Started Out Clean But I'm Jaded [AW]



4 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 08:55 PM

Karabela sniffed lightly at the entrance to the strange metal cave.  The rusting minerals gave off a strange scent but it was earthy enough not to put Raba completely off, although the staightness of the walls was another matter.  She'd never seen a cave with such smooth walls.  What the heck was this thing?  Carefully, she stepped through the entrance and into the interior darkness her claws clicking along the metal as she walked despite her caution.  Ok, this place was spooky.  Sound echoed strangely around her and while part of her wanted to turn back she kept going.  No spooky-ass cave was going to rule her.  Not when she had still had so much to prove to the world and to herself and to… her mother.

Turning a corner Karabela found herself in some weird sort of room with shelves lining along the walls and all sorts of junk laying everywhere.  Well now, this stuff was interesting… knocking a few tins to the floor she watched them roll, head tilting to the side.  Strange rocks…. that rolled.  She would call them Rolks.  Grinning she started rummaging through containers to see what else she could get into.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

Mercy I


5 Years

08-21-2016, 04:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 04:42 PM by Mercy I.)

Mercy could hardly stay in one spot for too long. She was growing bored of the south and all the memories there, so she went off to explore the north. It was odd, since she was so used to it being covered in snow and ice. But it seemed that the extreme heat of the sun reached even hear, making it look like a bit of a waste land. The grass that had been trapped for so long under all the snow had begun to rot, the stench of it coating her nostrils. It was hard for her to pick out any other scent, and letting out a huff she gave up counting on her sniffer setting her straight. So she simply wandered around until she found a large, strange looking bolder up ahead. Her ears perked, head tilting to the side as she took careful steps towards it. Her hackles rose slightly, she was on edge without the ability to pull much off of the ground, scent wise. She could see another set of paw prints leading to an opening in the strange rock, which made her on her guard.

As soon as she reached the perimeter of the crazy thing, she touched the ramp with slight hesitation. Just as her pad brushed against it, a loud crashing came from inside. Mercy jumped up and backwards, her hackles fully on end. She wasn't usually one to be startled like that, but this was a whole new experience to her. At least she didn't cry out like a child. Shaking her head, she walked up the ramp and into the belly of the rock thing. It was cold on her paws, which really threw her off. What the hell was this thing? Sniffing with a lot of force, she could finally pick up things other than dead grass. That is when the scent of the strange wolf hit her right in the face. It was her. The stupid bitch who jumped in on her fight during the siege. With her lips curling up, she turned a corner and sure enough, there she was. "You." she spat, her hackles fully on end for a whole other reason now.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
09-01-2016, 08:52 PM

So many goodies! Her tail was wagging happily as she pulled out a few books, chewing thoughtfully on the covers before dropping them on the floor and digging out more jars. She wondered if Peregrine would like any of these? Of course how was she going to transport them? Karabela seized one in her jaws and wrinkled her nose. If she she had a rabbit skin or something of that nature she could carry more than one but alas she had no such item on her person. Well surely there was something in this place that she could use…

Sniffing around Karabela grasped the corner of a cardboard box in her teeth and began to tear and shred her way in. It was then she caught the sound of claws on metal. Uh oh, she was not alone. Lifting her head she turned to see an all to familiar pale woman just in time for the other the greet her in not to friendly a manner. Karabela smiled and stepped back from the box, facing Mercy. They'd been packmates in Imperium for such a short while but Raba had a feeling the source of Mercy's disdain for her was clearly when she jumped in to help the pale woman during the siege. That's what friends were for right? Ha! Karabela just wanted to fight as well and it wasn't fair for the Imperium wolves to hog all the glory.

"Hey Mercy, long time no see. Let me guess… you're here to thank me for my timely assistance in the siege right?" She was asking for it, she knew, but it was just to much fun and she felt no shame at all for what she'd done.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

Mercy I


5 Years

09-02-2016, 07:20 PM

She gazed at the chewed up shit at Karabela's paws, her nose wrinkling in distaste. What the fuck was she doing in this odd thing anyways? And of all the wolves that he could have run into, why on earth was it her? She would have taken a dead puppy over this bitch. Deep, deep down inside, she knew that she was probably overreacting with her anger towards this woman. But she didn't care, and she wasn't one to share either. She had finally found someone in that stupid siege to fight and she jumped in! As if she wasn't able to hold her own, this tramp just had to walk up and jump in on it. Greedy little whore. And to top it all off, she was acting all sweet like nothing had ever happened between them. The courage she had, picking on her like this. Mercy's lips curled upwards at her comment, her hackles raised along her spine. "Now why the fuck would I want to do that? You ruined it for me!" she screeched. Okay, so she was acting like a child. But she didn't care, Mercy was not to forget and forgive. This wasn't something that she was ever going to forget. Sure, it had been Abaven's siege, but they called on Imperium and they had pretty much done all the fighting. They had fought it for them, the weak little things couldn't even stick to their guns to chase scary Mr. Sin away. She had won in a fight against him, kind of. But Karabela was in a league of her own.

Her elongated tail flicked behind her in irritation, before curling up and over her back in a dominant posture. She wasn't keen on fighting in the belly of the rock thing, but she wasn't above it. She had been longing to tear into this woman for quite some time now, and she couldn't carry this vendetta forever. Or could she? Probably. It wasn't like she hadn't done it before. Her purple eyes were narrowed, but her unease was still knotting her belly at this thing. Growling, she took a step back, looking around her. "What is this anyways?" she wasn't really asking Raba, not at all. Simply... speaking out loud. Regardless of everything else going on, she had never seen anything like this before and she wanted to know what it was. And how it got here.... and what all this shit was. There was just too much going on, making Mercy stomp her left paw on the cold ground to try and gain some control over them. A hollow sounding bang followed, making her nearly jump, literally. Her eyes grew wide, and she looked at the ground she was standing on. Okay, what the fuck WAS this?


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 11:02 AM

Oh this was beautiful! Karabela continued to grin as she watched the rage bubbling through Mercy's body. Horny old hag. Abaven was leading the siege, Imperium was the back up, so she felt she had every right to dive into that fight and if Mercy didn't want to share she should've got to spar one of her fuckbuddy's instead of getting involved in adult matters like sieges. It amused her that Mercy behaved more like a spoiled child than she did even though the other woman was almost twice her age. "Oh please. I saved you from getting your ass beat and you know it or at the very least stopped you from walking away with yet another set of scars. You're going to run out of room if you keep on like that." Karabela's toes splayed, claws clicking on the metal floor, hackles raised and ears pinned. Mercy was unpredictable and Raba couldn't be sure if the other woman would attack her or not but either way she would be ready.

"As I said last time. Abaven was leading that siege so like hell I was going to let you go and have all the fun. Besides you were the one bitching about us not doing our part and then when we get involved you bitch some more. That's all you do Mercy, bitch and complain over every little slight." Her golden gaze narrowed, watching Mercy's form intently. She wanted to fight this woman and she didn't care when or where though it was most inconvenient when she was in the middle of exploration. Mercy asked an innocent enough question but Karabela would not drop her guard… not yet.

"I don't know… some kind of weird human cave I think." She refrained from saying more, still wary of Mercy's intent. Were they just going to drop this? Were they going to fight? Was a deal to be bartered here?


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

Mercy I


5 Years

09-18-2016, 01:35 AM

This bitch was just getting more and more on her nerves. No matter what she said, she just stood there and smiled at her. It was infuriating! When she talked about saving her, a vicious snarl ripped from her throat. "I was doing just fine on my own until you jumped your skinny ass right in there. I would have beaten him without you!" she snarled. All she did was get in the way, anyways. Plus it sullied her name, who would double team someone like that? Not that she often fought fair but... that wasn't her point. "And my scars are only proof of the fights I have been in. You could just be a little wannabe faker, there is no way you got out of every fight unscathed," she stated with her lips curled upwards. Sometimes, you had to take some damage to get the upper paw on your opponent. Plus, the only really big one was the one on her back, the rest of them were all hidden under her pale fur. She narrowed her eyes at the other woman, she didn't see one little fleck of misplaced fur. She was far too perfect to be a good fighter. It had been Mercy who carried the fight, not Raba.

She just growled the more that Karabela spoke, taking two steps towards the darker woman. Her head was low and her ears flat against her skull, her head sitting aligned with her spine. She was walking down a dangerous path, and she fuckin' knew it too. "You don't know me," she said in a dangerous voice, her legs spread an equal distance apart. She did not want to fight in this strange ass cave thing, but if she kept speaking this way she would have no option. But this snooty little cow didn't know anything about her, she had no idea what she was dealing with. Her past, her actions, she had no idea. It pissed her off that she tried to act like she knew her since she was a pup. But she was wrong, so very wrong. Another growl left her mouth, her purple eyes narrowed into slits. "And we won that siege for you, you wouldn't have won if Imperium hadn't stepped in," Karabela had been a part of Imperium for a little bit of time, she knew what it was like there. Without the brute strength that they offered, it would have been Abaven that fell.

Raba didn't say much when she asked what they were in, saying that it was a human cave of sorts. Not dropping her aggressive posture, her black brows pulled together. Human? That was a word she hadn't heard since stories when she was a child. It would be the best explanation for it though. She said nothing else, just giving a sharp nod of her head. The whole place made her feel eerie and even more on edge, a very dangerous combo.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
10-01-2016, 01:11 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2016, 01:14 PM by Karabela.)

Outside she could hear the wind slipping into the strange metal cave, echoing eerily off the walls.  One one paw she wanted to keep exploring but she didn't want to constantly have to watch her back with Mercy hanging around.  She kept hoping the old goat would just turn around and leave.  She rolled her eyes at Mercy talking about her scars.  Those scars were only evidence of one thing.  That she got wounded a lot.  Maybe if Mercy was such a good fighter she wouldn't be bearing so many scars.  Karabela scowled at the woman.  "Good!  Let idiots like you think I'm a wannabe faker, you'll find out soon enough how good I am when I have you on the ground begging for…" she grinned, "…mercy?".  There was a delicious irony in a woman named Mercy begging for it after running her fat mouth off.  Besides, Karabela was perfectly fine with her opponents underestimating her.  It gave her the advantage.

"And we won that siege for you, you wouldn't have won if Imperium hadn't stepped in,

"HA!  Typical.  You bitch about us not joining in, then turn around and bitch about it when we do.  And don't act like Imperium didn't want the siege as much as we did.  You were lusting for those battles and we provided them.  If it was such an inconvenience you could've refused to participate."  She was grateful for Valentine and the members that lended their assistance in the siege but she knew how Imperium worked.  She knew there was no way Valentine would have risked his members lives just to do Bass a solid.  He wanted the experience for his members and he wanted the slaves.  The siege was a mutual venture of mutual benefits.

"If you want we can take this outside and settle it once and for all."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

Mercy I


5 Years

10-08-2016, 04:58 PM

Her growl just kept going, and she didn't answer anything that Karabela had said. She was so beyond this now that she just wanted to leave. For once in her life she didn't want to fight, not in this strange thing. When she commented about taking it outside, she just laughed and backed up, not daring to turn her back on her. "Wouldn't you fucking like that. I'd love to tear your pretty little throat out but I have other matters to attend to. You're not worth my time," she snarled. Mercy continued to back up, her narrowed purple eyes never leaving the flecked bitch. There would be a time and a place for them to take this out on each other, but that day was not today. She needed another way to vent out this rage that was bubbling up inside her, and she wanted to be in more of her right might when it came time to fight Raba. There was no way that she was going to lose because her emotions got the best of her again. So she withdrew, for now. This wouldn't be the last time that Karabela would hear from Mercy.

-exit unless stopped-


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2016, 10:19 PM

Karabela watched the play of emotions on Mercy's face, golden eyes keen and sharp. She knew the other woman would love to attack her but for whatever reason the hellion would hesitate. Did she fear Karabela? The Chieftan grinned, amused by the thought of one of Valentine's fiercest warriors being wary of her. Part of her almost wished Valentine was here right now so he could witness this though she wasn't sure what he'd think of seeing her behaving so antagonistically to a former Imperium wolf. Granted she was a former Imperium wolf but she'd run away the second her demons caught up with her. Well… she wasn't running now.

Karabela let out a sharp, mocking laugh as Mercy started to walk away. "Oh Mercy, you're more than welcome to try. But we all know you'd fail…. and that is why you're walking away from me. You're a vulture, pushing and pecking at those weaker than you but when it comes to facing someone stronger suddenly you're nothing but bark." She would wait til the woman was gone before continuing her exploration. She knew this wasn't over and to be honest she couldn't wait until Mercy finally had the lady balls to face her in single combat.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king